How to make Camambur cheese. Making Camembert.

From goat milk you can make excellent Camembert cheese. It turns out to be as elastic as Camembert from cow's milk, but not so worn, covered with a white crust of penicillin cheese mold.

For this recipe, the cheese turns out a little more dense than classic camembert and does not spread. This Camembert Cheese Cooking Recipe can also be used with cow's milk to get more dense cheese.

Necessary inventory

  • 5 liters cuisine
  • 2 forms for cheese
  • drainage rug
  • thermometer
  • noise (big flat spoon with a lot of small holes)
  • drainage equipment (grate with serum conchion)
  • cheese Capacity


  • 4 liters of goat milk
  • mesophilic Racing: 1/8 teaspoon (0.6gr) Mesophilic culture Exquisites MM101; or 0.08gr yoke bioantibut
  • 1/64 teaspoon (0.025g) Penisillium Candidum
  • 1/64 teaspoon (0.05g) Geotrichum Candidum
  • 1/8 teaspoon (0.63ml) 10% calcium chloride solution
  • 1/4 teaspoon (1,25ml) liquid rennet enzyme or 0.2g dry renewed enzyme
  • 2 teaspoons of salt

Important! For the preparation of cheese it is impossible to use milk, which was heated more than 75 degrees. Therefore, milk from the store is not suitable for the preparation of cheese.
You need to use only raw farm milk.

If the quality of raw milk causes you questions, it is possible to pasteurize it yourself at a temperature of 65-72 degrees.

The process of cooking cheese

1. You need to pour goat milk into a saucepan and heat the milk to 36 degrees.
2. Heated milk remove from fire.
3. We sprinkle on the heated milk powder Mesophilic Rod and both types of mold.
4. You need to leave to stand a couple of minutes so that the powders absorbed.
5. Using the noise of smooth neat movements from top to bottom, mix the entire volume of milk.
6. Calcium chloride must be dissolved in 50 ml of water.
7. The rennet enzyme is also dissolved in 50 ml of water.
8. Both solutions add to milk and mix.
9. We close the pan with a lid (you can also with a towel) and leave for about 30 minutes before the formation of a bunch.
10. Check whether the bunch was formed. A clean bunch of bunch from serum should occur. If this has not happened, you need to leave for another a few minutes.
11. Cut the resulting clot into small cubes side 1cm - 1.5 cm.
12. After that, slowly mix the resulting mass within 10 minutes. At this time, the cheese grain is compacted and more serum is separated.
13. We merge the extra part of the serum so that the thin layer is literally 5mm covered the cheese grain.
14. Add 1 tablespoon of salt with a slide and mix.
15. Take the grille with a seed drainage container and two forms for cheese.
16. Put the raw mass uniformly into the forms. Seal the cheese mass in the form of hands so that more serum was separated.
17. After the forms are laid, you need to leave them to settle for 30 minutes.
18. After 30 minutes, the cheese must compact a little. Now it will need to turn over.
19. If you use the form with the bottom, then just pull out the cheese head, turn it over and put it in the form. If you use shapes without the bottom, then cover the shape of a drainage rug and (holding the top and bottom) and quickly turn over. Cheese will turn over and will press in another direction.
20. The following 3 hours need to turn the cheese every 30 minutes. The result of this process will be the formation of a dense cheese head.
21. Leave the cheese for 3 hours.
22. Consider cheese from forms. We leave the cheese heads on the drainage rug for 3 hours, so that the cheese is dried and the cheese acidity has grown. During this time, the cheese is compacted, settles and distributes in breadth. The result is a classic head in 3 cm high.
23. Now cheese must be put to ripen. To do this, use the food container. Pit on the bottom two layers of paper napkins, put a drainage rug and cheese on it.
24. A closed container with cheese must be put on 3 weeks in the refrigerator.
25. For aging, the cheese must be in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-6 degrees. Every day it must be turned over to mold to grow uniformly.
26. After three weeks, the cheese will be ready. You can wrap it in a special paper for Camumbert or leave in a container. Store cheese is needed in the refrigerator and consumed within two weeks.

Important features of cooking cheese Camembert from goat milk

Extract temperature: In most recipes it is indicated that the exposure temperature is 10-12 degrees, but in fact, in Normandy, the real original Camamber is maintained in rooms with a temperature of not more than 5 degrees. You can measure the thermal temperature on different shelves in the refrigerator. At the bottom shelf, the temperature usually 4-7 degrees, which is optimal for excerpt. Under such conditions, the excerpts of problems with bitterness does not occur. Ripening can go 3-4 weeks, without bitterness and it turns out a good mold crust. Humidity control is enough to carry out wiping every two days, formed on the water lid water and change paper napkins. Mold begins to appear in 8-10 days.

Cheese fluidity: If you want to reduce the flow of cheese, then you need to add to a third more rennet enzyme to mix for 20-25 minutes so that the raw grain is more elastic. Thus, the cheese will be denser.

Deformation cheese: The uneven distribution of the cheese mass in the form, irregular and inaccurate turning lead to the deformation of the cheese. Unstable moisture and temperature mode also lead to deformation.

Blurry of cheese: may arise due to insufficient chance, cheese rear; The ripening of cheese comes with high humidity of more than 95% and temperatures above 14 degrees. Perhaps cheese has already been overnight.

Easying mold: In order to prevent the development of the mucus of the cheese, it is not necessary to lay it tightly, the humidity must be 85-87%. Excess mucus can be removed with a cloth. An extraneous mold is removed with a thorough sink with a brush and a complete disinfection of a place where cheese is withstanding. For disinfection, you can use any alcohol-containing fluid.

Too firm and dense cheese consistency: If the bunch is too finely cut or because of an excessive chance.

Curl cheese: If the cheese did not become melted, but it contains a cotton core in the center, then it's known that the cheese has not yet matured. It is necessary to continue to ripe cheese.

Bitter taste of cheese: occurs from casein splitting by bacterial enzymes with the formation of bitter polypeptides. It occurs due to the increased moisture content, excess salt, incorrect ripening temperature.

So that there is no bitterness: Use only high-quality farm goat milk (without antibiotics and bacteriophages); Do not overdo it with calcium chloride; withstand cheese at 4-6 degrees; Pasteurize milk

Ammonia taste and smell of cheese: Appears when pea cheese (there is a deep decay of proteins) and when stored at temperatures above 8 degrees. It is impossible to store ready-made cheese at temperatures above 8 degrees.

Foreign smells and unclean taste: occurs when the milk surroundings or the raw mass of the microflora. It is necessary to avoid it.

Camembert is another wonderful French cheese with a crust with a delicate fluffy white mold Penicillium Camemberti (\u003d Penicillium Candidum). This cheese is a descendant of the famous BRI and, in fact, there are enough differences between them, therefore their preparation procedures are similar, and these cheeses are often confused, especially when they are prepared in the same form factor (Camembert standard is a low cylinder with a diameter of 11 cm). The taste of Camumbert is an amazing combination of mushrooms and cream, consistency - very gentle and places fluid, the color of the dough is a gentle-cream, and the crust is white and fluffy. Camembert is a cheese that is able to inspire and spur a fantasy, which is worthy of songs and poems and to which it is almost impossible to relate indifferent. Let's learn how to do it at home!

The French Camembert is traditionally made from unpasteurized milk, but we will use pasteurized because it is safer. Only if you are sure of all 125% as a milk that you use, you can make Camembert from raw milk. In this case, reduce the number of start-up by a third.


3.5 l.

cow Milk whole

not ultrapasterized

0.5 l.

cream Fatness 25%

not ultrapasterized

1/8 tsp

dry mesophilic Zavskaya

aromatic, like Flora Danica

1/16 Ch.L.

mold Penicillium Candidum


1/64 Ch.L.

mold Geotrichum Candidum


1/4 Ch.L.

liquid rennet enzyme (calf)

dissolve in 50ml Temperature water 30-35ºС.
or the rennet enzyme in another form, in the dosage, according to the instructions on the package

4 ml.

calcium chloride, 10% solution

dissolve in 50ml room water temperature

or guide the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package

maximum application dose - 2 g of calcium dry chloride by 10 l of milk

2 tsp

middle Middle Salt

not iodized

After cooking you will get: 2 Cheese weighing 300 g


5 liters


enameled or stainless steel

8 liters


for water bath

food thermometer
long knife

for cutting a bunch


wooden or plastic

2 pcs. ∅11-12cm

shape for cheese

cylindrical outdoor cylindrical form, perforated

drainage rugs

(plastic or bamboo), 2 pcs. For each form

wooden plate

1 pcs. for each drainage rug

drain pallet with grille

size to fit all forms

waxed paper for storage of cheese
plastic container with cheese ripening lid

(2 times greater in volume than cheese), by the number of cheese heads

Sterilize all equipment and inventory and wipe it with vinegar to avoid wild mold getting into cheese. Do not neglect hygiene and rehabilitation issues, for cheeses with mold, neglect will fail in 90% of cases.

Schedule Camambber Cheese (from start to finish)

First day:

  • 2 hours 20 minutes on the preparation of cheese grain
  • 15 hours for molding (leave before the next morning)

Second day:

  • 8-12 hours on the lounge

The third day:

  • 24 hours on drying

Subsequent days:

  • 10-15 days at the first stage of ripening
  • 20-30 days per second stage of ripening

Step-by-step recipe for Camembert Cheese

  1. In a water bath, heat the milk to 32 ° C, stirring it so that the temperature is distributed evenly. During heating, pour dissolved calcium chloride, mix.
  2. When milk reached 32 ° C, turn off the heating and make all the cultures (mesofilic and both mold). Powders of crops Sprinkle on the surface of milk, let it stand and soak up the moisture 3 minutes, then mix thoroughly throughout the volume of milk.
  3. Cover the saucepan with a lid and eat a towel, leave alone for 30 minutes.
  4. Stir the milk, then slowly pour the diluted enzyme, constantly stirring the milk by movement from above to down to distribute it to the entire volume of milk.
  5. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave for 90 minutes to coagulate milk.
    [Optional] To accurately determine the required coagulation time and obtaining a clot of the desired consistency and calculate the coagulation time by the formulaK \u003d f * m (multiplier \u003d 6, F - flocculation time in minutes). After the calculation, cover with a saucepan with a lid and leave the clutch along the remaining number of minutes.
  6. Spend. If the bunch is not sufficiently dense, leave another 10-15 minutes.
  7. During coagulation, prepare forms to move a clot: Sterilize the forms yourself, drainage mats and boards, and then arrange them on a prepared drainage pallet in the following order: a plate, a drainage rug above the form.
  8. When the clot is ready (about 90 minutes after entering the enzyme),cut it on the cubes side 1.5-2 cm.
    [Optional] If you want to make the texture of your Camembert open - add it some "eyes", as on the title photo, then carefully stir the resulting cheese grain for 20-30 minutes.
    Then shovel spread the clutch in forms. (If you do not cut, the clutter has a chance not to get completely into small forms. In this case, just wait for some time, the clot in them will fall and it will be possible to report the remainder).
  9. Leave the clots in forms. Cheese will press under their own mass, actively separating serum (to collect it and need an additional pallet). Support the temperature indoor 20-23 ° C, the temperature impairment may cause problems at further stages of cooking cheese.
  10. During molding to ensure uniform pressing, it is necessary to turn the cheese in the forms from top to bottom. The first coup should be made 10-20 minutes after laying a clot for forms. To turn the shape, put the drainage rug from above, on it a skid. Then, holding the shape of both powders (bottom and cover), turn it over it. Thus, the bottom of the form becomes a lid, and vice versa. Cheese crashes from top to bottom and will press in another direction.
  11. As a result, the cheese should decrease in about 1/3 from the original size. The process can take 12-15 hours (or even longer). During this time, turn the cheese in the forms of about once a hour (except for night hours, of course) so that it is uniformly. Gradually, you will notice that cheese becomes more dense and turn it easier. Also note the increase in the acidity of the serum separated from the cheese: the more time passes from the beginning of the pressing, the aicle will become serum.
  12. When the serum began to separate slowly (this will be on the second day of cooking cheese), it is necessary to salute cheese. Solim as follows: divide the specified salt dose by 2 parts (on 2 sides of cheese). Then divide each part by the number of forms. For example, if you have 2 forms, then we divide 2 tsp. in half, and then 1 tsp. We divide on 2, it turns out 1/2 C.L. On the side of the cheese. Then evenly distribute the salt on the surface of the cheese in the form and leave for 4-6 hours. Then we turn the cheese and repeat the operation with 2 side of the cheese (we use the remaining half of the salt). At the embonon, the serum will start separately, so with a drain pallet, the future camambrants to remove early.
  13. After the second embonon, leave Camembert to dry for another day until there will be a drop of moisture on its surface. During this time, turn over several times. A poor crust will lead to problems at the stage of mold formation.
  14. Now cheese is ready to move to a ripening chamber. The cheese should form a layer of white mold. The best conditions for its formation are the temperature of 11-13 ° C and humidity 90-95%. Place the cheese on the bamboo rug and turn the twice a day. Watch out for the formation of condensate in the chamber: there should be nothing to drip on the cheese. To ensure the desired level of humidity, you can use a plastic container with a lid. In the early stages, the added culture of Geotrichum Candidum (for 3-4 days the white gun will begin to appear) will prevent the distribution of the "wild" mold on the surface of the cheese and prepare it for the growth of Penicillium Candidum.
  15. Within 10-15 days after the room in the chamber for ripening, you will see the resulting splashing crust on the cheese. When the cheese is turned over, the white cannon is a bit daily (so that the crust is becoming more dense). If it has already been well shot, it's time to slow down the rise of mold. Wrap your cheese in a special wax paper for Camumbert: it, on the one hand, will allow cheese to breathe, and, on the other hand, it will control the level of humidity of its tender crust. Move the cheese to the room with a temperature of 4-7 ° C and a humidity of 90-95% (you can put a container with cheese to a normal refrigerator). Cheese will be released at low temperatures, while his body will become more mild. It is possible to determine the readiness of the Camumbert, you can easily press on its crust: if the cheese succumbes, a little remembered, then it is ready.
  16. The whole ripening process usually takes 42 days. If in the second phase of ripening, there will be too high temperature or increased humidity, then the cheese can "flow": too comfortable environment for the activities of the bacteria will lead to excessive softening of the cheese dough. A similar effect will be removing remarking with the number of starters in paragraph 2, therefore, for each milk, the optimal number of the prohibitodes is selected individually. No matter how attractively spreaded cheese it looked, it will be considered a defect of a cheese dough. However, small dense areas of the cheese dough in the core are fully allowed.
  17. Storage period after opening cheese ~ 2 weeks. As soon as the Camembert is cut at least a small piece (the integrity of the crust is broken), its ripening stops.

Camembert is one of the most famous sophisticated varieties of French cheese. Fluffy white mold covering its surface, gives cheese a thin mushroom fragrance.

Even those who are not adherents of French cuisine will appreciate the gentle creamy taste and the soft structure of the cheese. Prepare Camembert Cheese at home is not as difficult as it seems.


  • 5 liters saucepan;
  • 1-2 forms for Camumbert. The cylinder with perforation will provide free flow of serum;
  • Extract Container (Food Container);
  • Measured spoons or electronic scales;

Additionally, you will need a noise, a knife for cutting a bunch, a drainage container.


  • Milk - 4 l;
  • Mesophilic Racing: 0.18 g (1/8 tsp) Explosive mm 101; or 0.09 g (1/32 ppm) Zapvaski Uglich bioantibut;
  • Penicillium Candidum - 0.02 g (1/64 ppm);
  • Geotrichum Candidum - 0.05 g (1/64 tsp);
  • Calcium chloride solution - 0.6 ml (1/8 tsp);
  • Liquid rennet enzyme - 1.25 ml (1/4 tsp) or dry rennet enzyme - 0.2 g;
  • Salt - 1 C.L.

Camembert Cheese Set


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat up to 3 36c. Remove from the fire.

2. Sprinkle the Mesofilic Scabs and both types of mold on milk. Let stand 2 minutes so that the powders absorbed moisture. Then smooth movements from above-down shimmer mix the entire volume of milk.

3. Dissolve calcium chloride in 50 ml of water, also dissolve the rennet enzyme in 50 ml of water. Add both solutions into milk and mix.

4. Cover the saucepan with a cover or towel and leave for 30 minutes to form a clock.

5. Check the boost formation. Clean bunch of serum branch must be achieved. If this has not yet happened, leave for another a few minutes.

6. Cut the clutch on the cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm.

7. Slowly interfere with the mass for 10 minutes. During this time, the cheese grain is compacted, more serum is separated.

8. Drain most of the serum. It is necessary that the thin layer of 0.5 cm covers the cheese grain. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and mix.

9. Take the grille or drainage container to flow liquid. Put two forms for the Camumbert with the bottom.

10. Put the clock uniformly into the forms. Seal the cheese grain in hand shaped to separate more serum.

11. Once you have posted all the bunch in the form, leave it to settle for 30 minutes.

12. After 30 minutes, the cheese complicates, it is necessary to start turning it over.

13. If you use forms for Camumbert without the bottom, then cover the shape with a drainage rug and turn over. Cheese in the form moves to the bottom and will be self-disgrace in another direction. If you use forms with the bottom, you can simply pull the cheese head, turn it over and put it in the form.

14. The next 3 hours it is necessary to turn the cheese every 30 minutes. As a result of this process, the cheese forms a dense head.

15. Leave cheese for 3 hours in shape.

16. After 3 hours we remove the forms. Leave the cheese on a drainage rug for 3 hours to cheese the back. During this time, the cheese is still compacted, settles and is heard a little styling - the head is 3 cm height.

17. Now you need to put the cheese to ripen. To do this, take the food container, bed on the bottom two layers of paper napkins, on top of a drainage rug, and on them cheese.

18. Close the container and put for three weeks in the refrigerator.

19. Cheese must be held at a temperature of 4-6 s, it is necessary to turn it every day so that the mold has grown uniformly.

20. After 3 weeks, cheese is ready. You can wrap it in a special paper for Camumbert or leave a paper in a container. Store in the refrigerator, consult within 2 weeks.

To prepare the present delicacy for gourmets, treat friends or please close, do not necessarily buy delicacies in the supermarket. Today we will tell you how to make Camembert Cheese at home, because it is not so difficult, long and multi-step, as it seems. This soft cheese with a white noble mold with a mushroom aroma has a delicate creamy taste and a spicy islated aftertaste.

Even injecting in French cuisine will appreciate such a home camera in dignity, and if we take into account that it will be absolutely natural, without the addition of industrial ingredients accelerating and cheering the process of its creation, there will be no prices to such a treat!

Inventory for Camembert Cheese

What kind of inventory will need to cook at home Camamber?

  • Pan

Its should be at least 4 liters and it is better not to take aluminum or enamelled.

  • Forms for cheese

We take care of them in advance. These are plastic cylinders with a multitude of holes so that the serum is freely joined. Ideally, they should not have the bottom, so that, covering them with one, then on the other hand, we could freely turn the cheese to the scope.

The covers must also be with holes.

  • Thermometer

It is absolutely necessary, since without it it will not be possible to introduce a starter and mold culture at the right time.

  • Plastic container

It will be needed at the final stage, when the cheese needs to withstand in the refrigerator for overgrowing mold.

Raw materials for Camumbert at home


In addition, we prepare the Mesofilic Scape in advance, the milk excavating enzyme (can be vegetable), an aqueous solution of calcium chloride 10% and dry mold culture: Penicillium Candidum and Geotrichum Candidum.

All this can be bought on specialized sites.


And remember that it is for this recipe that pasteurized milk is best suited. Since we do not bring it to a boil, any pathogenic microflora, if it is, it will not die.

In addition, nothing should interfere with the developing crops brought from outside - it can completely spoil the taste.

Now boldly get ready!

How to cook cheese kamambour


  • - 3 L. + -
  • - 2/3 of Article. + -
  • Mesophilic Zakvaska75 ml (volume in solution) + -
  • Calcium chloride (10% aqueous solution) - 10 ml (1 ampoule) + -
  • White Mold Penicillium Candidum - on the tip of the knife + -
  • Mold Geotrichum Candidum - on the tip of the knife + -
  • The milk excavating enzyme - 0.1 g + -

How to make Camembert at home

Before you take for cooking, we rinse thoroughly and we hide the entire inventory with boiling water, so as not to put an extraneous microflora in the cheese.

Now you need to leave Camembert ripen. To do this, we prepare a plastic container. Down paper napkins, put a stand with holes on them and lay the cheese heads.

As the napkins and exit of excess serum we will change them. Every day we turn the cheese head to give mold evenly cover it. After 10-14 days, it must completely be covered with white mold.

After that, we turn it into an aluminum foil and leave in the refrigerator for another 3-4 weeks - this is the time of its full aging.

After this time, we will be a magnificent spicy cheese with a wonderful creamy taste and white noble mold.

Now you know what to make Camembert Cheese at home is not so difficult - there would be a desire! Try, and for sure friends and relatives will appreciate your efforts to dignity, because it is so nice to enjoy the fragrant slices of home cheese.

Camembert - This is a world-famous soft French cheese with a white noble mold (white specific crust on the surface), which is the "younger brother" of another no less well-known Norman cheese - brie.

Category of cheeses - soft, creamy, self-pressed. Being for the first time made by a simple peasant, afterwards this cheese acquired the rank of royal delicacy - he loved all Paris to know the emperor!

Camembert is distinguished by a sharp taste and a thin smell of mold, which is difficult to confuse something. The cheese mass itself has a plastic camambert, and it becomes more mild as the excerpt. Color - from saturated creamy to white.

History of the appearance of Camembert Cheese

Getting of this cheese from the same name of the French village "Camembert", which is in the north-west of France. According to legend, the history of this cheese is connected with the Great French Revolution and with the very imperial surname of Bonaparts!

In the village "Camembert" was hiding from the persecution of the monk of one of the monasteries. The local peasant has covered him at home. And in gratitude for this, the monk opened her the secret of producing cheese "brie"which was produced in them in the monastery.

But, since the climate of Normandy and the province of "Bree" was distinguished, then the local milk had another composition. Yes, for sure and the peasant woman remembered not all the nuances ... In general, according to the result, she turned out a new grade of cheese. That first called the Normandsky.

The name "Camembert" fastened Personally Emperor Napoleon IIIAfter once I tried it. The cheese was so liked by the emperor that he ordered him to deliver him to the yard constantly. And after the emperor, the entire French capital was fascinated by this cheese ...

Camembert Cooking Recipe

Can you cook camembert at homethese days? Many inaccessible people would answer that it is impossible and that the recipe for Kamumbert is a mystery behind the seven castles ... But it is not so! Of course, this is a very difficult cheese, but there is nothing impossible!

So kamamber can be prepared at home! And even need! The fact is that the real Camembert has a very short shelf life. So, can not be transported over long distances. So what comes to us is already a product with a preservative ... that for obvious reasons is not always good.

So, for the preparation of Camumbert, we will need:

  • 4 liters Fresh milk
  • 1 bag of mesophilic beef for cheese (bioantibut 0.1 ea is the perfect option, as it has an antagonistic effect on oily acid bacteria) or other mesophilic culture
  • 1/64 Tea Spoon Mold GEOTRICHUM CANDIDUM
  • 1/32 Tea Spoon Mold Penicillium Candidum
  • 1/4 Ch.L. liquid enzyme (renewed)
  • 2 tsp not iodized salt
  • pan (enameled or stainless steel, aluminum for hodge is unsuitable)
  • 2 forms for self-adding cheeses "Cylinder"
  • container for aging of cheese (suitable food container), size at least 15x25 cm
  • 2 sheets of special paper for ripening and storage of Camumbert
  • Calcium chloride (if you pasteve milk).

These ingredients are enough for us to obtain 2 kamambher heads weighing 250 gr.

Cooking technology:

  1. All equipment before starting work thoroughly wash and quivel. Camembert is a capricious cheese, in the aging of which several cultures participate, therefore, we do not need extra bacteria.
  2. Now activate the solder. To do this, divert the bag with Rodskaya in 100 ml of warm (30 °) water and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Next, heat the milk clear up to 32 ° C. Or cool down to this temperature if you pasteered milk. The thermometer will help you in this.

  4. Pour in milk activated starter.
  5. Sprinkle both mold cultures, measured out of the bag. Let the milk stand to stand a couple of minutes, so that mold powders absorbed moisture, after which we smoothly mix the milk, not "whipping" it.
  6. Close the saucepan with a lid and leave the milk for 30 minutes to reproduce in it of lactic acid bacteria.
  7. Divide the rennet enzyme in 30 ml (the size of the usual stack) of water temperature. Add the resulting solution into milk, mix thoroughly.

  8. If you are subjected to pasteurization milk, then add calcium chloride. This will contribute to the formation of a more dense bunch. On 4 liters of milk need to add 1/8 teaspoon (or half a measuring spoon No. 1).
  9. Leave before the formation of dairy bunch(like liquid jelly). Usually, if milk and frisks are fairly fresh, then it is enough 50-60 minutes, but it may be needed more than an hour. Attention! In no case do not mix milk at that time! Otherwise, you break all the biochemical processes! You can only check the milk with a knife tip.
  10. After formation of a bunch, check the clutch on the so-called "pure break" (or "pure compartment"). Make an incision on a clutch with a depth of 5-7 centimeters. If the knife after that remained clean (nothing sticks to him) - then the break is considered clean. If part of the clock remains on the knife - then wait a little more. Look at how it looks like photographic ( photo will increase When you click on it).

  11. As soon as the pure break is reached, cut the clutch on the cubes with a side of 2 cm and slowly interfere with the resulting cheese dough (it is also called "Calhe") 15-20 minutesto serum completely separated. If you want to get a more dense, "heavy" cheese head, then prevent even longer until the cheese grain compacts so much that it starts sticking in the hand when pressed.
  12. Place the resulting cheese grain into two pre-washed and scratched boiling water for Camembert cheese, evenly distributing the dough on them.

  13. Leave the cheese to self-add for 30 minutes, after which turn over in the forms. Cheese has already seal so much that it can be carefully taken out to the palm and turn over, without resorting to the help of additional equipment.
  14. Next you need over the next two hours turn over the cheese heads in forms every 30 minutes. As a result, the cheese forms a dense head, gives extra serum and gains acidity.
  15. Place the cheese to the container, which first place the napkin and drainage rug.
  16. Swelling the cheese head at the rate of ½ teaspoon per side, and then send to the aging in the fridge or anticipation chamber. It is necessary to turn the cheese every day (the first week twice a day, in the morning and in the evening), change the napkins and remove excessive moisture.
  17. The first 7-10 days of cheese is maintained at a temperature of 10-12⁰. During this time, the surface of the cheese is covered by the most desired mold crust.
  18. Wrap the head with paper and move to the shelf with a temperature of 4-6⁰s, in which the cheese will enjoy 2 more weeks.

After two weeks exposure your Camembert is ready!

Enjoy your appetite and successful cheese!

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