How to open vodka. Business idea: Vodka production

Alcohol products at all times have enjoyed in high demand, even in the time of the strictest prohibition of its use. At the same time, popular drinks are not reduced even with a general fall in the level of income of the population. For this reason, the launch of a new commercial project associated with the production and filling of wines, cognacs and vodka will be guaranteed to be a profitable business, subject to the preliminary compilation of a business plan that takes into account all the features of the project implementation in specific conditions and for a certain industry.

Legal issues

Before opening its own mini-plant for the manufacture and bottling of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure, having received a certificate of assigning the status of a legal entity - LLC. In the registration process of the organization, a certain OKVED code should be assigned.

Since the products produced at such a factory relates to alcoholic beverages, then for the implementation of commercial activities, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate license.

If the mini-factory is planned to manufacture vodka, then it is necessary to carefully familiarize themselves with state and international standards for the manufacture of alcoholic beverage data. In addition, it is required to make a declaration and voluntary certificate of conformity.


It should be carefully and deliberately approaching the selection of a building in which the mini-plant will be located. The plant's building should include at least 2 rooms - directly industrial premises and a warehouse of finished products. Ideally, the plant area should be about 2000 square meters. meters, however, for the start of the activities in this area, the production premises can be placed on much more modest areas (at least 100 square meters).


Despite the fact that each manufacturer seeks to invent its own secret of cleaning and filtering alcohol-containing drinks, but the manufacturing technology remains almost unchanged.

For this reason, the following (common to all) is used to equip the production line for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages installations:

  1. pasteurizer;
  2. reservoir - 3 pcs.;
  3. botometty;
  4. packaging machine;
  5. device label stickers and excise stamps;
  6. optional equipment.

TO additional equipment may relate:

  • the apparatus of softening and purification of water;
  • column coal (volume 1.6 cubic meters);
  • sandless filter;
  • conveyor;
  • termotonnel for heating caps.

In total, the acquisition, transportation and installation of production equipment will require financial investments in the amount of at least 1.8 million rubles.

In the future, when the project is released to the level of sustainable profit, the production line can be fully automated by introducing a complete cycle automatic line of equipment from Italian or French manufacturers. Such equipment is highlighted by a high cost (6-7 million rubles), but it makes it possible to simplify the work of production employees, reduce the risk of violation of technology The effect of the impact of the "human factor", and simplify the conduct of reporting documentation.


In the business plan of the winery, a list of planned recruitment should be brought. In this case, not only the number of employees is indicated to ensure the process of producing alcoholic beverages in each production workshop, but also provide them with some job responsibilities, as well as the planned salary size.

The staff is formed depending on production volumes.

For medium-sized winery, it may include:

  1. Employees of administrative and economic composition.
  2. Technologists.
  3. Workers for organizing a successful production process at different stages of manufacture of wine drinks.
  4. Cleaners and other staff.

Market analysis

Before opening a plant for the production and implementation of wine-vodka products, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the economic situation in the region scheduled for the launch of the project. During this analysis, it is necessary to conduct a marketing study of the expectations of potential buyers (to the products of which price category they are more located, the expected scale of implementation and other).

Also within the framework of this analysis, the level of competition in the selected region is estimated. As practice has shown, in the segment of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the regions, the most fierce competition to local producers are alcoholic beverages of foreign production, but their main disadvantage is higher cost.

Sales products

The establishment of future sales channels must be reflected in the Winerary Business Plan, as the sales of products should pay special attention. In case of insufficient establishment of sales channels, the finished products can be stored in a warehouse, thoring the whole principle of production and leading to losses. To attract wholesale buyers and establish long-term partnership agreements, a system of discounts on supply volumes can be introduced.

To expand the range of potential buyers and establishing wholesale sales, it is necessary to worry about the advertising company aimed at recognizing the new brand. The content of advertising information should reflect the presence of unique properties of alcoholic beverages, positive assessments of independent examinations, obtaining quality certificates and an acceptable cost of products.


Drawing up the financial plan of the project concluded in the calculation of its expenditure and revenue part with their subsequent comparison allows you to answer the question of the feasibility of the beginning of such a business. Also, during the calculation of the financial plan, the indicators of the level of profitability and the payback period of the business are determined.


For the population of our country, liquor-vodka products - an integral attribute of any feast. And so that it is remembered for many years, accompanied by fun and continuous conversations, as well as the organizers of the feast squeeze this strong alcoholic drink. Understanding that vodka is considered to be almost a national product, many people think about how to open a liquor-vodka plant. There are practically no worthy competitors in the domestic market in this segment. Therefore, you can safely organize vodka business.

Registration of the enterprise for the manufacture of liquor-vodka drinks

Run production will not work without registration of the plant. Process features:

  • Business need to give an organizational and legal form - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. When liquor-vodka production is planned within the middle or small business, a simplified tax regime will be the ideal option;
  • When registering an enterprise, the code "OKVED 15.91" - the manufacture of distilled alcoholic beverages;
  • Business for the production of hot drinks is subject to compulsory licensing. License can be obtained by providing the full package of the necessary documents to the relevant authorities and paying the state fee;
  • It will be necessary to issue a declaration, as well as a voluntary certificate of conformity certifying that vodka meets all established security requirements;
  • When registering an enterprise, excise stamps will be obtained by a new sample.

Before opening a vodka enterprise and launch a production line, you will need to explore the list of standards approved by the state:

  • GOST R52472-2005;
  • International quality quality standard;
  • GOST R51355-99.

The list of documents required to obtain a license determines the FZ No. 171-FZ.

Liquor-vodka products manufacturing technology

The production of the aforementioned raw material is simple. However, a certain technology should be strictly observed. From this depend on the taste of the produced alcoholic beverage. Vodka plant should produce sufficiently high-quality products to conquer the market. Each enterprise has its own developments, it is better to clean and filter the product. At the same time, all manufacturers have the technological process of alcohol production the same. So that the plant worked in full force need to take into account the main stages of the production of alcoholic beverages:

  • Water billet;
  • Selection of alcohol, including its cleaning;
  • Preparation of a water-alcohol mixture;
  • Filtration;
  • Treatment with silver, coal;
  • Weekly settling;
  • Spilling alcohol.

The vodka enterprise must be equipped with special lines that allow you to pour alcohol products in automatic mode. Thanks to this, it is possible to pour a product into a bottle without human intervention, climb it with a special stopper and put the labels to be applied.

Monthly costs of the enterprise

Business on the manufacture of liquor-vodka drinks will not work out without infusion of significant investments, which increases the financial risks of its owner. The main cost of expenses will be related to the acquisition of the necessary equipment. Further, costs will be associated with its repair, service and depreciation.

The production process should begin in the workshop, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is at least 100 square meters. meters.

Consequently, expenses will be associated with the acquisition of such a premises or with payments for leased. It also takes into account the costs of repairing the workshop and utility payments. The costs associated with the acquisition of raw materials and materials will be consumed from the cost:

  • Alcohol;
  • Water from a natural source;
  • Tara;
  • Plugs;
  • Labels.

The consuming part also includes monthly costs associated with payments and deductions as:

  • Wage;
  • Workshop costs;
  • Production needs;
  • Additional remuneration;
  • Exproductive costs;
  • Salary taxes;
  • Losses from marriage.

Investments and monthly costs are formed depending on which product strategy is a factory.

The optimal option is when the vodka product is produced in two grades: premium and standard.

Products will have such distinctive features as quality, ecological purity.

Equipment of the workshop for production

An integral component of the liquor-vodka business is the use of modern equipment. Due to which it becomes possible to produce high quality alcohol, automate production for uninterrupted supplies. The main equipment of the vodka plant (price in thousands of rubles):

  • Pasteurizer - 121;
  • Machine sticking excise stamps, labels - 473;
  • Reservoirs (3 pcs.) - 165;
  • Automatic device for bottling products - 561;
  • Bottle washing machine - 264.

Additional equipment (price in thousands of rubles):

  • Single-threaded sand filter - 60;
  • Installation, softening and cleansing water - 198;
  • Conveyor - 39;
  • Coal column for 1.6 cubic meters. M - 72;
  • A device for heating caps - 31.

If you allow the means, you can buy a finished line for the production of vodka products. Preference is advisable to give to French and Italian manufacturers. The use of such a line will allow you to prevent errors inherent in a person, since all production is carried out without its participation - in automatic mode.

Sales of finished liquor-vodka products

If the business implies the launch of a small production, then the main emphasis must be made on products that has an average and high price category. An important factor is a clear adherence to the formulation, accurate selection of ingredients, harsh control of the procedure for making alcohol. This is necessary in order that at the initial stage, sales will be supported by the advertising campaign. It is important to declare that the goods have unique properties, received all the necessary certificates, tested by independent experts and is offered to the consumer at an acceptable value. Options for distributing the finished product:

  • Use of mediation services;
  • Providing discounts for large (wholesale) parties;
  • Deliveries directly into small vodka stores;
  • Provision of installments on payment with wholesale deliveries;
  • Acceptance of applications by phone and Internet.

Business for the manufacture of vodka products will be successful if you think all the details before starting it. It is advisable to compile a competent business plan, which is a proven tool on the way to reduce financial risks and the fastest achievement of the goal.

Vodka in Russia is not just a strong alcoholic beverage, but one of the most popular products that can be found in almost every home. Without it, no feast, and any event in the life of a Russian person - from a wedding to the commemoration it is impossible to imagine without vodka. Probably a high level of consumption. Strong alcoholic beverages - not the phenomenon that can be proud of, but the fact remains a fact - the production of vodka has become one of the most profitable types of business in our country.

At the same time, in this segment of the market, vodka actually no competitors. If vodka abroad is just one brand among other coarse alcoholic beverages (brandy, whiskey, gin, schnapps, etc.), then everything else in Russia. According to business statistics, the consumption of vodka and liquor-vodka products in the Russian Federation is about 12 liters per person per year. And during the period of public holidays or New Year holidays, the consumption of vodka products increases sharply.

Registration of enterprise

All these figures are easily convinced that vodka business in Russia is a very profitable thing, if approaching it responsibly and economically competently.

To start production, you will need to register your enterprise by choosing an organizational and legal form in the form of an individual entrepreneur. If you are planning production in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, you will be perfect for simplified taxation. Vodka business provides for compulsory licensing activities that can be obtained after providing an appropriate package of documents and paying state duty.

Get ready for the list of necessary papers will be long enough. You will need copies of constituent documents and certificates of registration for tax accounting, coordination with profile bodies of public authorities, confirmation of technical equipment, certificates of compliance with Gosstandarts equipment, the list of names of alcohol products that you plan to produce, a number of positive conclusions about fire, environmental, sanitary-epidemiological conclusions. and other security, etc. This is not just bureaucratic formalities, because you will produce a product that can have a negative impact on the health of people. Do not forget that you need the acquisition of excise brands (1600 rubles per 1000 pieces).

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Market research

Before starting production, you need to prepare a quality business plan with a detailed market research on which you will work. If we are talking about a small or average enterprise, then we are talking about the regional market, however, the knowledge of the situation in the All-Russian market will not prevent you. The specificity of the manufacture of strong alcohol products in Russia is characterized by a large number of serious manufacturers with a tendency towards possible consolidation and merger companies. The volume of the market is close to saturation and in 2012 amounted to about 220 million decaliters, and at least a third of this quantity falls on illegally manufactured products.

You are unlikely to be able to seriously sue large players in this market, even at the regional level, but this does not mean that you absolutely do not have a chance. It is necessary to seriously study the local market and determining the possible competitive advantages of your company. In particular, it is possible to use specific regional features, carrying out a competent advertising campaign and generating interesting marketing ideas. In addition to the production of vodka, it is possible to master the manufacture of high-quality balms, tinctures or lyters that will have not only consumer, but also souvenir value. There are many examples when strong alcohol products became a famous regional brand, after which its popularity went beyond the scope of local markets (for example, Tver bitter tincture). And one famous brand "pulls" behind him the whole range of alcoholic beverages.

Of course, before making you need information about the consumption of vodka products in the region of production and sales. Is the market reduced or there are opportunities for its growth, the consumption of vodka is growing or decreasing, as well as which local restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages exist. Your business should be repelled from these characteristics of the market, so your commercial risks will decrease if you clearly imagine what a niche in what price segment will take the products of your enterprise.

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The main stages of the manufacture of vodka products

The manufacture of vodka is a simple production process that requires compliance with a certain technology. The initial raw material for vodka products is the sprouted grain that wanders in special chains. The fermentation product is treated, drained into a separate container, after which heated and condensed. As a result, the purified alcohol is obtained. An equally important component in the production of vodka is water that is best to take from environmentally friendly wells. In no case cannot be used distilled or boiled water, because at the output you will get a hard, low-quality product. In the process of sorting, mixing alcohol and water, the resulting mixture passes cleaning and filtering. Vodka elite varieties is additionally processed by silver, milk or other components.

After that, vodka enters the reservoirs for "recreation", where chemical processes slow down, alcohol and water are evenly distributed. The more time the fingent of the finished product is carried out, the time and the taste of vodka will be more saturated. According to the standard, at least two days should be assigned to this process. Some manufacturers increase this period up to 7 days, and premium varieties of vodka can "rest" for three months. The process of bottling the finished vodka in the bottle is carried out on special automatic lines. The final stage is the packaging and sending to the storage warehouse.

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Investments and monthly costs

As it can be easily understood from the above, vodka business requires serious investment, which increases the commercial risks of the manufacturer. First of all, you will need to rent premises for the production workshop and if necessary for the warehouse. The industrial nature of use involves the outskirts of the location of the premises and the low rental cost. 100 square meters of the area under the workshop will cost you 25-20 thousand rubles per month. The costs of raw materials, including water, alcohol, container, labels and traffic jams, will be about 400-450 thousand rubles, given the rate of monthly production by about 5,000 vodka decaliters. Salary of personnel, including managers, technologists and automatic line workers, will be about 300-350 thousand rubles per month.

Most of all you will need to purchase equipment. It is necessary to purchase a pasteurizer for processing raw materials, tanks, a bottleneury machine, machine guns for bottling and label stickers and excise stamps, as well as various additional equipment, which will cost you 1.8 - 1.9 million rubles. If the means allow you to purchase a ready-made production line with full automation, but it will cost much more - at least 6 - 7 million rubles. It is also necessary to provide costs for unforeseen expenses and losses from marriage.

Given the simplicity of the chemical composition of this alcoholic beverage, the vodka does not require special conditions for storage. At the same time, in order to avoid distortion of taste under the influence of foreign odors or other similar factors, it is necessary to know where to store vodka to ensure the preservation of its taste.

How to store vodka

The main requirement to the place where vodka is planned is the absence of any type of lighting. Since mainly this drink is poured into transparent bottles, the effects of light on vodka will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant taste.

Briefly, the place in which you can store vodka look as follows:

  • No light
  • Temperature from 5 to 20 ° C
  • Relative humidity up to 85%

The period as you can store vodka in a glass bottle is actually not limited. But such a condition belongs exclusively to vodka without additional components. In particular, the shelf life of any tincture on vodka usually does not exceed one year, to guarantee the preservation of taste - no more than six months.

It is impossible to unequivocally assert how much you can store vodka without additives, it is impossible. According to most opinions, the guaranteed time to preserve suitability is about three years.

An essential condition for long-term preservation of suitability is to store vodka in a glass bottle. This material does not react with alcohol and provides the longest preservation of the initial properties of the beverage.

Another requirement for how to store vodka is dense tight sealing. Ethyl alcohol is a fairly volatile substance, so the closed vodka will lose a fortress loosely loosely with time.

How to store open vodka

Immediately it is necessary to clarify that long to store vodka after opening is not recommended. Even a carefully swollen cork bottle will no longer be a hermetic, so vodka can be appropriately smelling, which will negatively affect its taste.

Store open vodka preferably away from products having a sharp either a pronounced smell to prevent the appearance of the flavor of the drink itself. From the places where to store an open bottle, first of all it is worth nameing the separation of the bar in the closet, where there are no extraneous products. In most cases, it is not recommended to store an open bottle for more than three months. After opening, to ensure the highest possible period of suitability, the bottle is necessary to closely clog the plug as soon as possible.

Keep open vodka in the bar, or a closet where there are no extraneous smells. Shelf life for 3 months.

The remaining requirements where to store and how to store an open bottle of vodka are identical to the above general conditions.

How to store tincture on vodka

Basically, the period how many can be stored a tincture on vodka is about one year. Since the substances contained in the preparation of tincture react with alcohol, over time the tincture comes in disrepair.

Thus, to preserve the taste and prevents probable food poisoning, the shelf life of homemade tinctures is desirable to limit the period in one year.

Is it possible to store vodka in plastic container

It is often discussed quite often, it is possible to store vodka in plastic containers. According to the results of the latest studies, the alcohol reacts quite actively with the plastic from which the bottles are manufactured, which leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in the vodka and reduce its usefulness of its use. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic bottles, will be negative.

The shelf life of vodka without additives by and large is unlimited, but taking into account the exact compliance of production technology, it is better to use this product for three years from the date of bottling.

Mandatory condition is the storage of vodka in a glass bottle. When storing the beverage in plastic container, after a short time, precipitate falls as a result of a chemical reaction and the taste is distorted. A glass bottle is an optimal option for storing vodka due to the absence of a reaction of this material with alcohol.

The tradition of consuming funny, invigorating and dumb drinks among nations has developed for thousands of years. It is difficult to determine the definition, which is primary - cultural traditions or the tradition of consumption of intoxicating drinks. In any case, modern nations and peoples can be attributed to the category of drinkers. Today, vodka is a mandatory attribute of any feast and characteristic of supporting Slavs.


Vodka is a mixture of a certain amount of rectified ethyl alcohol with water, which is subjected to special filtering and cleaning with activated carbon.

The amount of alcoholic beverage is expressed in decaliters and liters (volume units). There is such a concept as a fortress, expressed as a percentage and representing the alcohol content in the mixture. The permissible level of fortress in conventional vodka is 40%, but is also 50%, and 56%.

Modern Russian alcoholic industry manufactures five types of vodka: 40%, 50%, 56%, Moscow special vodka - 40% and metropolitan - 40%. These species of alcoholic beverage differ in the concentration of alcohol in them, the level of cleaning it and other flavors, which depend on the number and view of the added taste ingredients.

In the production of 40% vodka, an alcohol of single rectification is used, all other four types use high purification alcohol.

Improving the quality of the finished product is achieved due to the addition of such components as acetic sodium, sugar, as well as the use of longer purification of vodka activated carbon.

A bit of history

People felt the taste of alcohol for a long time. Scientists are allowed that about 30 thousand years ago a person who tried the product obtained as a result of fermentation of berries or fruits, was convinced of his actions toning. At the initial stage there was wine from grapes. Next, learned how to prepare beer.

Back in the 4th millennium BC. e. Ancient Egypt was famous for brewing and winemaking. At that time, more than one hundred grape varieties were known. The Roman Empire Wine was exported worldwide.

Vodka production began with the creation of the distillation process. Based on some sources, oddly enough, we can say that this invention belongs to the Arabs. However, their discovery did not acquire broad fame, as it went into incision with the Koran.

Other are argued to obtain alcohol in the 11-12 centuries by Italian alchemists. The third conclusions are made that the distillation process itself was already known in the West, and in the East. In search of a substance that can cause intoxication, alchemists managed with the help of distillation from wine to allocate a substance that is peculiar to its spirit and soul. So the production of vodka arose. Officially, the term "vodka" itself began to be quite successfully used only by the 20th century.

Comparison of production technologies

The specialists conducted a study, based on the results of which the modern technology of vodka was compared with the preceding technological processes.

Each historical stage was characterized by various components of the manufacture of alcoholic beverage. Thus, the 18th century is noted as the most fruitful gap of the search for successful compositions and the recipes of this alcoholic beverage. Began quite successfully used components-flavors. At that time, the production of vodka was carried out only for their own consumption, and not for sale.

In the same period, homemade winemaking pretty rapidly.

Modernization of equipment

In the second half of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century, equipment for the production of vodka was constantly updated, and various technological innovations were introduced. In the same period, close attention was paid to the time, temperature and speed of the various stages of production cycles.

Turning to modern technologies, let's say that the production of vodka in accordance with the current standards is based on the use of ethyl alcohol obtained from water and food raw materials as raw materials. According to the technologies used, the permissible content of ethyl alcohol is within 38-56% of the volume of the finished product. The range of this alcoholic beverage is represented by tens of thousands of titles.

Technology production vodka

The production of vodka in Russia dates back to the 16th century. The first mention of him was discovered in the Novgorod chronicle. In that period, the main use of this alcoholic beverage was medicine, vodka in the first mentions is found under the name "Fire Health". The following subsequent centuries developed and improved technologies. There was an accumulation of methods and recipes for the manufacture of this drink that glorified Russia abroad.

This article will consider the technological scheme for the production of vodka.

Preparation of water

Even if natural water is considered the most clean, it should still pass a special cleaning in several stages. This is upholding, and aeration, and filtering through quartz sand.

The process of production of vodka provides for the presence of installed sand and coal colonges, membrane and cartridge filters in modern enterprises. Water must pass molecular and ultraviolet cleaning. With the use of a special installation, a salt level of water is corrected. Properly prepared water should be absolutely transparent, colorless and contain the minimum level of salt. However, it is not boiling and distillation. Only in this case vodka will be soft, will have a crystal purity and a unique taste.

If there is in water, which is planned to be used in this production, various impurities that have not been removed using sand filters, this liquid is covered with coagulation method. With the introduction of certain components into water, the electrokinetic potential of individual particles is reduced, followed by aggregation and sedimentation of colloidal substances. The modern technology for the production of this alcohol product is provided for use as coagulants for cleaning the water of iron and aluminum sulfate (iron vigor), of which, in the process of a chemical reaction, a low-soluble hydroxide is released.

Cleaning alcohol

Liquor-breeding plants use such raw materials for the production of vodka, like ethyl alcohol. Three main varieties are known: "Higher Cleaning", "Extra" and "Suite". Many manufacturers this alcoholic beverage is made on the raw material of own production using the ancestral technology. Then grain crops served as raw materials: rye, wheat and rye malt. The vodka production scheme provides for the addition of a certain amount of oats, barley, corn, millet, pea and buckwheat.

Some plants are purchased alcohol at the respective plants. Such production of alcohol vodka requires hard control of raw materials.

Preparation of a water-alcohol mixture

In the technological process, this stage is known as "sorting". Depending on the required content of ethyl alcohol, the finished product is obtained by various fortresses.

Water with alcohol is supplied to the sorting chanes and mixed with special mixers. At the same stage, other ingredients are made in accordance with the alcoholic beverage recipe.


The vodka production scheme implies the use of quartz sand as a filtering tool. This process is carried out under the pressure of the jet of the filtered fluid. The sorting comes with a silica to a filter from a pressure tank, which is located above the filters.

With an increase in the volume of purified fluid, the height of the precipitate layer on the material occurs. As it changes at the height of this layer, resistance increases, and the filtration rate is reduced. In connection with this, the filtering surface must periodically be cleaned of precipitate.

Conducting treatment with activated carbon

This stage is one of the most important stages. It binds such harmful impurities as aldehydes and ethers. In the process of performing this phase of production, organoleptic indicators of an alcoholic beverage are formed.

Upon completion of this stage, the vodka is filtered again (it often happens several times). This stage is required to remove the smallest particles of coal and obtaining a transparent and crystal clear product.


This stage is the final before the spill of the finished product. In accordance with applicable standards, assimilation continues for two days. However, some experts talk about insufficiently temporary interval. It is best to give a "relax" a water-alcohol mixture for about a week. Due to this period of time, the maximum interaction of the components of the beverage is reached. Only in this case, according to experts, a mixture of water and alcohol can turn into a soft and clean vodka.


For the spill of finished products, special equipment for the production of vodka is used. At this stage, all bottles must be susceptible to hard control. At the same time, each bottle before the start of the filling process is rinsed with vodka in order to maintain the desired Fortress of the beverage and cleansing the bottle from the inside. And then the finished product in the bottle is directly different, it is blocked.

Production of homemade vodka

Thus, the above process is the industrial manufacture of alcoholic beverage. At all its stages, appropriate equipment for the production of vodka was used. However, for true connoisseurs of this drink, quality is in the first place. Therefore, some of them carry out the production of vodka at home. The following ingredients are used as raw materials: water, yeast and sugar. However, it is necessary to provide competent filtering.

Often, simplified technology is used. The finished alcohol of 95 degrees is divorced by distilled water, filtered using activated carbon, and then the resulting liquid is insteaded on herbs or berries. In this way, it is possible to get a bitter tincture (vodka is insisted on certain herbs, roots and berries), gin (insisted on juniper berries) and whiskey, thanks to insisting on oak bore.

"Vodka" business

It has long been in Russia that the production of vodka and other alcoholic beverages is successful and pretty high-profit business. Finally, the monopoly of the state and the dry law is far in the past. Therefore, if there is a desire to organize the production of vodka, the business of this type will bring a stable income. However, the entrepreneur not only should thoroughly explore the process of manufacturing this alcoholic beverage itself. He also should be in order all permits, including a license for the production of vodka.

As for technology, it is mainly not different from the above scheme. But there are features in the application of special automated lines and their productivity. The direct spill of the vodka, the sticker of the labels on the bottles is carried out only on special equipment, the productivity of which is in the range of 6-12 thousand bottles per hour.

Financial questions

An important component of the effective business is the successful decision of financial issues, among which the most important are the following.

First, the cost of equipment for the production of alcoholic beverages with their subsequent spill in the glass container depends on the manufacturer's company and the performance of the line itself. Significant savings can be obtained if you purchase used equipment, since if an automated line, for example, two years, it is unlikely that it could be outrageous and significantly wear out. However, it is impossible to go into extremes and take too old equipment, since in this case additional costs associated with its repair and modernization will appear.

Secondly, certain financial costs will be required at such an important stage as the promotion of own alcohol products on the market. Any entrepreneur must understand that all spent efforts for production are insignificant in comparison with efforts to be applied for a good sale of the product already produced. Often, marketing costs in large alcohol companies significantly exceed the cost of equipment and other industrial real estate.

In this case, the most correct way out will be the acquisition of already promoted production of alcoholic beverages. It is much easier to go to the relevant market through the acquisition of formed assets than to create a new brand or trademark.

Innovations in the production of vodka

Today, manufacturers of this alcoholic beverage make every effort so that the finished product is distinguished by high quality. So, some of them are high-quality grain for the production of alcohol. At the factories there are laboratories, where every party of alcohol passes hard control.

Many enterprises carrying out this type of activity have their own artesian wells, of which the so-called "live" water is produced during the production process. Modernity is distinguished by the introduction of permanent innovation. Not an exception was the manufacture of alcohol. Thus, during the preparation of water uses membrane technology, cationic softening, batting and air conditioning.

In the implementation of the filtering process, the classical technology with the use of activated carbon is improved. For this, birch coal is quite successfully used, which is characterized by special sorption indicators. Or there is another analogue - the mousse of coal of different origins, which is derived from birch, apricot bones and coconut shells.

During the "rest" vodka for insteading, such natural ingredients of plant origin are used as honey, spices (cardamom, cumin, cinnamon and carnation), pepper, as well as many herbs (wormwood or sage). Superfruits or birch kidneys can be used quite successfully.

And finally, the last stage of production - spill - also contains some innovations. For example, the corresponding workshop can be equipped with a set of filtering elements at the stage of the bottling process itself. Often, plants use only new glass bottles.

To identify and ensure the protection of finished products on the necks and covers, the date of the spill is carried out using laser equipment, thanks to which all the numbers are engraved with relief and clearly. Also as a protective agent when blocking bottles, "opening control" is used.

Considering the material set out in this article, it should be noted that the history of the production of vodka is at a long time. However, this process is subjected to continuous improvement and introduction of new technologies. At the same time, the diagram of the production of this alcoholic beverage remains unchanged, and the main ingredients are all the same. In pursuit of a high-quality alcoholic product, some connoisseurs of this drink try to manufacture it at home. However, the successful implementation of this process requires certain skills and special devices.

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