Chocolate Biscuit Queen Victoria. Biscuit Queen Victoria - Chic in its taste and simple in its essence

I liked such a festive and bright cake recipe.But why such a name, you ask?
It is very famous dessert In England, because they say that he (Viktoria Sponge Cake) was the favorite of the Queen itself throughout the entire time of her board.
First, products are very simple. And secondly, an incredible bouquet of tastes is dominated here: gentle, slightly wet cakes, pleasant sourness because of the zest, vanilla.

It is ideal for a family holiday or evening tea party. I want to make a tart of amber-colored tea, putting the sun lemon in it. Citrus fragrance accompanies this simple cake, refreshing its grade biscuit and balancing the sweetness of the cream cream lemon juice. Air and juicy, spring cakes are perfectly combined with strawberries and whipped cream. In my opinion, this classic combination is so perfect that in love with its simplicity and balance of taste. When the strawberry season comes to an end, you can take raspberry or currants or use a mixture of berries.

  • Creamy oil - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Flour - 250 gr.
  • Busty - 8 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Zezdra Lemon.
  • Vanilla extract - 2 ppm
  • Strawberry
  • Jam
  • So, everything is very simple. Mix sugar in a cup (250 gr.) And room temperature oil (250 gr.).
  • Having become a mixer, minutes 5 minutes. Then enter all the eggs (4 pcs.), After each addition, we beat another minute.

    Flour (250 gr.) Connect with a bustle (8 gr.) In a separate bowl of the wedge, so that they are well connected. And add dough into the future in small portions.

    On the grater, soda lemon zest, add it to the dough together with Vanilla extract 2 tsp.

    Form for baking (I had 16 cm, but you can do in 20), smear the oil and sprinkle with flour, excess the surplus. Put the parchment on the bottom. So it will be easier to take out future cakes. Put half the dough and scatter the buatard. Yes, the dough should be thick, do not be scared.

    Bake at 190 degrees 20-25 minutes. Here, see as soon as the top will begin to rummage (just golden it is just) Check the sapeter. Do not stand it. Corikch can be with a small dome from above. Remove from the oven and let stand on the lattice for 5 minutes.

    Further remove the root and turn over. Let him get completely cool.

    In general, as soon as the cakes cooled, they can be missed and collect. But I do a little different. To make the cakes become more wettering, wrap them in the film and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    Now the layer. Take 10-15 strawberry berries and clean the tails, squeeze fine. You can replace the raspberry (it is not necessary to cut it). And 3-4 tablespoons of good jama (strawberry or crimson depends on the berry used). Jam warm up in the microwave for 30 seconds until it becomes liquid.


Biscuit Queen Victoria Received its name thanks to the origin of this delicacy. It has long been noticed that the primary British, loving order And honoring the balance in everything, preference is preferred by simple and natural dishes. The proposed baking recipe is not an exception.

There is a legend that this particularity was made to be served to tea drinking in the royal palace. Over time, this has become a tradition, and now in many houses of foggy Albion and far beyond this amazing classic Biscuit It takes an honorable place.

Just and very quickly cook the biscuit of Queen Victoria will be able to do it with their own homework. Ideal this baking will be even in the most inexperienced and beginner confiters. This is also promoted by the ratio of ingredients, and the ease of the process itself from the kneading to decorate the cake.

Included in the Biscuit of Queen Victoria ingredients found on the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores with an average assortment will not be difficult. Special fixtures for cortex baking also do not need: a common oven, and a slow cooker.

In a step-by-step recipe with a photo, the entire process of cooking from beginning to end is clearly shown. All that remains to make culinary is to clearly measure the desired amount of ingredients and listen to the advice. You may not doubt, it is this method of cooking English biscuits to displace all the methods of baking cakes known to you, and the recipe will replenish your personal collection with the mark "Hold your fingers!".


  • (250 g)

  • (250 g)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (82.5%, 250 g for test + 250 g for cream)

  • (8 g)

  • Lemon zest
    (2 art. L.)

  • (2 art. L.)

  • (1 tsp for powder + 2 tbsp. L for cream)

  • (250 g)

  • (15-20 berries)

  • (Jam, 4 Art. l.)

Steps of cooking

    Making biscuit of Queen Victoria Let's start with the preparation of all required ingredients For baking cortex. All products that will be useful to us are shown in the photo.

    Let's start the cooking process with mixing cooled butter with sugar sand. Massone carefully until the mass becomes homogeneous, and then to top it off. Beat the sweet oil using a mixer.

    After the first stage of cooking will be over and the mass will acquire a brilliant look, start to enter one by one chicken eggs. After adding each egg, whip the mass throughout the minute.

    In a separate dish, mix the dumpled amount of flour and a dough for the test, and then fractional parts, without stopping the kneading in the main idea, enter them. The dough should be thicker than for a regular biscuit.

    After all the flour is used, add vanilla essence and lemon zest to the dough, and then mix well again.

    Put the dough into the baking shape, on the bottom of which lay the washed parchment of the desired form and size. Cross the mass with a blade. The walls of the form are also recommended to rinse with butter and sprinkle with flour slightly. This will make it easier to remove the finished cakes and will save the desired form. You can bake two embers or prepare one high blank, and then carefully cut it with a special device or a sharp knife. Just keep in mind that it is necessary to cut the crude when it completely cools.

    Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, and then put a form with a dough. Reduce the fire and bake the root for twenty minutes in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees Celsius. Biscuit's readiness periodically check with a wooden skewer: when the dough stops leave the trail on it, feel free to remove the biscuit out of the oven.

    Ready korzh should look like in the photo. It may have a slight elevation in the center, which in most cases falls when cooled. Place the biscuit by posting it on the grille, for five minutes, and then turn it upside down and leave for another fifteen minutes. After the expiration of time wrap the preparation of the food film.

    When the cakes are barely warm, place them in the refrigerator for two hours. This will allow the workpiece to become slightly humid and improve the taste of the finished biscuit. Meanwhile, cook butter creamBy mixing the specified amount of ingredients using a mixer.

    After one and a half hours from the date of the indoor of the cores in the refrigerator, proceed to the preparation of berries and jam. Carefully rinse strawberries (raspberry) in cold waterand then remove the frozen.

    Ready jam Preheat in the microwave for 30 seconds. Berries strawberry cut into the photo. If you use raspberries, then leave the berries entirely. Several raspberry berries or one strawberry leave to decorate the collected biscuit.

    Mix the jam and berries to a homogeneous mass, as shown in the photo.

    Remove the cakes from the refrigerator and proceed to the assembly of the biscuit. To do this, put the first root on an even foundation, and then put the berry mass with the jam on top of it. Do not try to cover the biscuit completely: gentle puree Do it yourself. On top of the berries carefully lay out cream cream. It will make it easier for this with a confectionery bag, then you will get exactly so beautiful, as in our photo.

    Cover the decorated biscuit with the second cake and slightly press up the top cake. Spring up sugar powder, decorate the remaining strawberry or several berries of the raspberries and immediately serve to the table: the Biscuit of Queen Victoria does not need impregnation.

    Bon Appetit!

The composition is duplicated with clarifications and reference to the KUVC recipe from Kiwi

* From this number of test you can do
1 cake with a diameter of 22 cm, of two cortexes
1 cake with a diameter of 20 cm, of three cortexes
2 cake with a diameter of 16 cm, each of the two cakes

for Sponge Cake Biscuit
225 g of butter
225 g of sugar
225 g of flour
4 eggs
2 tsp Basin
2 pinching salts

for strawberry filling
300 g of strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 tsp. Stachmala
2 tbsp. lemon juice
Sugar to taste

+ Kiwi Kerd
+ 400 ml 35% juicy cream (for beating)
+ 80 g of white chocolate (for fastening cream)
Sugar powder (optional)

Softening butter Beat with sugar to homogeneity (you can do it manually, but you can use a stationary blender).
* Use fine sugar so that it dissolves faster.

Add eggs one by one, stirring every time until uniformity.
* Eggs should be room temperature.

Flour to sift with salt and breakdown and add to the test, mix.
The dough outwardly reminds oil cream.

Share it in the form, to dissolve the surface and bake at 180 degrees. An approximate time is 30 minutes. Little cakes may be baked a little faster
* Do not open the oven ahead of time, the biscuit may fall.

Give food to cool a little in the form, then carefully remove, cool completely and cut into two halves.

Cooking Kiwi Kiwi. Cool it completely. If the Kurd seems to you with a liquid, then add 1-2 g gelatin to it. If the gelatin is a sheet, then soak in cold water, then squeeze, warm up several spoons of the Kurd, dissolve gelatin in them, mix with the remaining Kurd. Powder gelatin soak in a small amount of water (water should be quite a bit), then in the same water heat and introduce into the Kurd).
* I added gelatin (1 g) to the Kurd

Cook strawberry stuffing:
Strawberry cut into pieces (if fresh). Frozen deforn, juice do not merge. Add to the strawberry lemon juice and a couple of sugar spoons, mix, remove in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
After that, to merge the resulting juice, dilute it with water to about 150 ml, add a bit of a little lemon juice or a lemoncell liqueur to taste, some more sugar. Use this syrup for impregnation of cores.

Strawberry to grind a blender, put on fire, heat. Starch diluted with teaspoon of water, mix and pour into a strawberry thin ridge, stirring it. Cook on low heat before thickening, constantly interfering. Cool filling.

Creaming to beat up soft peaks, you can add 1-2 tbsp. Sugar powder. White chocolate break into small pieces and melt on a water bath (careful not to overlay chocolate!). Pour neatly on a spoon white chocolate To cream, whipping them on medium speed.

Collect the cake:
Both embelling is soaked with syrup.
Next, if you have a cake of three cortex, you can lubricate one root strawberry stuffing, and another Kuro country. And if a cake of two cakes, then you can do as I did (see photo) using confectionery bags and a large nozzle to squeeze both fakes for the crude. Then again with a confectionery bag to squeeze the cream with a flat layer.

This favorite baking of the British, Biscuit of Queen Victoria, gained popularity worldwide. Many hostess prepare it for their children and guests, without even suspecting that Biscuit is wearing the royal name.

According to the classic scheme, the biscuit is prepared very simply and quickly, does not require a large number of ingredients and skills. All the main elements are taken in the same quantity plus 4 eggs.

Surprisingly, the biscuit with such a simple recipe enjoys crazy popularity in England!

According to the official version of the Queen Victoria was Freilin, which was very hard of the gaps of waiting for meals between lunch and dinner. And she came up with middays - tea drinking with sweets that were arranged about 4-5 pm. On her tea drinking Freilin invited all the court letters and the queen.

After some time, the queen herself began to arrange such salon hops, and biscuit was always served obligatory sweetness, very beloved Queen - with juicy filling - fruit or berry jam either cream. Because of the royal preference, he received such a name.

According to another theory, after the death of his husband, Queen Victoria burned out from a secular society, and only a few years later, the court ladies persuaded her to give hops with a sweet tea party in the palace garden to see the queen. At the tea table, the Empress was always attended by a constant dessert - biscuit with a berry jam in the layer.

Thus, the biscuit of Queen Victoria passed the way from the age of 19 to modern times and remains delicious pastriesdespite his simplicity.

Traditional Biscuit Queen Victoria

These products need to be prepared:

  • glass of pancake flour;
  • tutu Oil of the highest grade;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • four eggs category C1;
  • 1 tsp. Dough baking powder.

How to bake traditionally English biscuit:

  1. Turn on the oven and leave warmer. The dough is being prepared so quickly that the oven does not have time to even warm up.
  2. We prepare the dough - mix all the ingredients and pass on them a mixer or immersion blender before the formation of a lush masraine.
  3. Baking shape with a bakery sheet.
  4. Pour the dough into it.
  5. Burn 20 minutes.

The secret of a delicious biscuit - leave it to cool in the oven or delivered, cover with a dense napkin or a towel. So it will remain soft.

Biscuit can be decorated fresh berries, powdered sugar, chocolate crumb Or pour a condensed milk or chocolate icing.

Recipe from Andy Chief

Andy Chef is the most famous and popular food blogger from Khabarovsk. From his baking recipes, everything is experiencing incredible delight, and photos step-by-step recipes No one will leave indifferent - and I want to cook delicious sweetness.

Components for the recipe from Andy Chef:

  • sugar - 250 g;
  • soldier oil - 250 g;
  • four eggs category C1;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • dough breakdler - 8 g;
  • vanilla - 2 h.
  • lemon zest - a little handful.

In the recipes of the cook, it is important to observe all the subtleties to get a similar result:

  1. Softened butter mix with sugar. Wake up a mixer to a lush state.
  2. Skip into a lot of eggs. Pass the mixer with the addition of each egg.
  3. Mix the flour with a dough breakdown thoroughly.
  4. Pour flour into the oil consistency and go through the mixer in the process.
  5. Put the vanilla and zest.
  6. Launch the shape for the oven oil. The optimal size is 10 cm in a radius. Pour some semolina cereals.
  7. Put in the form of 1/2 test - it is quite dense. No need to worry because of this, the finisher will come out with a gentle and soft biscuit.
  8. Bake with 190 degrees.
  9. As soon as the surface starts to go gold, check the biscuit with a match. It is important not to reset it - otherwise it will be dry and solid.
  10. When will be ready, remove the shape of the oven. Put it on the grid, turning over, for cooling - by a quarter of an hour.
  11. Biscuit pull out from the form, walking in the knife on the sides and on the bottom. Let cool. Wrap in the towel and send to the fridge.
  12. Repeat steps with the remaining test.
  13. Both biscuits withstand two hours in the refrigerator.

Berries are perfectly suitable as a filling - for example, raspberries. Mix them with a preheated berry jam or homemade jam. Load one of the biscuits, put the second on top. Sprinkle the resulting cake with sugar powder through the siter. At the recipe of Andy Chief, cream cream is also added to the interlayer.

How to make in a slow cooker

You need to prepare:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • tutu Oil of the highest grade;
  • three eggs category C1;
  • package of dough baking powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fatness milk 6%;
  • 2 h. L. Vanilla.

Preparing step by step:

  1. Soft oil overtake with sugar. Come to the mixer.
  2. Add eggs, pre-hit them with a whisk. As you add, do not stop working with a mixer.
  3. Put the same vanilla essence.
  4. Mix the baking powder with flour. Satch several times, and then add to the whipped mass.
  5. Pour milk.
  6. Stir the mass of a large spoon.
  7. Wipe the multicooker - pour into it the liquid and turn on the cooking mode by a quarter of an hour. When the unit warms up, pour the liquid, dry the bowl and fill it with the test.
  8. Set the timer for one hour.

English Butter Biscuit


  • soldier oil - 250 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • four eggs category C1;
  • vanillin - bag;
  • lemon zest - handful;
  • dough breakner - 8 g

For filling:

  • strawberry jam;
  • condensed milk - half banks;
  • creamy oil - half of the pack.

Cooking Oil Biscuit:

  1. We put all the components in a large bowl.
  2. Let's go through a mixer or blender.
  3. We warm the oven.
  4. We post the dough on the baking sheet or in the pan with a heat-resistant handle.
  5. We will oven for 25 minutes, checking the readiness to the skewer.
  6. When the biscuit bore, leave it a little cool.
  7. Prepare the layer - with a creamy oil. It is gradually pouring a condensed milk to obtain a creamy lush state. Whip up long enough, 15 minutes at high speed.
  8. Biscuit will be cut into 2 embers.
  9. Namazh Borzhi. strawberry jamBy making a layer in the center thoroughly so that the cakes do not dispersed.
  10. Let's lay out the oil cream impregnated with a jam, close the second.

The resulting cake decorate fresh whole berries of strawberries, blackberry and raspberry and powdered sugar or coconut chips.

Cooking with chocolate

What is needed:

  • sugar is a glass;
  • flour - a glass;
  • tutu Oil of the highest grade;
  • vanilla - 2 h.
  • orange zest - handful;
  • four eggs category C1;
  • dough breakner - 8 g;
  • chocolate bar;
  • cream butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar;
  • strawberry fresh - for decoration.

We prepare stages:

  1. Put sugar, vanilla in a big bowl, orange zest, softened oil and walk a fashionable mixer.
  2. Consistently add eggs, whipping after each.
  3. Pour flour and wash.
  4. Turn on the oven
  5. Nylon shovel put on the tray of the dough and send a bake for a quarter of an hour.
  6. As soon as the biscuit is ready, turn over to the grid and do not touch until complete cooling.
  7. Prepare cream - mix the oil with sugar powder, beat into a strong foam.
  8. Biscuit cut into two embers. Loss of any berry jam and cream.
  9. Flipped chocolate to pour the surface. Emboss strawberry. Good add to decorate mint leaves.

In order for the glaze to be soft, add some milk, oil and cocoa in a melted chocolate.

Creamy Biscuit Queen Victoria

What do you need:

  • sugar - 250 g;
  • oil of the highest grade - 350 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • four eggs category C1;
  • dough breakdler - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla;
  • lemon zest - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cream of medium fatty - 200 g;
  • sugar powder - 30 g;
  • raspberry jam;
  • raspberries berries.


  1. Mix the first 7 ingredients. Easy dough.
  2. Loose oil shaped, shaped with paper and lay out the dough.
  3. Bake at 190 degrees about a quarter of an hour.
  4. As soon as Job will start rumbling, check the raschi readiness.
  5. Pull out and make cool.
  6. Cooking cream - beat cream and powder.
  7. Cold biscuit cut in half.
  8. Chilled cakes wrapping berry jam.
  9. A layer of 1 cm put into a layer of cream cream and several raspberry berries.
  10. To cover one korzh to others and lubricate the fully remaining cream - the surface and sides.
  11. Decorate with crimson berries.

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you about incredible delicious Biscuit - Biscuit Queen Victoria. It is so self-sufficient that it can be served simply by watering the jam and adding whipped cream.

Biscuit is obtained very rich in taste - creamy, with a slight lemon note, with a porous, delicate structure. It is even surprising that all this variety can be achieved from simple productswho are at hand.

A prerequisite for the preparation of this dessert is an equal amount of ingredients - flour, oil and sugar. You can adjust this amount to yourself, focusing on the diameter of your form and the required number of cortex. I, by the way, form 22 cm, it turned out 2 crude 2, 5 cm.

How to cook Biscuit Queen Victoria at home Recipe stake with photos.


  1. flour 250 gr.
  2. creamy oil 250 gr.
  3. sugar 250 gr.
  4. 4 eggs
  5. bolder 8 gr.
  6. zestra 1 Lemon.
  7. vanilla sugar 10 gr.


It is necessary to get a butter from the refrigerator in advance, it needs to be room temperature. We beat our oil with sugar to the whitewash and increase the mass in volume. Just be sure to take good, tested oil. This depends on the taste of the finished product.

Then, we introduce one eggs, each time whipping about a minute.

In a bowl, we sift the flour and a baking powder, mix well.

We introduce the gradually our flour mixture into oily-egg.

Add lemon zest, mix everything.

The dough is thick and incredibly beautiful - snow-white with yellow clips.

We lay it out in advance prepared shape (lubricated oil and piled by flour). I have silicone forms, you do not need to prepare them.

We ship baked in a pre-warmed oven at 180º 20-25 minutes.

Here the main thing is not to overeat the dough, the korzh should be a little podzolesya, do not wait for brown. Readiness Checking a wooden skewer.

We give a little rest ready to look in the form, then shift on the grille and cool.

I made a full-fledged cake this time. In the layer, I have strawberry confessions and. And outside the cake is aligned. That's what gentle handsome man turned out in the end.

So he is in the context.

What I want to add from myself. It was the cake that I collected this biscuit for the first time, before that I always did according to the first submission. This biscuit is delicious and without a ton of cream, it is in the "naked" form it is revealed at 100%. But, it's somehow not accepted by us in Russia there are just cakes with tea. Therefore, if you still decided to make a full-fledged cake, then the biscuit must be soaked, otherwise it will take the whole moisture from the cream. From here there will be cracks on the upper coating, and cream cream will disappear completely from sight.

The cakes are perfectly combined with strawberry, raspberry or lemon filling, but in the addition of CO, it is insanely tasty.

Try and you are this, truly, royal dessert. I think he will conquer your hearts.

Enjoy your meal.

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