Cold smoked mackerel at home

It is not at all difficult at home to prepare a delicious cold smoking mackerel, while you will know exactly that harmful chemical components are not used to give an incredible taste and aroma.

Fresh scumbers can not be bought in all regions, but the preparation of freshly frozen is not inferior in taste quality, the main thing is not ferrous. The main signs of a good fish are the lack of ice layers, the integrity of the skins, not a deformed flesh. Frozen mackerel should not have a yellowish flare - take for smoking at home to the memory cloth only light natural color.

Skumbrian wrapped, you can cut off, you can leave - depends on personal preferences.

Washing well, rub the fish with salt and outside and inside, do not just spit, but score in the jem, and smear from the soul.

The time of prison is determined independently - if 12-20 hours lie will be weakly salted, if more than a day - it will be more salty. It is impossible to leave fish for more than 36 hours - it will lead to it.

Our family loves smoked, but to buy in the market is unsafe - unknown what product has been used and how the processing occurred. Therefore, from used materials independently made homemade smoking. To do this, lay a small brick furnace, smoke from which moves along a metal tube, then a brick transition to another pipe, where the products for smoking are directly placed.

In this smoking, you can get the effect of both cold and hot smoked. All determines the intensity of fire in the furnace. For cold smoking, sawdust and chips of fruit trees are used, while the furnace is tightly covered so that there is no big thrust and smoke, giving up to the mackerel, managed to cool. From above, the pipe is covered with burlap.

Consolment to the scumbers are placed in the smoothing - you can hang on the hook for the tail, and you can fix with the help of a harsh thread. Cold smoking mackerel smoked at home is 5-6 hours, after which it turns out completely ready-to-use the product.

Unfortunately, the photo cannot convey the aroma of the prepared mackerel of cold smoking at home, but believe me, it is incredibly tasty!

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