Cold and hot smoked halotus, recipes for home

One of the representatives of the cambal family is a halotus, which is also called maritime language. The asymmetry of the skull's asymmetry characteristic of the Falus is present, but it is not as noticeable as, for example,. The body is like an oval, it is flat and stretched along the ridge. Practically over the upper eye begins the dorsal fin and stretches along the whole body. From the opposite side, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest fins, a characteristic bending is marked on the body of the halotus.

The composition includes three known genus:

  1. Belocular halves are listed in the Red Book, they are giants, as they reach 4 meters and more in length. Atlantic halight also applies to them.
  2. The race of the shooting range is represented by Asian and American species, these fish do not grow more than 80, while their mass varies within 3 kg.
  3. Black halibut gave the name of the genus as the only representative, he will be more larger than Asian, and its mass is calculated in tens of kilograms.

The inhabitants of the halotus became the quiet and Atlantic Ocean, but the black halight can be found in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, as well as in the Bering and the Barents seas. Such an area of \u200b\u200bhabitat is associated with an abundance of animal feed, because the halotus is a predator. In addition to the small plankton, he does not mind to enjoy the cod, sand, herring or Mortar. The shape of the body, similar to the body of Cambals, suggests that the halotus is considered to be the bottom fish. In some reservoirs, its activities are carried out at a depth of 700 meters. The average life expectancy of our "Hero" is 25-30 years.

Useful properties of fish meat

Belocular halibut is considered the most expensive fish from the family under consideration. His meat carries exceptional benefits for the body, and not only is famous for an acidic taste. The database of representatives does not carry a commercial nature, as this fish is already on the verge of complete disappearance. Those individuals we encounter on the counter belong to shooting up or syncor representatives. Despite several more accessibility, the halotus is very expensive by the average consumer. But it is good as any dish, and his caviar is sold in the form of a separate snack.

Haltus stands out among other fish extraordinarily white meat. In this case, the taste of its qualities correspond to the colonic status.

Great fat content makes fish very gentlely taste. The liver fat will replenish the supply of vitamin A. compared with the content of fat in the liver of other fish, here it is more than 200 times. Omega-3 acids are a saving miracle for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and oncology. Do not forget about other vitamins, these are groups D, B, E, as well as nicotine and glutamic acid.

With high oily, the caloric content of the halotus per 100 grams is only 140 thousand calories. With such indicators it can be fully considered dietary food. 80% it consists of water. The protein in the meat of the halotus is quite a lot, from the total weight they make up 19%.

The protein does not affect the increase in weight, albeit the building material in the body, he together with fats is absorbed in a short time. The meager proportion of carbohydrates, which is present in the fish, does not even take into account. But the actual benefit for the body is played by trace elements, because they fall into our form.

Perhaps no other product can boast such a set of rather rare and valuable elements, like selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, molybdenum, iodine.

Any fish in large quantities is contraindicated to man. Haltus did not exception. Fish, smoked at home, contains carcinogens, therefore, with caution, it should be used by persons who suffer from a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver. But if you use a product like a snack, you can get a specific aroma, great taste, health benefits and a reason for a feast.

Hot smoking do it yourself

Smoking halibut at home available to everyone who has a private house or cottage. You can consider the variant with liquid smoke, but this process cannot be called smoking. Any smoking is accompanied by the fact that natural smoke passes through the product fibers. It is a good preservative substance, so it relieves the product from the development of microbes in it.

The essence of fish preparation to smoke is that it is processed with salt and spices. But it is salt that removes moisture from the fibers, affecting the structure of fish meat.

By and large, properly salted fish is ready for use, it is easily digested and is harmless. But the salting should be treated with smoke.

It turns out by all the favorite product capable of well stored in the refrigerator. But this applies only to the fish prepared in a cold way. Haltus hot smoked should be used as quickly as possible.

On sale Fish is rarely found in the chilled form. Because of long-term transport, it is necessary to freeze fish so that it does not disappear. Naturally, it does not benefit the preservation of vitamins and changes a little taste. But if you independently prepare smoked delicacy, then you can save money to significantly. In addition, Haltus hot smoked almost not to meet in stores.

To prepare a carcass, you need to step by step to fulfill basic instructions. Fish is quite expensive, and risk with such funds is unlikely to agree. The entire process of cooking is divided into several stages: cutting carcasses, salting and smoking itself.

The first stage will have to skip, as the halotus is sold to the boarded. It is advisable to cut a carcass with strips of 7 cm, since large gabarities of the fish will require an appropriate size from smoking. In addition to the class, such a cutting will shock a few minutes, which will allow to organize holidays in nature and quickly sit down to the table.

The recipe for salting fish is based on dry marinion.

  • A coarse salt is embanked in the appropriate container.
  • Pepper black, red and crushed bay sheet is added to taste.
  • The mixture is rubbed into the slices of the halotus, and the salt should be enough to cover each piece with a layer.
  • Carcs are wrapped with a food film and are placed one day in the refrigerator.
  • Subsequently, the extra salt is cleaned with a towel or a napkin.
  • The collapsible fish is slightly dying to remove moisture. The term of this procedure can be determined by the appearance of pieces. If they began to be serving and filing, then it's time for the halves to start smoking.

Fire in the mangale is divorced in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to control the temperature of the smoke. Some experts advise not to start smoking, while all the firewood does not turn into coal. Sockery or chips are placed in the smoke drawer. It is better to use the chip of alder, as it contains less resin. The smoke temperature reaches 120 ° C degrees.

Under such conditions, fat and juice will be distinguished from the carcas. If they fall into sawdust, there will be an unpleasant smell of Gary. It is recommended to build a tray under the sieve. The solutions themselves are smeared with oil so that the fish is more convenient to shoot.

The process of smoking at high temperatures is not so long. After 25-30 minutes, check the degree of availability of the halotus. The shock lid is open and you can try to tear the fin, it should be easily lagging behind if the dish prepared. After the cooking process came to an end, the fish is recommended to cool. In the cold form it is the most delicious. The resulting delicacy is desirable to eat immediately, as it does not work out for a long time.

Cold smoking

The store sells a halotus in smoked form, this is the so-called cold smoking. Recipes of independent preparation are more in demand and popular.

  • First, the cold smoking halves retains the primordial taste.
  • Secondly, there are more beneficial substances in meat without heat treatment, it remains calorie and nutritious.
  • Thirdly, the shelf life in the refrigerator, the fish, soaked in such a way, reaches several weeks.

A cloth halucas for cold smoking should be as fat as possible. Having revealed and defrosting the fish, you need to measure it. The mixture for marination is made in the following proportions: 20 g of salts are taken on a kilogram of the fish, as well as 5 g of sugar. The resulting dry marinade needs to be carefully launched into each carcass. After that, the halibut is wetted by lemon juice and is stored in the refrigerator 2 days. From time to time it is necessary to mix the fish for a uniform salting. The color of the future dish can be improved with a bowl. In it, fish should be pushed at least half an hour.

Before smoking, you need to dry fish. The smaller the moisture remains in the fibers, the less likely to damage the expensive product. Please note that the halibut attracts not only people, but also insects, so during the drying period will have to ensure inviolability of fish.

Cold smoking will last day. This is the distinguishing feature of the halotus, since another fish can span several days. The smoke device allows you to treat the fish smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed 25 ° C of degrees. The process of smoking can not be interrupted so that the halotus is not spoiled. Especially large pieces can be cut so that the meat is burned throughout the thickness.

Smoked halibut is fed to the table as a snack. As the main dish does not use it because of high fatty. But it is perfectly combined with any dish. Due to the special structure of the fiber of the pulp meat, it does not require a long salt or energy-intensive smoking. The yellowish tint appeared on the fibers, suggests that the fish is time to remove from smoking and send to ventilation. This must be done, otherwise a bitter taste will appear.

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