Breaks bean wind what to do. How fast and just weld the beans of different varieties

Preparation of beans is an unprecedented matter, so it is better to plan it in advance. In addition to the hours, two, which will take directly cooking, you need to take into account time for soaking. Good news is that you almost don't have to do anything.

How to prepare beans

The first thing to be done is to check the shelf life. The beans that lay for more than a year were most likely dry. Such beans will not be soft and gentle how much or whether it is either.

Thrick the beans (do not worry, it's fast) and throw away all the shredded and suspicious beans, as well as stalks and other trash.

Then thoroughly rinse the beans in colander under the jet of cold water.

The next step is soaking, and that is, there are several good reasons. First, pre-closed beans are brewed faster. This, by the way, is not the main reason: without soaking the beans will boil longer by only 15-20 minutes.

Secondly, during soaking, oligosaccharides are partially dissolved, which cause increased gas formation in the intestine.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that during soaking the beans loses the so-called antitrients - compounds that prevent the absorption of nutrients. In particular, the beans contains a phytinic acid, which prevents the suction of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

How to soak beans

There are two ways of soaking beans:

1. Slow, or cold, way

Supporters of this method of soaking claim that it allows you to get rid of unpleasant side Effectswhich are famous legumes. However, keep in mind that it takes time. Put the beans in a large saucepan, fill cold water And remove in the fridge for 12-24 hours.

For 1 cup of beans you will need 5 glasses of water.

2. Quick, or hot, way

If there is no time for prolonged soaking, then simply pour dry beans into the pan and fill with water in the same proportion as in the previous method. Bring water to a boil and cook the beans for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the plate, cover the lid and let you stand at least 1 hour.

Consider the volume of beans after soaking and cooking will increase by 2-3 times, so select a saucepan of more.

By the way, some hostesses argue that with this method of soaking a dish, it turns out tastier.

How to cook beans

After soaking, drain the water and rinse the swelling beans in running water. Then lay it out in a large saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers the beans. Bring water to a boil and add a tablespoon of sunflower or to be smaller foam.

Cook beans on slow fire. Perhaps in the cooking process you will need from time to time to pour water into the pan. Depending on the grade of beans, the time of its storage and rigidity of water, cooking time can be from 0.5 to 2.5 hours.

During cooking, the beans should not be disturbed, and the pan does not need to be covered with a lid.

To find out whether the beans are ready, break one thing with a fork or fingers. Ideally, the beans should become soft, but not weld to the state of the porridge. If the beans still hurts, leave it to boil further and check for readiness every 10 minutes.


There is a fairly common myth that the salt gives the bean density and rigidity, so it is necessary to add it at the end. In fact, salt does not affect the consistency of the beans, if you, of course, are not going to pour it in a hustle. Herbs and can also be added at any time.

If the recipe requires acid-containing products, such as lemon juice, wine, vinegar or tomatoes, then do it after the beans will be ready. Otherwise, the beans may not be so gentle as I would like.

Ready beans can be stored in the refrigerator up to 4 days. It is recommended to use flat shallow containers for this.

Do you have your own secrets of cooking beans? Share them in the comments.

Bean rich in the protein. That is why they are part of many diets, vegetarians necessarily include bean in their diet. In cooking there are a lot of delicious and nutrient disheswhere one of the main ingredients is beans, peas and other representatives of this family. But how to quickly cook beans, beans and polka dots?

There is a grandmother's way - soaking beans for the night. But in the morning it will prepare it easily and quickly. In addition, if the beans reap in water, fermentation can begin. The ideal option when soaking is the following: every two or three hours to change the water in which the beans are clumsy. Since it blends greatly at the same way, it follows from time to time to add water. And in no case can not cook the beans in the water in which it was clumsy. Such a method of cooking beans is tedious and irregular in time.

Soaking is not the fastest way to boiled beans. It is good that still invented several options for accelerated cooking beans and other legumes.

How to quickly cook beans: the first way

We fall asleep the beans, pre-hovering it and cleaning it from the garbage, in a saucepan and pour a minute of thirty-forty minute by thirty minutes. After this time, the water drain and add salt and two or three spoons of sunflower oil (or another vegetable, which is at hand). We fill again so so that it is the beans all closed. We put on fire (small) and watch the water to be enough in a saucepan. When it is swollen, you can add liquid, but a little.

How to cook beans fast: the second way

Use the appliance and devices today on each kitchen. For example, a pressure cooker, microwave, aerogril and other useful and necessary electrical appliances, which greatly facilitate life. Information on such devices can be learned from instructions to them as well as from the World Wide Web.

Third way fast cooking Beans

At the same time, the soda is used food. Only you need to take a literally pinch or on the tip of the knife. By moving around with the number of soda, it is possible to get not beautifully welded beans, but the crawl out of it. If soda is added to the water a lot, the beans simply bursts and boils.

How to quickly cook beans: fashion fourth

At the same time, the method of cooking bean beans falls asleep into water and is brought to a boil. Then the water is quickly merged, and the beans are again poured with cold water and is already boiled until complete readiness. This method allows to reduce cooking time twice.

How to quickly cook the beans: the fifth way, a little tedious, but fast

It looks like the fourth, but it is distinguished by the fact that the fill with cold water is repeated several times until the beans are suitable for use. Washing beans are put in a saucepan and poured water (no matter, it is hot or cold) so that the legumes are slightly covered. By bringing it to a boil, they give to bother five to ten minutes, and again pour cold water. And so several times: boils for 5-10 minutes - topping cold water - and again to boil and cook 5-10 minutes. The secret of this method is that the beans, tall, absorbs the liquid. Water becomes smaller and therefore constantly required to top up.

The main thing - with all the methods of cooking beans, do not pick it up at the beginning of cooking, since its feature is that in salt water the beans remains solid for a long time. Better add salt at the end of cooking.

Unfortunately, such a useful and nutritious bean used as side dishes, ingredient in salads, etc., is not used in raw form. Raw beans Contains substances that can lead to body intoxication. Therefore, it must be boiled. But what is the welded bean soup, which salads from it can be cooked! The beans in the days of the post are especially in demand. After all, it is a storehouse of zinc, phosphorus, copper, potassium, protein. Perfectly quenching hunger, beans - an indispensable product for many people.

Hello, fans of vegetable protein and vegetarianism. Today I want to tell you how to quickly cook the beans without prior soak for any dish. I hope my advice and recommendations will be useful to everyone who has time to traditional preparation These useful and amazingly delicious beans are missing.

Product varieties

First of all, let's determine with you, what kind of beans and what you want to cook:

  • white most often used for cooking soups, puree, as a side dish with vegetable and meat dishes. It has a neutral taste and perfectly combined with almost all kinds of products. In the process of cooking, such beans become very gentle and crumbly;
  • red beans love to her bright color and are used mainly for salads and stew. It is less crumbling, requires long soaking and many hours of cooking;
  • multicolored or motley beans - leader taste and long-term cooking.

I adore the motley and white subspecies of the product, but never mix them in one recipe. This and the taste of the dish will change beyond recognition, and such beans are prepared in different ways. Of course, I try to soak the product for the night in a lot of water so that the mustache can be removed and the extra gases then did not torment the tumors of my loved ones. But the preliminary training of Bobs is not always arranged.

For emergency cases in my notebook, there are several proven options for accelerated preparation of almost any petitions of the product:

  1. I fill with water washed beans, I bring to a boil. As soon as the beans boil 5 minutes, drag the decoction and pour on a very cold liquid from under the tap. I repeat so far, while on each fruit there will be no noticeable cracks - a sign that the beans begins to weld. Then the last decoction does not throw away, but add as the main broth to the soup or in stew.
  2. After boiling liquid into a saucepan with beans add food soda At the tip of the knife. When the fruits are ready, a few drops lemon juice Help the unpleasant taste of additives. In this case, the decoction is better not to use, as soup or mashed potatoes are tasteless.

Origine softens the beans my mother - she in the water before cooking beans puts a tablespoon of dried leaf of laminaria. Then there is a dry fruit and boils as usual, about 40 minutes. Very interesting taste at the broth turns out and if adding all sorts of greens and a little to the finished product seasonal vegetables, a decent basis for soup will be released.

Significantly accelerates the process of cooking long-playing beans and microwave. It is necessary to put the beans into the appropriate dishes, pour cold water and send to the microwave oven for 7-10 minutes at full capacity of the unit. Then the liquid merge and add cold water to the beans. Repeat the time mode and continue to use ready semi-finished product By destination.

Multicooker has become a real rescue for housewives in the cooking process. In it, the beans without soaking will be ready after 1.5 hours. At the same time, the appropriate mode remains extinguishing - the beans will be tomitted under pressure, which significantly speeds up the process.

If there is a pressure cooker in the house, the unit can be used for cooking red beans for Ukrainian borscht. In this case, absolutely dry fruits will be ready in 40 minutes.

My advice beginner cooks - do not solit the beans until it becomes loose. Salt delays the cooking process and therefore seasoning add to ready dish At the end of cooking. If you are cooking colored and motley beans varieties, the lid is better not to close to preserve an interesting hue of the product.

Soak - do not soak

If possible, the beans are still better to soak pre-for several hours.

I try to change the water several times during the swelling of the beans so that:

  • reduce cooking time and first and second dishes;
  • wash off dust and starch from the surface of the product;
  • partially reduce the influence of plant substances on the intestines to avoid bloating.

What is useful to human body beans

Regular use of legumes can contribute to recovery from a number of parables:

  • reduce the risk of tattime formation;
  • helps to cure tuberculosis faster;
  • displays various harmful substances from the body, since it has a soft diuretic property;
  • acts on the gastric mucosa with reduced acidity gastritis;
  • helps wounds and ulcers faster scarring;
  • it affects the skin of the face in the compositions of various masks for women of Balzakovsky age.

These are the subtleties of the preparation of this nutritious and valuable participant in the daily diet. Subscribe to my blog and recommend the material from its pages to your subscribers in social networks - the excursion to the world of useful and delicious products Not finished!

It is not a secret that before cooking legumes, it is necessary to carry out a number of necessary manipulations that enzymes affecting the increased gas formation. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to quickly cook the beans if it is urgently needed as an ingredient for any dish.

The beans range to one of the slowest cooking products. But what to do, if it is urgently necessary for you, and there is no time to prepare at all or it is not at all? Then try cooking beans without soaking. Methods of preparation differ slightly among themselves, depending on its type.

There is also a few secrets that allow you to keep the beans tasty and attractive to the view if it is important for you.

  • Beans fill with water from the calculation of 1: 4. Add a tablespoon of sugar there. It will suit the most ordinary white sand, not brown. On the stove, turn on the strong fire, and then when the water boils, reduce to the medium. The beans will quickly soften: the red will be ready after half an hour, and white or black in 40-50 minutes.
  • So that the beans prepared faster, put a small leafy leaf in a saucepan sea cabbage. Nori algae used to prepare Japanese rolls are also suitable. Bring the beans to a boil, and then reduce the fire to the middle and cook the half an hour.
  • If you know you need to cook beans, but there is no time for soaking, you can use another method. Spread the beans by packages, send them to the freezer. When it comes to cook, get the bean from the refrigerator, not pre-sprawling. Immediately put it in cool water, bring to a boil and cook half an hour on medium heat. Do not forget to check availability after half an hour after boiling.

Red beans

Red beans is washed and poured in a saucepan with water in such a way that she covered legumes for a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil and boil 3 minutes. After that, the water from the pan merges, and instead of it is recruited. Bean is again brought to a boil. Turn off the plate and soak the beans for half an hour under the lid.

After the specified time, change the water and negotiate the beans once again on medium heat for fifty minutes. You do not need to sharpen too much, so cook beans in unsolonged water. After that, the beans are ready for feeding or adding to other dishes.

White beans.

White beans cooking methods There are two. The first implies pouring cold water and cooking on medium heat. After the water boils, change it and bring to a boil again. The procedure is repeated as many times until the beans reach full readiness. This can be determined by its softness: if the beans are freely punished on the plug, then they are ready.

The second method is even easier. For achievement desired result Add to the water where the beans are brewed, a pinch of soda, and then at the very end some lemon juice to neutralize the tickle. It is necessary so that the taste is not spoiled.

Remember that the beans can only be bothered at the very end of cooking. Otherwise, cooking will slow down and you lose time.

In the microwave without soaking

Place the beans in any dishes suitable for use in microwave oven. For example, it can be a deep glass bowl or plate. We rinse beans under cold water, pour them on and cook the beans in the microwave to ten minutes at the highest power of the device.

After the time passes, remove the bowl, mix well beans and put it back into the microwave for 15-20 minutes. Then get the plate, salt and send the beans to get ready for another 5 minutes. Remember that the salt has a property to delay the cooking process. Therefore, it was not worth adding the beans.

In a slow cooker

Undoubtedly, Multivarka owners are lucky more than others. After all, in this unique device you can cook almost any dish. It can also be cooked beans without prior soaking.

This method is suitable for cooking red and white beans. Calculate the correct amount of beans prepared - 100 grams for each liter in the bowl. Fill the beans, put the "Ward" or "quenching" mode for forty minutes. After this time, open the lid and check whether the beans are ready. If not, change the water and exhibit the previous cooking mode. Check can be carried out in two ways: to cut or crush the bob fingers. Finished beans with ease doubt.

Beans is a wonderful bean product that perfectly replaces the meat in the protein content. It is she who gives the palm of the championship among the ingredients when the post begins. It is tasty and nutritious, but the duration of cooking scares.

Let's learn how to cook it quickly, not only on holidays in Vigrets or twice in the form of a PSA, she appeared on our table in the very multiple video: In the first dishes, on the side dish, in baking.

To the question "How to quickly cook beans?" There are several answers to secrets.

Cooked in a microwave with a maximum power of 700 W


  • 150 g beans;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 pinching salts.

The beans have very solid grains and so that they can swell, most often they must be pre-dunk, best for the night. Rinse in water, pour into deep containers, and then fill the room temperature water. Leave for 10-12 hours. Before cooking, rinse.

This is the first of the secrets. fast cooking. Second - cook not traditional way - on the stove, and in the microwave. And the third - how to cook without soaking.

How to quickly cook beans without soaking

Reducing the pre-soaking time is twice as possible, the bay is not cool, but hot water, literally boiling water. Then you can leave them for swelling / softening, you can clock on 5. For a consulting effect, cover with a lid.

At the expiration of the specified time, you can see that the beans Nabultley are about 2-3 times. Rinse it again in water.

Apply Secret number 2: Personal grains into a special for microwave capacity, pour vegetable oilwhich will fill the beans with velvet taste, as they absorb it in heat treatment.

Pass salt. You can choose other seasonings to your taste: vegetable seasoning, dried greens, etc.

Pour boiling water into the container so that it is slightly covered with grains.

Another little secret - At this stage, you can add to the capacity of soda to the container 1-2 so that the beans prepared faster. But be prepared for the fact that the soda highlights the insane amount of foam, which will be taken every 1-2 minutes.

Accelerate the process and the addition of sugar at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon on a liter of water.

Cover the capacitance with a lid and place in the microwave for 15-17 minutes at maximum power. At the end of time, check whether it was welded and if not ready, add another 4-5 minutes. Ready to remove and lay out in a portion plate, if you did for a side disk or let it cool if it is intended for salad or other dishes.

Serve boiled beans SO butter And crushed green bowif you, of course, do not hold the post or sprinkle olive oil And add garlic.

Enjoy your meal!

But another way to quickly cook the beans:

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