Why Potato Fries is called. HISTORY OF POTATO FRI

It would seem that you should cook normal potatoes Friend Cut, fry in a fryer, was sat down and everything is ready. But one nuance arises. Potatoes FRI remains a crunchy for the first minutes of two or three after it was taken out of a fryer. And then, as cool, Potatoes Friece cries and becomes less tasty. So our goal to fry the potatoes in the fryer so that she remains crunchy and after she came to the table. Moreover, it remains relatively crispy and after cooling. It will take:


Vegetable smelling oil for deep fryer.


Sugar. Approximately 2 tablespoons with a slide of 2-2½ liters of water.

Clean potatoes and cut a long straw.

Chopped potatoes immediately as cutting it in a saucepan with cold water. The meaning of this action:

First, then the potatoes will not darken.

Secondly, it is necessary to wash off the starch, which is very much in potatoes. The photo shows how muddy was the water.

Potatoes rinse for about 20 minutes. Mix it a couple of times for the first five minutes, and then do not touch the starch donkey to the bottom. Give the potatoes from the water, trying to not particularly harm the contents of the pan and rinse it under running water. All the starch water from the pan pour, we rinse the pan and spread the washed potatoes into the pure saucepan. Pour sugar into potatoes. At the rate of 1 tablespoon with a slide on a liter of water.

Pour cold water into the pan. A little so that the potatoes are only covered with water. That's precisely, the amount of sugar is taken on this amount. Mix the potatoes with sugar in water before dissolving the latter.

We leave potatoes to take sweet baths for another 15 minutes. During this time, you can prepare for frying Frey potatoes. Who has a fryer - he uses it. I have no fryer, so I will do in the old manner, in the usual bucket. Pour vegetable oil to the bucket without smell and put the bucket on fire. I use a small bucket, because I am not ready immediately on an industrial scale. So I have oils about 250-300 ml. And froth potatoes frying parts. How to warm the oil. I check the degree of heating as follows. Throwing a small piece of potatoes into the oil.

If this piece immediately begins to actively roast - it means oil warmed up as it should.

If there is no active process of frying - it means that we are waiting for the oil and the piece will still get roast.

If a piece of potatoes immediately starts to darken and burn - it means the oil overheated, we retain the bucket to the side and let it cool a little cool. After that, we return the bucket on fire again and re-check the temperature with a new piece of potatoes.

The heating under the bucket is kept middle so that the oil does not overheat and did not recalculate. Sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes get out of sweet water And we dry with paper towels. We do not get all right, and parts - as much as it is immediately formed into the fryer.

Sound sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes lay out in a heated oil. It is necessary to be careful here, since the moisture on pieces of potatoes instantly boils and can burn both herself and small droplets of oil, raised steam.

Fry the potatoes in the fryer until the potato starts a little glance to acquire golden color. And immediately get it out of fryer on paper towels so that they absorb surplus oil.

Here it is quite legitimately the question arises: "And what did it happen to us?". Something is insensitive, absolutely not similar to the required result. Where is a crispy crust, and what prevented us all the same to deduce the potatoes of frills completely until readiness? Of course, it is possible to deduce how it is usually always done. That's just a crispy crust on potatoes will not work. And even more so the crust will not crunch after Potatoes Friend will fit. So we are patient. At the moment we gave the possibility of potatoes to reach ready inside. But we will make the crust a little later. Similarly, before the same state, we admire the remaining potatoes in several techniques. And also lay out on paper towels. Let potatoes completely cool! This is important, so do not rush. And patiently wait for the complete cooling of potato slices. By the way, after this stage, potatoes can be frozen and leave the resulting semi-finished product to wait for its o'clock. When the potatoes cooled, warm the oil again. Potato cools fast enough, so I just take a bucket with oil for the cooling time, and when the time of frying comes, I return the bucket back to the fire. And again, this half-jailed potatoes, also lay out parts in hot oil and only now dear potatoes until ready - that is, to a sure golden color.

After that, we pull the potatoes from the oil, quickly lay out on paper towels, and we also rinse the potatoes on top of paper towels to remove the excess oil. Immediately sprinkled from above small Solu. And hot feed on the table.

This is such a double fried potato gives a wonderful crispy crust that remains for a long time. And the sugar that we added to the water when soaking the chopped straws, sweets do not give sweets, but the taste emphasizes, and also gives a bright golden color to potato slices.

Cooking real potatoes fries

For this recipe you can cook potatoes "like in McDonalds". Although it is a bit of time consuming, but the potatoes turn out the correct, with a crispy crust and a delicate middle.

Required products:
Vegetable oil
Garlic (optional)

One portion of FRI potatoes is approximately 1-2 potatoes (depending on size). Vegetable oil is used refined. Salts for cooking can be put more than the usual, approximately 1 tbsp. Spoon on floor-liter water. Garlic -1-2 teeth. It is added purely for fragrance. Do not like garlic taste, do not put.

Potatoes clean. Cut on slices of a width of about 1 cm. You can make slices with corrugated with a special vegetable cutter. But all the same, their thickness should be at least 1 cm. It is such a size that allows you to make real Potatoes of fries, with a roasted crust, but soft inside.

We wash the slices with cold water in colander, removing starch from their surface.

We put potatoes into a saucepan for cooking, add finely chopped garlic and salt.

Fill with cold water and put on the stove.

Prepared on this recipe potato fries everyone more like the one that is done in restaurants fast foodAnd this contributes to several culinary techniques:
1) cutting with a thickness of about 1 cm with a thickness of about 1 cm - just such a size will allow the crispy crust to form, and the dye is fully prepared.
2) Flushing of chopped potatoes with plenty of water will not give slices to stick.
3) The wedroom in salt water with garlic will improve the taste of potatoes, and so much will contribute to the formation of a crispy crust. This process can be skipped.
4) The chance in front of hot is needed so that boiling oil does not splash, and again for a crispy crust.
5) Double roasting with a cooling break is the main reception to obtain crispy froth potatoes.
6) Laying on paper napkins will help get rid of the oil remaining on slices.

Many gourmets are frozen frozen at one mention of FRI potatoes, specialists in healthy nutrition Also disapprovingly swing their heads due to the high content of fats and acrylamide. However, children and adults adore her - especially with ketchup or mayonnaise.

Legendary origin

But, despite the full popularity of Potatoes, Friesh, the exact place and the time of its first appearance are unknown. In the USA, where crispy potatoes are called "French roasted", obviously do not doubt where his favorite delicacy came from. However, potatoes appeared in France only in the XVIII century. By this time, Belgians, "Free" have long appeared on the tables for a long time. In confirmation, they lead the manuscript of 1781. A certain Joseph Gerard tells there that the residents of Namura, Ui, Andennen and Dinan love to fry small fish in vegetable oil. When cold winter 1680. All the rivers frozen and worry there was no possibility, they began to cut fish from potatoes and fry them in the same way. Over time, this "way out of the situation" became a favorite national dish.

Motherland of potatoes - South American Mountains Andes. Here it was bred already from 900 BC. Conquistadors brought an "earth apple" to Europe, where it was first considered a decorative plant with beautiful flowers. The use of potatoes in food spread slowly. But since the Potato Fri appeared, in the world, there are certainly no places left, where strangers with this delicacy.

  • 1727: The first Ketchup recipe appeared in England - the truth, without tomatoes, but with white wine, anchovies and various spices.
  • 1756: In Maona, the capital of Menorca, the first mayonnaise was made.
  • 1904: First Hamburger was demonstrated at the World Exhibition in Saint-Louis.
  • 1949: the owner of the stall in Berlin Hurt Heer was invented by "curryvurt" - fried sausage under Carry sauce.
  • For this dish, young potatoes will not fit, because it is too watery. It is best to take mature potatoes, and this, in which little starch. Otherwise, after cooking, it softens and will not be crisp.
  • The number of potatoes can be calculated as follows: one large tuber on a person. However, it is better to do a little more, it is unlikely that it will be superfluous.
  • Potatoes do not necessarily clean, it depends on your preferences. Only crude potatoes first need to rinse very thoroughly with a rigid brush.
  • Potatoes need to be cut into a long 0.5-1 width of 0.5-1 cm. To do this, you can also use a vegetable cutter or grater. Try to make the same stripes so that the potatoes do not evenly.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes must be pre-soaked at least 20 minutes so that it came out of it extra starchAnd then dry, laying out on a paper towel.
  • The oil plays a big role in which potatoes are roasted. Choose refined deodorized oil: it will be more tastier.

The most real Potato FRI is obtained when cooking in deep fryer. And the special secret of her crispy crust is in double roasting.


Preheat oil in a deep pan or pan up to 160 ° C. Temperature Check the special thermometer or ball from white bread. Lower the crumb into the pan. If bubbles will appear around it, it means that the oil has reached the necessary temperature.

Put into the oil potatoes in one layer. If the strokes are too much, divide them into several parts. Oil must cover potatoes completely. Fry it for about 5 minutes. At this stage, it should soften from the inside, but practically not to change the shade.

Remove potatoes with noise and shift it on the grille or paper towels, folded several times. Leave it at least half an hour, and better - for a few hours, so that the glass is excess fat and potatoes completely cooled.


Preheat oil to 180-190 ° C. If you have no thermometer at hand, put a piece of potatoes into the oil. When the required temperature is reached, the oil around it should be sick and lightly be launched.

Put prepared potatoes in one layer and cook before the appearance of a golden crust for about 5 minutes. You can and a little longer if you want to get even more fringe pieces. Then again drock potatoes, as after the first roast.


Solo Potatoes FRI needs after cooking, otherwise it will not criste. It is better not to wait until it cools, and feed it to the table as warm.


First, in a big bowl, mix the potatoes, several tablespoons of oil and salt to taste. And if you add some spices, then the dish will become more fragrant.

Put potatoes on a stuck bastard in one layer. If the pieces lie on each other, they will penetrate unevenly. Put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 220 ° C for 25 minutes. Then turn the potatoes and bake another 10 minutes until it covers the crispy golden crust.

Turn on the multicooker in the "Baking", "Fri" or "Multiprob" depending on the model. Pour the oil into the bowl. The ratio of potatoes and oil should be 1: 4, otherwise you will succeed. After a couple of minutes, when the oil heats up, lay out potatoes and prepare 8-10 minutes.

FRI potatoes in a slow cooker are roasted twice as on the plate. After one roast, it will, of course, will be delicious, but will not cover the desired crispy crust. Remove potatoes, dry, let it cool down and put in a multicooker for another 2 minutes.

Solo such potatoes are also necessary after cooking so that it does not soften.

Richard Allaway / Flickr.com

Spread potatoes on a dish in such a way that the pieces do not come into contact with each other. Snaw with a small amount of oil, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste.

Put potatoes into full power for 3 minutes, then turn it over and cook it for another 3-6 minutes until it covers a golden crust. Just do not overcover the potatoes, otherwise it will be rigid.

Bonus: Potato Recipe Fries in Klyar

Richard Eriksson / Flickr.com


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder or 1 tablespoon of crumpled bow;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • 1 Chipping of Cayenne pepper;
  • ¼ glasses of water;
  • 900 g of potatoes;
  • ½ glass oil.


Mix flour and spices. Add water and mix well. If the Clar is too thick, pour some more water.

Dry the prepared potatoes in the clarity and lay out one piece into the heated oil. If we put a handful right away, the lumps can stick. Froach about 10 minutes until the potatoes soften inside and does not cover the outbreak of a golden crispy crust.

Then lay out ready-made potatoes on a paper towel to steak excess fat. Serve hot with your favorite sauce.

Who came up with Potatoes Fries? It seems that potatoes on our table was always. It is cheap and ease of preparation forcing cooks " high kitchen"Refers to a vegetable miracle condescending and leave cooking potato dishes On Fast Food and Housewives Fast Food and Kitchers. However, just a few centuries ago, Europe did not even have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe potato - he arrived from the new light along with others the same now habitual vegetables - tomatoes, corn and sweet pepper.

There are evidence that potatoes were grown in Peru and Bolivia 2,000 years ago. It was an unprotected plant growing at large altitudes. Oxford culinary Dictionary It characterizes wild potatoes as "a plant with small, ugly knotted tubers, with abundant flowering and bitter taste." There are many varieties of wild potatoes, and some of them grow at an altitude of 4000 meters, not extincting. Wild potatoes are still digging and eating the aborigines of South America, preferring to spend time on the culinary treatment of bitter tubers than landing plantations of cultural varieties.

The Europeans first encountered the potatoes in 1537 in the territory of the current Colombia. Spanish troops under the command of Brave Hidalgo Gonzalo Himenes De Kesada went into the empty Indian village. The natives were prudently fled, throwing even food supplies. Mrajder, the Spaniards found the corn already known to them and a little noded tubers that they called "truffles." They described these "truffles", as "delicious, beloved by Indians and suitable even for the Spaniards."

Potatoes were delivered to Spain and Italy in the 1550s. But in the warm Mediterranean climate, potatoes grew badly and did not become a favorite dish in those edges. As the story showed, true admirers and potato erectors lived north.

The appearance of potatoes in the UK and Ireland is associated with Sir Walter Rieli and Pirates Francis Drake. But whoever brought potatoes to Misty Albion, already in the 1590s, they began to plant it on the islands. Interestingly, Protestants of Northern Ireland and Scotland refused to grow an unknown vegetable, as he was not mentioned in the Bible. Irish Catholics overcame this obstacle, spraying tubers with holy water. In 1800, the potatoes became the main product of the Irish. When the fungus spread on the fields, which destroyed the entire harvest of 1840, the famous potato hunger broke out in Ireland.

The Europeans first thought that the potatoes were poisonous - after all, he belongs to the Polenic family along with Belladon and Tomatoes, which were also suspected of ineptness. In 1784, Count Rumford adds potatoes instead of barley to his famous Soup For a racial house, described by Karl Marx in "Capital". The graph does it because the potatoes are cheaper and referring, but just in case hides from the workers - they could refuse to chow with potatoes, fearing poisoning.

Potatoes slowly conquered recognition Despite his reputation in Aphrodisiac - Shakespeare mentions it together with Vanilla as an exciting means in the "Windsor Razoznikh". Relatively easily potatoes arrived only in Germany and the Netherlands, where the population estimated its yield and unpretentiousness.

Peter I was brought to Russia to Russia, which was a passionate innovator and Westernfil. But as in Europe, potatoes survived with creak and in Russian extremely with battles and cortuga. Its voluntarily began to plant it only under Catherine II.

In France, potatoes became popular thanks to an officer of the French army by Antoen-Auguste Parmerty, who was captured during the seven-year war (1756-1763). His meager prison diet in the fortress of Hamburg consisted of one potatoes. Potato chowder came to him to taste, and after the release of the hero of the war, he presented the tubers to the King Louis XVI and his vengeous wife, frivolous Mary Antoinette. The queen began to wear a potato flower on the corse and even stopped eating cakes for the sake potato mashed potatoes. Fashion for potatoes rolled in France. About the fact that for the French, the passion for potatoes did not follow, testifies to the fact that during the Great French Revolution, about 25 years later, the royalry royal gardens were turned into potato fields.

And in 1840, Potatoes Friend appeared in Paris for the first time. Unfortunately, we do not know, the name of the brilliant chef, who first cut potatoes on long and thin pieces and roasted them in boiling oil. The dish has become immediately popular-thinkers successfully sold it on the streets of Paris as a fast snack.

Potatoes Frosset La Mans and began to be sold along with fried fish in England. This snack still uses the British demand. But true folk love is a French invention conquered in the United States. Today, the fast food cafe network McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy and others like them to love the love of the FRI to the world. Over time, it was forgotten that Fry's potatoes from France - it began to be called "American potatoes" in many countries.

It is not necessary to go to the "McDonalds Fastfud" restaurant in the restaurant to pass himself and friends with such a dish, as it is quite simple to prepare independently, at home. Even if you do not have special devices (for example, fryers), the usual pan is suitable for frying, and the result of labor, so to speak, can exceed all the expectations and it will be even tastier than in the fast food restaurant. Potatoes in fryer is good as a delicacy for children and as a snack for a mug of beer for adults. You can use it and as a side dish to many meat and fish dishes European cuisine.

Motherland Potatoes Fr.

Some countries are Belgium, France, Britain, USA - previously fought for the right of championship. According to the European tradition, the birthplace of Potatoes Free - Belgium. And not at all the United States as it would be assumed. According to the Belgian National Museum, the crunchy appeared already in 1700! In those years, the Belgian fishermen roasted a small fish entirely on a frying pan and ate. But when the winter became harsh, and the rivers were frozen, people could not enter fishing. Then they cut various fish figures from potatoes, roasted them in oil and ate. The museum also has a collection of vintage fryers, collected by one of the fans of the dish, paintings, painting Belgian bistro, photo of pink potato tubers from Peru used for frying.


But what about the "British" chips and "French" potatoes? Representatives of these countries in the root do not agree with the "Belgian" version of origin and challenges it in every way. However, Belgians have a spare place for this case, proving that the birthplace of Potatoes Friend is their country. During the First World American soldiers, being in French-speaking Walnia (Belgium), tried this dish and mistakenly gave him the name "French".

Vintage recipe

So, the birthplace of Potatoes Free - Belgium. We will try, giving tribute to traditions, to prepare this joy on the classic antique Belgian recipe (as they prepared in the bistro).

We will need: potatoes - one kilogram, beef fat - 200 grams, salt. As a fryer, if it is not at hand in the kitchen, you can use a large frying pan with thick bottom and high sides or a saucepan.

Potatoes Friend (photo on the right) is cleaned and cut "straw" (or you can, as in the old days, cut fish figures from tubers). Next - we melt in the fryer on medium heat so that it actually boils. To the golden color, he fry pieces into fat, constantly turning them. After that, we get a special shovel and lay down in the direction of ten and fifteen minutes. Then we produce a secondary product roasting for several minutes. Potato Fries (photo below) according to the old Belgian recipe is ready. A characteristic feature of this dish is that the product is roasted twice in beef beef. In addition, the figurines of fish cut from tubers give a special piquancy. In the country where Potatoes Friend are invented, still in the bistro you can try a dish prepared in this way, in an old manner.

In fryer

Modern potatoes of fries are preparing, of course, not at pure beef beef. Fryer is used for such frying (from the French word "root"). The method of preparation, by the way, is called similarly - in deep fryer. Usually, a mixture of vegetable and animal fats is used.

The cooking method itself is quite old. More dishes were known in China. The products prepared as it should be cooked in the mixture, which must be completely coated. The total mass of fat should exceed the mass of potatoes by about four times. Fryer potatoes should be cut with straw, no more than one centimeter thick (better - thinner). With frying, pieces of potatoes should move freely in the dishes (fryer or a saucepan, replacing it).

Recipes of mixtures

Here are some recipes for making mixes for frying potatoes in deep breath:

  • 50 percent vegetable oil, 50 percent of beef fiweed;
  • 40 percent of vegetable oil, 30 - pork, 30 - beef fat;
  • 50 percent of vegetable oil, 50 - culinary fat.

It is not suitable for mixtures butter butter (sometimes, however, a foiled, for donuts) and margarine are used.

Modern recipe at home

In the fryer or a thick pan, heated the mixture for a deep fryer (use the compilation recipes above). It should almost boil. Potatoes clean and cut straw. Solim, let it dry. Some cooks dry pieces with a cotton towel. In any case, it should not be on the potato of water, since when it comes with a fryer, "fireworks" will turn out! When the mixture boils, we lower the straw into it so that the fryer covers the product completely. Fry three to five minutes until golden color. Let's get out of the pan with the help of a noise. We give oil drain from potatoes. Let's eat hot, traditionally with ketchup.

Ketchup recipe

Friesi potato sauce can be prepared independently at home. In any case, it will be much more tastier than the shopping store.

We will need: a kilogram of tomatoes, two large spoons of sugar, salt, garlic, spices - to taste, cutting greens fresh, pepper ground, a little vinegar table (can be used lemon juice).

Tomatoes cut finely. All ingredients fold into the blender and mix before the formation of a homogeneous mass. Delicious ketchup For Potatoes Free Ready! Pleasant appetite!

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