The village of green cottage cheese skimmed examination. "Roskontrol" checked gracial cottage cheese

The quality of milk of famous Russian brands was checked by specialists of an independent quality control system "Roskontrol".

As you know, milk is a source of calcium, useful enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins. Milk has antitoxic properties, has a beneficial effect on the digestion and the nervous system. Of course, the pair of milk most citizens are not available and, moreover, it is prohibited for sale due to the possibility of preserving and reproducing pathogenic microorganisms in it. On the shelves of Ulyanovsk stores, we see packages and bottles with inscriptions "pasteurized", "sterilized", "ultrapasteurized".

Will the vitamins persist in such milk, how safely did it have anything unnecessary to it? Specialists independent Quality Control Systems Roskontrol We checked the ultra-test milk with fat content of 3.2% of the "House in the village", "Avida", "Prostokvashino", "Sarafanovo", "Ostankino", "Green Village", Valio.

What is ultrapasterization?

Ultrapasterization is not pasteurization, "Svetlana Dimitrieva explained the chief expert of Roskontrol. - In fact, the main difference from sterilization, which, as a rule, is carried out in autoclaves, is that the ultra-sunerization uses the direct introduction of acute steam into the product - bubbling. And sterilization occurs almost instantly. Requirements for the safety of ultra-test milk are the same as for sterilized milk. The coincidence of the expiration date. The enzyme system of raw milk with this processing is completely destroyed. A solid part of water-soluble vitamins is destroyed. Fat-soluble vitamins are mostly saved. To improve the quality of sterilization, the quality of milk and its heat resistance is important. Therefore, in the technology of such products, the use of phosphates - salts is allowed to increase the thermal resistance of milk by improving its bufferiness. It protects milk proteins from their denaturation at elevated temperatures.

What about calcium?

According to reference data, in 100 grams of cow milk should be 120 mg of calcium. In all proven samples it turned out to be somewhat less: from 100 mg in Avid milk to 114 mg - in Prostokvashino. This is explained by the fact that a small amount of calcium salts is lost in the process of technological processing.

Having pleased the experts low content in proven samples of other salts - phosphates. As a result of past experts, Roskontrol repeatedly revealed signs of adding phosphates to milk. Obviously, manufacturers made the right conclusions and improved the quality of their products.

What did not find in milk?

None of the samples there are no vegetable fats, which are quite often falsified by dairy products (more often - more fat, and solid milk - relatively rarely). Did not reveal examination and antibiotics. All proven samples can be considered safe for health.

Test results

In general, the results of the examination can be called satisfactory. 6 of 7 proven samples were recommended for purchase. Only milk "House in the village" has not passed the check, being in the list of products with comments.

Milk "Prostokvashino" received the highest estimate of all samples - 75 points. It complies with safety requirements, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty-acid composition of the fat phase corresponds to dairy fat. The sample has a relatively high mass fraction of protein - 3.18%. The mass concentration of lactulose is relatively low.

Milk "" Valio "received an estimate of 73 points. This sample complies with safety requirements, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty acid composition of the fat phase of the product corresponds to milk fat. It has good organoleptic properties.

71 Score experts gave Sarafanovo Murok. This product complies with safety requirements, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty acid composition of the fat phase of the product corresponds to milk fat. The sample has a relatively high mass fraction of protein - 3.06%.

Milk "Ostankino" was rated 68 points. It complies with safety requirements, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty acid composition of the fat phase of the product corresponds to milk fat. The mass concentration of lactulose is relatively low.

64 points received from experts "Roskontrol" milk "Village Green". It complies with safety requirements, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty acid composition of the fat phase of the product corresponds to milk fat.

For one score, the milk "Avida" received less from experts. It also complies with safety requirements, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty acid composition of the fat phase of the product corresponds to milk fat.

Higher rating - 67 points - got the milk "House in the village". It complies with safety requirements, has good organoleptic properties, does not contain vegetable fats. The fatty-acid composition of the fat phase corresponds to dairy fat. The mass concentration of lactulose is relatively low, but ... the product of the Milk "House in the village" does not correspond to the identification criteria for the technical regulation name "Milk". The fact is that the mass proportion of the protein in it is below the permissible even taking into account the error. The marking does not correspond to this indicator and indicated in the marking GOST 31450-2013: a negative deviation was 10%.

What are the manufacturers still deceived?

Despite the seemingly rainbow picture, comments to the participants of the test were still. Thus, for example, experts from organoleptic indicators of samples remained too satisfied. There were no complaints of the products of the "House in the Village" and Valio. Thus, in the milk "Prostokvashino" and "Green Selo", experts felt the brazus, in Avideo, the fodder, in the "village of Green", "Sarafanovo" and "Ostankinskoye" - smell and flavor of boiling. In addition, not all manufacturers correctly indicated the nutritional value of their products. In most part of the samples (except for "Prostokvashino" and "Sarafanov"), the protein was less than declared. For a "house in the village", it turned into a list of goods with comments in the "list of goods with comments", since the protein in this milk was even less than the GOST assumes and what instructs the technical regulations.

Andrey Korchagin

"The taste and smell of half of the samples of cottage cheese does not withstand criticism and examination. A frank fake was found during testing. Such is the verdict of the organization "Public Control".

It is better not to become

Ahead is a big holiday, which this year coincides with the day of workers. The hostesses will prepare not only cakes, but also Easter. And for this dish is the cottage cheese, or rather, good cottage cheese.

Activists decided to check how good it is in St. Petersburg stores. Purplified ten samples, sent to the test laboratory FBU "Test-S.-Petersburg" for examination.

And they were not very surprised when they found out: only five types of product did not cause complaints from experts.

Nutritionists consider cottage cheese very useful. However, our examinations have now been regularly with enviable regularity that not any cottage cheese can be bought, they say in the press service of "public control".

Every year, specialists of state accredited laboratories detect poor-quality and frankly falsified samples. Sends the results obtained in Rospotrebnadzor. Associate with the lawsuit in court. But poor-quality cottage cheese does not disappear from the counters of St. Petersburg stores. Only the ways of deception of buyers, which are resorted by unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers.

Checking 2010 showed that the third of the samples purchased for examination - falsification, that is, it has in its composition of fatty origin. In 2011, fakes were revealed 25%, in 2012 - 40%. In 2015, this figure decreased to 20%.

The cheaper, the worse?

This year, experts recognized five samples of cottage cheese from ten.

And one and at all turned out to be a falsification, "reports" Public control "- this is a five percent cottage cheese from the Uzlovsky Milk Combine LLC, which is in the Tula region. - As part of this fake, according to the test report "Test-S.-Petersburg", the dairy fat did not turn out at all!

It cost this "product" in the season "Season" (Marshal Zhukov Ave., d. 30) suspiciously cheaply - 34.50 per pack of 200 g. Quality - or rather, its absence - the price corresponded completely.

- Perhaps, in the process of producing this product, its substitute was used instead of dairy fat, "says the head of the physico-chemical testing sector of the FBU" Test-S.-Petersburg "Julia Gormatina.

Cottage cheese of the "Uzlovsky Milk Combine" already fell into the field of vision of "social control" in 2014. Then the examination revealed in it the inconsistency of the stated indicators on the mass fraction of fat and protein. And here is a new meeting with now frank falsification. At the request of "public monitoring" comment on the results of the examination, the manufacturer did not respond.

Perhaps with controlling authorities, where appropriate documents are sent, representatives « The nodal milk plant "will be talkative - they are bred by their hands in the" public control. "

Why cheese sour

One sample type of cottage cheese has not passed an examination on organoleptic indicators, and simply turned out to be sour taste. This is the "red price" acquired in the store "Pyaterochka" (st. Marshal Govalov, d. 16). Cottage cheese 5% manufactured in Ltd "PC" Obninsky dairy products "in the Kaluga region.

As noted in the protocol, it is "unclean taste and smell, as well as a foreign smell."

An acidic taste also turned out to be the "Live Milk" cottage cheese (acquired in the "Okay" hypermarket, Marshal Zhukov, d. 31)

- Perhaps the products were placed in a warehouse from our partner, "says the manager of the Tregoreskaya Farm peasant farm in the Leningrad region, Pavel Grishin. - the sour taste of the product indicates a storage temperature impaired. If it goes beyond plus two-plus six degrees, then acidity rises. For the quality of shipped products, we are responsible, but what happens to it later, unable to control.

As the manufacturer explains, in large trading networks, the goods after unloading for two or three hours can be stored in the warm room. And only then their hands come to him, and he gets into the refrigerator. During this time, anything can spoil.

There are a lot of reasons

- Production of cottage cheese - the process is complex, many factors affect the quality of the final product, "says Julia Gormatina. - This is not enough good raw materials, and a breach of the technological process or storage conditions. It is impossible to determine in the laboratory conditions that it was the cause of the violation of organoleptic indicators.

According to the associate professor of the Department of Applied Biotechnology, St. Petersburg University of Anatoly Brusnutsev, to these three reasons for sour taste and unpleasant odor can be added another one.

- The manufacturer could use bad starters, "says Anatoly Blusnow. - Secondly, the preparation of cottage cheese could go initially acidic milk in which there was an extraneous microflora. Thirdly, they could disrupt the storage conditions. It happens that cottage cheese is freezed by storage. And if it was referred to him several times, either did not stand the temperature of minus 18 degrees laid in such cases, then extraneous tastes and smells appear in the product. Finally, it happens that in fresh cottage cheese, the so-called products from the reserve are added, the fact that it was shred in stock. Then old cottage cheese may well spoil the taste and smell of fresh product.


"Potentially dangerous"

Head of the Production Quality Control Department and Consumer Control Services SPB GBU "Center for the quality of goods (products), works and services" Larisa Shapovova:

Traditional cottage cheese belongs to perishable dairy products, which are a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. Therefore, it becomes potentially dangerous for any violations of storage and transportation conditions. Therefore, the buyer should pay special attention to the sanitary condition of the store, where dairy products are implemented.

On the packaging of cottage cheese, when labeling, the manufacturer should include the storage temperature, therefore it makes sense to make sure whether the storage conditions in the cooled counter are observed.

What does the label say

The main component of cottage cheese is solid milk, normalized milk, low-fat milk, restored (from dry) milk or mixtures thereof.

Also, cottage cheese contains solder.

Often, calcium chloride is present in the composition, which contributes to the formation of a clock and an increase in calcium content in the finished product.

In the production of cottage cheese, the renewed enzyme is often used, the addition of which allows the milk to be faster by separating the protein components from the breast serum.

It is important how much fat is contained in the product. Degreased cottage cheese contains fat less than 1.8%. The fattest cottage cheese produced by GOST contains more than 23% fat.

Trite but fact

No matter how trite, but the examination of cottage cheese confirmed: there are no complaints about well-known and well-proven producers to quality. Fully consistent with the requirements of regulatory documents of the cottage cheese of five trademarks. This is a 5% cottage cheese "Piskarevsky" (SPB), cottage cheese 5% (LLC "Medvezhiegorsky dairy", Karelia), cottage cheese 9% TM "FAMILY FARM" (Delta LLC, St. Petersburg), Cottage cheese 5% TM "First of all" ( Lacto-Novgorod, OOO, Old Russa) and Cottage cheese 9% TM "SPBFERMA" (LLC "SPB Farm", St. Petersburg).

Materials used

- an important component of diet food. This dairy product is recommended to be used to replenish the deficit of protein, the normalization of metabolism, strengthen the bone system, in diet diet.

The inclusion of cottage cheese in the casual menu to maintain health is relevant for buyers of all ages, so the quality of this product is so important.

Unfortunately, out of ten samples of cottage cheese who have been checked in the FBU "Test-S.-Petersburg" in the spring of 2017, only four were fully relevant to GOST as a regulatory document specified on their label.

At the same time, two samples that have not passed as expertise, specialists called falsifications due to the detection of fatty fats in them.

Vegetable fats, according to GOST 31453-2013 "Cottage cheese. Technical conditions "and the technical regulations of the Customs Union" On the safety of milk and dairy products "cannot be included in the product under the name" Cottage cheese ". Meal components can be part of the so-called "curd products", but their presence must be designated on the packaging.

Quality indicators of cottage cheese

Number of protein in cottage cheese - One of the most important indicators of its quality, since this component determines the value of the health product. The protein is below the norm - evidence of exceeding the permissible level of moisture and adding ingredients of plant origin. In accordance with GOST 31453-2013, the less fat contains a product, the greater the protein component should be: cottage cheese from 1.8 to 3.8% must contain at least 18% protein, fat content from 4 to 9% - at least 16 % protein, wounded 12% and above - at least 14% protein.

Organoleptic indicators - Taste, color, smell, consistency are also important when choosing a product. In half of the proven samples, they turned out to be inappropriate GOST, which is due, in the opinion of experts, low quality raw materials, violations of production technology and non-compliance with storage rules.

Battle of cottage cheese - Important indicator for observing a diet. Incorrect indication of the number of fats in three proven samples enters the buyers to delusion and can cause a non-power violation of the power mode.

The results of an independent examination of cottage cheese, manufactured according to GOST 31453-2013

PRODUCT MANUFACTURER Mass, G. Price per pack, rub. Taste, smell, consistency FAT PROTEIN MOISTURE Vegetable fat Compliance of GOST
Piskarevsky Milk Plant, OOO, Saint Petersburg 250 70-89 correspond to correspond to correspond to correspond to NOT correspond to
With a mass fraction of fat 9% Lactis JSC, Great Novgorod 200 71-39 correspond to correspond to correspond to correspond to NOT correspond to
Cottage cheese TM "Village Green" with a mass fraction of fat 5% OJSC "Milkom", Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk 200 59-50 correspond to correspond to correspond to correspond to NOT correspond to
Cottage cheese TM "Sudarnya" with a mass fraction of fat 5% 200 59-60 correspond to correspond to correspond to correspond to NOT correspond to
Cottage cheese TM "Baltcom" with a mass fraction of fat 9% LLC "Baltcom Yuni", Moscow, production: Bryansk region. 180 57-85 correspond to correspond to below norm correspond to NOT does not match the mass fraction of protein
Cottage cheese TM "First Delion" with a mass fraction of fat 5% Lacto-Novgorod LLC, Novgorod region. 180 49-67 correspond to correspond to humidity above normal NOT does not correspond to the organoleptic properties and mass fraction of moisture
Cottage cheese TM "Ladon" with a mass fraction of fat 5% OJSC "Bologovsky Milk Plant", Tver region, Mr. Bologoye 180 66-31 taste and smell not enough clean correspond to below norm above norms NOT does not correspond to organoleptic properties, mass fraction of moisture and protein
With a mass fraction of fat 12% Ltd. "Miloxy - Ivny", Moscow, Production: Chuvash Republic 200 70-90 the taste and smell are not clean enough, with the presence of a weak odorous smell and the taste below norm correspond to correspond to NOT does not correspond to the organoleptic properties and mass fraction of fat
Cottage cheese TM "Red Price" with a mass fraction of fat 5% DELTA, OOO, Saint Petersburg 180 36-60 taste and smell are not enough clean, sweetish above norms correspond to correspond to 35% discovered does not correspond to the organoleptic properties, mass fraction of fat and the composition of the fat phase - was revealed by vegetable fat
Cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat 1.8% "from the peasant" TREYD-LINE, OOO, Saint Petersburg 180 57-98 the taste and smell are not clean enough, with the presence of a strongly severe odor and the taste above the norm 10 times below norm correspond to 75% discovered does not correspond to the organoleptic properties, mass fraction of fat and protein, in the composition of the fat phase - was revealed vegetable fat

The data obtained by experts belong only to proven samples, and not for all similar products manufacturers.

How to choose cottage cheese

Refuse to purchase products at a low price - not a panacea from buying fake. Often, falsified cottage cheese is sold as a product of the average price category.

Specialists advise you to choose cottage cheese manufacturers, whose dairy products have repeatedly withstanding laboratory tests.

Isabella Satukhina based on the materials of the St. Petersburg Public Organization of Consumer "Public Control"

Within the framework of the fan research by Roska experts, Cottage cheese 9 percent fat 95 of the largest trademarks, the cumulative share of which on the market is more than 70%. Tests carried out 25 quality and safety indicators. The goods were purchased in the regions of eight Russian federal districts: Far Eastern, Volga, North-West, North Caucasian, Siberian, Ural, Central and South. The cost of cottage cheese at the time of procurement was from 34.4 to 200 rubles. For packaging (in the study, products were presented in packages from 170 to 500 grams) and from 15 to 100 rubles. for 100 grams. According to the results of the test, the products of 18 trademarks meet the increased requirements of russia, but 17 of them can claim the Russian sign of quality - the 18th cottage cheese, Brest-Lithuanian, produced in Belarus.

Standard of the Russian quality system

The standard of the Russian quality system for curd 9% in its basic parameters is identical to the current GOST and has tightening according to quality and security requirements. Thus, in potential applicants for obtaining a state-owned quality mark in composition, there should be no food additives (stabilizers, regulators of acidity, preservatives) and antibiotics both in the customs union prohibited by the technical regulations and in trace quantities. The level of location of production for awarding the Russian quality of the quality of the curd should be no less than 85%.

Of course, the speech here will go about the main violation - product falsification.

1. Add vegetable oil

Falsification of dairy products with the help of vegetable fats can not be called massive phenomenon. However, we have already faced with isolated cases in the study butter, sour cream and slomitis.

As it turned out, they save on raw materials - milk - and manufacturers of cottage cheese. Vegetable fats were found in cottage "BMK", "Cheerful meadow" (both - Bryansk region), "Volzhanka" (Volgograd region), "Vyazemsky" (Khabarovsk region), "Davlekanovo" (Bashkiria), "Good Burninka" (Saratov region), "Milk farm" and "SMK" (Ulyanovsk region). Analysis of the fatty acid composition of this cottage cheese confirmed the results: it really lacks some fatty acids that are inherent in the dairy component.

2. Replace protein

To recognize falsification by protein, experts were looking for in the cottage cheese of DNA plants, that is, plant protein. Vegetable protein may be in dairy products, for example, by adding soy concentrate. Found him in cottage cheese "Kamarchagi"(Krasnoyarsk Territory), as well as in products where we found vegetable fats: "Davlekanovo" (Bashkiria), "Good Burninka" (Saratov region), "Milk farm" and "SMK" (both - Ulyanovsk region).

3. Add Stachmal

In cottage cheese there should be nothing but milk and frivors. However, some manufacturers apparently consider otherwise. So, the starch was discovered in cottage cheese "Volga expanses" (Ulyanovsk region), "Good Burninka" (Saratov region), "All year round" (Bryansk region), "Lacomo" (Bryansk region), "Milk farm"(Ulyanovsk region), "Ruzsky" (MO) and "SMK" (Ulyanovsk region).

- The composition of cottage cheese is not allowed nothing but milk and frivors and, perhaps the enzyme, - confirms the head of the laboratory of technoochemical control, Candidate of Technical Sciences Elena Yurova. - Therefore, if something in addition to this is found (some stabilizer or preservative), the product refers to the discharge of falsification. Most likely, the starch producer is not used in pure form, but in the composition of the stubsystem (stabilization system. - Ed.). It allows you to "collect" protein, keep moisture and create the necessary structure. There are people who are sensitive to some components from the stabilization system. For example, diabetics: they are contraindicated starch, this complex carbohydrate adversely affects blood sugar content. In addition, due to such additives, the amount of protein is reduced, that is, the nutritional value of cottage cheese has sharply. And the protein decreases - the calcium content decreases. Pay for a less valuable product to us as consumers also do not want.

4. Reduce reduce

When you buy 9% curd cottage cheese, you trust labeling: and what else to trust? However, it turns out that reality does not always correspond to what is indicated on the package.

So, fatness is lower than those specified in the markings, in cottage cheese "Agrofirm" Lebedevskaya "(Novosibirsk region), "AMKA" (Ryazan Oblast), "Baikal Cottage cheese" (Irkutsk region), "Baltcom" (Bryansk region), "Belozorie" (Arkhangelsk region), "Your choice" (Bryansk region), "Dormant Kormilitsa" (Kaliningrad region), "Green meadow"(Novosibirsk region), "Everyday" (Bryansk region), (Primorsky Krai), "All year round" (Bryansk region), "Lacomo" (Bryansk region), Losevo (Leningrad region), "Tribal factory Prienevsky" (Leningrad region), "Severodvinsk-milk" (Arkhangelsk region), "Farmer Companion" (Amur region) and Farmer Center.rf (Tomsk region).

Moreover, the cottage cheese is one of these trademarks, the fat content was 3.5%. As you can see, it is much more dietary than indicated on the package.

There were cases when the fat content of cottage cheese was more than 30%! True, such fatness is just in cottage cheese with vegetable fats: "Davlekanovo", "Milk farm" and "SMK".

5. Add preservatives

During tests, sorbic acid was discovered in cottage "AMKA" (Ryazan Oblast), "Dmitrogorsk Product" (Tver region), "Calorie. From the old village " (Krasnodar region), "Ostankino" (Kaluga region), "Savushkah Khutorok" (Belarus) and "SMK" (Ulyanovsk region). By the way, in cottage cheese "Calorie. From the old village " Benzoic acid was also found, however it is worth noting that this cottage cheese is not manufactured by GOST, but according to its own standard of organization.

Mold, yeast and intestinal wand - How "lives" cottage cheese

In the cottage cheese should be bacteria. But! Only useful (talking about them below). Most of the cottage cheese participating in the study corresponded to this postulate. However, there were exceptions.

  • Intestinal stick bacteria found in cottage cheese "Bournecko" (Kaluga region), "Vaskino happiness" (Tatarstan), "Green leaves"(Primorsky Krai), "Peasant farm" Velvet " (Primorsky Krai), "Northern Valley" (Nizhny Novgorod region) and "Farmer Companion" (Amur region). Most likely, the cause of these bacteria is non-compliance with sterile conditions in production. Since cottage cheese is packaged, the likelihood that the intestinal wand fell into cottage cheese otherwise, quite small.
  • Excession of yeast or mold found in Cottle 14 brands: "Agrofirm" Lebedevskaya " (Novosibirsk region), "Bill"(MO), "Bournecko"(Kaluga region), "Your choice" (Bryansk region), "Tastyevo" (Voronezh region), "Yours sincerely"(Tver region), "Red Price" (Tver region), "Lacomo" (Bryansk region), "Milawa" (Belarus), "Dairy grace" (Sverdlovsk region), "Milk farm" (Ulyanovsk region), "First taste" (Chelyabinsk region), "PC" Milk " (Tyumen region) and "SMK" (Ulyanovsk region). However, the reasons for these disorders may be several: the low quality of the production of raw materials, a violation of the sanitary condition of production, non-compliance with the conditions for transportation, storing or selling products. One of the main reasons for the damage of cottage cheese is storing on the counter without compliance with the temperature regime.

Experts did not find golden staphylococcus in the cottage cheese, salmonella and mycotoxins.

And now about good bacteria

Or rather, about useful. After all, actually, cottage cheese is eating for them (and for the sake of protein, of course). As far as useful cottage cheese, you can find out by considering the number of lactic acid microorganisms. They should be at least a million per cubic centimeter!

Less than all lactic acid bacteria in cottage cheese "Tastyevo" (Voronezh region), "Greenagro" (Primorsky Krai), "Everyday" (Bryansk region), "Kirzhachy dairy plant" (Vladimir region), "Kosulinsky Milk" (Sverdlovsk region), "First taste" (Chelyabinsk region), Polevskoye (Sverdlovsk region), "Stog" (Chelyabinsk region) and Farmer Center.rf (Tomsk region). The listed cottage cheese is not as useful as cottage cheese of other brands.

Assembly Secretary of the Technical Committee on Dairy Products TK 470 / MTC 532, Head of the Standardization Group of the Milk Union of Russia, Candidate of Technical Sciences Larisa Abdullaeva "Started" for such cottage cheese and urged not to consider this violation of terrible:

- Recently, the issue of rationing for the illegible useful microflora was discussed in the court of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and in the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, and in the sectoral institute. Many experts in the field of milk and dairy products supported the decline in the current legislative norm on the content of lactic acid microorganisms in cottage cheese, manufactured using new production methods. Modern equipment for the production of cottage cheese assumes its automated production in special containers, which are heated for better separation of serum. Such heating, of course, destroys the minor part of the microflora, but this cottage cheese becomes more crumbly, there is less moisture in it, which means there is no environment for development including harmful microorganisms. Such cottage cheese is safe and like consumers for its special crumbly consistency. Therefore, I would not "demonize" those samples of cottage cheese, in which a little "lacking" lactic acid bacteria, is not the worst violation for cottage cheese produced by an industrial flowing way.

About what curd is the most useful, read .

Important note: Unfortunately, a high number of useful bacteria cannot compensate for security disorders that are allowed by some manufacturers of cottage cheese. Therefore, it is always necessary to look at the results in the complex.

The number of useful lactic acid microorganisms in cottage cheese is reduced as storage. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life. What's a fresh cottage cheese - the more useful.

And useful and disquained from diseases: curd antibiotics

For cows do not hurt or when they are already sick, many farmers resort to help antibiotics. If you violate the rules for the use of these drugs, antibiotics can go to milk. And already from milk - raw materials - in cottage cheese or any other product of dairy origin.

Among the 95 trading brands of cottage cheese, 11 violations were discovered. Exceeding over the antibiotics of the amphenicol groups were fixed in cottage cheese "BMK", "Cheerful meadow"(both - Bryansk region), "Rustic Milk Plant" (Kemerovo region) and "Kamarchagi"(Krasnoyarsk region); Tetracycline group - in cottage cheese "Green meadow"(Novosibirsk region), "Savushkah Khutorok"(Belarus), "Severodvinsk-milk" (Arkhangelsk region) and "Tula"(Tula region); Penicillins - in cottage cheese "Kuban milkman"(Krasnodar region); Tetracycline group and penicillins together - in cottage cheese "Dormant Kormilitsa" (Kaliningrad region) and "Shepherd"(Kabardino-Balkaria).

In more than half of the tested trademarks, trading number of antibiotics were found in cottage cheese, but all these quantities do not exceed the norms established by law. Therefore, formally producers of these goods are not considered violators, but such cottage cheese will not be able to qualify for the Russian quality mark.

- the remains of veterinary drugs, including antibiotics controlled in dairy products, are so small that it is possible to determine them in milk only by very complex laboratory methods, - notes Larisa Abdullaeva. - In this case, the sensitivity of such research methods should also be very high (for example, at the level of three ten-thousand milligrams in one kilogram of the product, in particular for chloramphenicol). Such accurate modern laboratory equipment is available, unfortunately, not at all dairy plants. Most often, the remnants of drugs are in the product from milk of those burenoks, which were treated. By law, such milk should not flow at the factory at all. And the manufacturers of cottage cheese would be incredibly glad if absolutely clean milk came to the factory, without residue any veterinary preparations! But, alas, they are not powerful over veterinarians and not always their laboratories can determine the microscopic residues of the wide range of antibiotic animals used for the treatment of animals. The question of the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine and control of raw milk on its safety should be solved at the farm level. And now, unfortunately, there is some kind of "uncontrolcity" in animal husbandry in the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine, and one of the suppliers decided not to fulfill veterinarians, elementary chasing for profit. The plant, by checking the milk in all legislative indicators, unfortunately, did not notice such a small concentration of the antibiotic in the cheese milk.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Nutritionist, Reflexotherapist Mariyat Mukhina Told about why antibiotics in products harm the human body:

- If you regularly use dairy products with such a "additive", then the sensitivity of the bacteria to medicines is reduced. Antibiotics, which are contained in dairy products and fall into our body, "train" bacteria and viruses. And those become antibiotic-resistant, unresponsible to the action of drugs. In the future, in case of illness, antibiotics prescribed by the doctor may not have the desired effect. Scientists predict that by 2050 will not "work" by no antibiotic! Therefore, there is now a question about the prohibition of antibiotic therapy in animal husbandry in principle. As prevention of animal diseases, specialists offer to use vaccination.

Quality of milk and frivors

LEAVEN. To produce all the studied cottage cheese, frivors of good quality were used: with microflora characteristic of cottage cheese, without any extraneous cells in it.

MILK. To evaluate the quality of milk used for the manufacture of cottage cheese, experts revealed the mass fraction of SOMO.

Somo - Dry low fat milk residue. The higher the indicator - the more high-quality product. In turn, the low rate of Somo may indicate either the fact that for the production of cottage cheese, poor-quality milk was used, or on the fact that part of the product was replaced by some additives (for example, water, starch or other thickeners).

Low COMO indicators are fixed in cottage "Good Burninka"(Saratov region), "Milk farm" and "SMK"(both - Ulyanovsk region). In all cases, the story with additives is confirmed. These products recorded the presence of vegetable fats and starch.

By the way, Cottage cheese "good Burninka" was previously investigated by russia. Then vegetable fats and lowered somo were found in it. Strachmal before in this cottagemy we did not find. But starch and lowered somo were found in the kefir of this brand.

Raw or pasteurized milk was used to produce cottage cheese? In 94 cases - pasteurized. And only in the cottage cheese of one brand - Irbitsky(Sverdlovsk region) - Peroxidase was detected (enzyme. - Approx. ed.). This suggests that milk from which cottage cheese is made, with a large probability partially pasteurized. Tells Elena Yurova:

- This is a serious violation. If peroxidase is found in the cottage cheese, it means that there was insufficient heat treatment milk, the residual microflora could be located in this product. A microflora can be different, including pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic. According to the legislation, cottage cheese should be made from pasteurized milk and undermine the heat treatment. If a person is eating a product made of milk with insufficient heat treatment, it can poison. And if infections remained in it (the cow was sick), then the consequences can be completely unpredictable.

As follows from what we wrote above, specifically in this studied cottage cheese of the "Irbitsky" problems with microflora, did not find any violations on microbiological indicators here. But if the manufacturer uses partially pasteurized milk, it is a call for the consumer. What is the likelihood that all the cows are "suppliers" of milk for Cottage cheese "Irbitsky" - will be healthy?

From products, which is represented on the shelves of retail chains, seven samples of 9 percent cottage cheese were selected for today's tasting in the Moscow consumer union. Among them turned out to be cottage cheese only one Tatarstan brand. Tasting and accompanying tool check showed that all samples are in principle there isit is possible, but not everyone is equally tasty and useful.

In addition to the sample from "Just Milk", the cottage cheese of the Tver Terektria, the "Green village" (Izhevskaya OJSC "Milkom"), "Every day" (Baltcom Yuni, Bryansk region), President (JSC " Efremovsky oil plant ", Tula region)," SMK - Simbirsk Dairy Company "(MOLASTO LLC, Ulyanovsk region) and Kirzhachi dairy plant (KMZ).

The correspondent of "Evening Kazan" has joined experts from the Union of Consumers of the Republic of Tajikistan, the National Institute of Quality, Vetacademic and Technological University. Unlike specialists who exactly know what the right cottage cheese must be taste, smell, color and consistency, I had to evaluate product samples only on the principle of "Like - I don't like". Surprisingly, but the fact: the assessment of the ordinary consumer, then I mean, completely coincided with the opinion of professionals.

Tastors could not solve, whose cottage cheese is better - local or Tula: "Just milk" and "president" scored the same, the highest number of points for taste, color and consistency. True, the experts had a claim to the curd of the brand "Just Milk". It turns out that serum in the storage process can only be separated from low-fat curd, and the fat must keep the brand and not to flow. But in a two-gram packing of a characteristic blue color boulevard-blurred at least a tablespoon of serum ...

A little less points received cottage cheese from Kirzchak, however, the merchant expert of the consumer union of RT Rosa Nizamutdinov after the official announcement of the tasting results turned into a colleague Iraid Bursanov and already informally stated:

True cottage cheese - Kirzhachi!

And Bursanova nodded:


Despite the fact that the sample of the Cottage cheese of the "Green village" from Izhevsk did not look like a natural and scored the smallest number of points at the taster, conducted on the spot laboratory examination showed that there is no starch or palm oil which manufacturers are often used to reduce the cost of goods.

But a slightly ahead of the Ulyanovsky cottage cheese of the "SMC", the Ulyanovsky cottage cheese, "SMK" was not quite natural. Under ultraviolet rays of Liminoscope, he instead of bright yellow acquired a light purple shade. Suspensively suspected, experts drunk on the cottage cheese of iodine - and the drop of cried, giving the starch starch stuffed to the product.

The remaining samples and "glowing" correctly, and the test of iodine was worthy - during contact with cottage cheese, it retained brown color.

As the usual buyers are not the fact that the luminoscope cannot be placed before buying cottage cheese, but even iodine to it to drop, the head of the Center for Independent Expertise of the National Institute of Quality of Tanzil Musina gave advice, to navigate when choosing a product:

In natural cottage, the shelf life is small - it is stored no longer than 72 hours, "the long-playing" product is better not to take. A grayish tint testifies that cottage cheese in the store was settled, it is also better not to take, even if the shelf life has not come out yet. Cottage cheese price is not the main sign of quality.

And experts assured the correspondent of "VK" that horror stories about the harm to the health of palm oil, which hurry the curd by unscrupulous manufacturers, do not have serious grounds: this fact is not proven. However, the damage to the wallet of the buyer and the unscrupulous desire to catch up with producers offering under the guise of cottage cheese of milk-containing products with the entrusted names like "home", "rustic", "real", etc., are obvious. A cheap palm oil has a much higher density than milk fat, so after adding a cottage cheese product adds dramatically in weight. And sell cottage cheese, as you know by weight.

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