Hot smoked mackerel recipe

Severed fish, mine, abundantly salt and sprinkle from all sides by spices:

We leave for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator:

After the fish got mastered, wipe it dry with a napkin:

In parallel, ignite the fire:

We pour some water into any kind:

and we pour out there previously purchased, or a maniac manual hand-held (since it is still to take a manual wood in the required quantity))) chips or chip. In this case, the store was apple, but it is better to use Olkhov.

After the chips of the wet, pour it out (without water, the stump is clear) on the bottom of the smokehouse and distribute a smooth layer:

We put the first lattice and grate it to the foil so that it is under our fish, and on the edges there were peres for smoke. Fat will be dragged on foil:

We put the second lattice, and so that the fish is not burned to it, we put the leaves on top (in our case it is a currant), and the abdomen of the Skumbrievich is cut by sticks:

We close the whole design and put on a strong fire:

After some time, the smoke tramples from all the gaps. It's good! The main thing is that it is not yellow - this is a sign that the chip began to burn, while it should smooth, source and odorous smoke. After 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to open the smokehouse a little to keep it.

ATTENTION!!! Do it extremely carefully, since the sharp influx of oxygen can cause a flash of chips.

Our smoke lid swollen and it is convenient to open it on a little bit, not giving air sharply penetrate inside:

Inspect our scumbers. Good!

Close again and we reduce the fire under the smokehouse. Here for this regulation we needed the coals that I added to the firewood. With their help, it is very convenient to control the temperature, pulling out or, on the contrary, adding under the smokehouse:

We are waiting for 15 minutes and open:

Ready! Enjoy your appetite (do not eat skirt - it is bitter and carcinogenic)!

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