What sugar is more useful than reed or ordinary. The most interesting thing about brown sugar

Pleasant brown sugar crystals began to appear on store shelves. Culinary experts and originals, care for health, try to buy only brown sugar, arguing that he has more benefit than harm. Let's figure it out: why brown sugar costs more than ordinary white sand? Is it really more useful than his "harmful" fellow?

Brown sugar

Brown sugar is a product of industrial processing of sugar cane, which has not passed the paze of bleaching and preserved the specific color and taste of molasses, which is part of the cane juice. I must say that from beet juice Brown sugar do not produce, since the non-refined product from beet has an unpleasant taste.

The production process of brown sugar

Three main stages undergo sugar cane before, we get sweet spicy crystals.

1. Spin juice from sugar cane stalks using special equipment. The resulting liquid contains approximately 15 percent of brown sugar, but it needs mandatory cleaning. The remaining spinning of the cake is used as fuel at the following stages of the production of brown sugar - cleaning and crystallization.

2. Cleaning from dirt and enzymes. For this, hot sugar juice is mixed with lime, to communicate all impurities. Lime or chalk settles at the bottom, and pure cane juice is subjected to subsequent crystallization. The resulting precipitate is diluted with water and are carried out again through the filter system to obtain as much purified juice.

3. The evaporation of the cane juice is a long process, sometimes takes several steps. Usually sugar syrup After the first evaporation, two more crystallization stages are subjected. The product of the first evaporation - the raw sugar possesses the brightest brown shade. All subsequent crystallization results lead to obtaining a darker and rich molasses of brown sugar.

The benefits of brown sugar

  • The brown sugar contains less sucrose than in white.
  • In the bleached Sahara there are even three minerals: calcium, potassium and iron. Brown sugar is useful in that it contains much more minerals. Such substances such as magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc are contained in more dosage. This is due to the process of producing brown sugar.
  • The vitamin composition of untreated real brown sugar includes B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, which are destroyed in the bleaching process in the production of ordinary sugar.

Hurting brown sugar

  • A warm shade Sweet crystals are very calories (377 kcal) and almost not inferior in nutrition to white sugar (387 kcal). Such a number of calories in brown sugar makes it seriously thinking before using it as a white replacement.
  • Brown sugar is still sugar, only not past the paz of bleaching with sulfur dioxide. It remains some of the molasses - brown sugar molasses, which gives a specific color, taste and smell of sugar. But harm usual white Sahara Inherent and its more "tanned" brother, which has toxic influence on the brain, causing the weakening of the will of the will, violation of the ability to logically think, causing psychological and hormonal dependence on the sweet.
  • Brown sugar is also negatively reflected at the work of the pancreas, causing an unnaturally rapid growth of blood glucose levels, which can lead to violations of the human hormonal system.
  • Psychological dependence on sugar, even brown, can cause overweight problems, which is fraught with violations of the work of the whole organism.

How to replace brown sugar?

Fresh sugar cane juice already includes brown sugar, but in a safe, organic form. It can easily be bought in those countries where the production of brown sugar is established, in India or Mauritius.

Honey is an excellent sugar substitute, since it is slowly absorbed into the blood and causes a long sense of satiety.

Fruits and vegetables containing a high level of fructose can successfully replace brown sugar. It may be fresh bananas, mango, apricots, sweet varieties of apples, grapes and watermelon. As well as dried fruits, which include sugar in concentrated form, so they should be used in smaller quantity: raisins, smoking, banana chips, dried apples And persimmon.


Diets and healthy eating 22.03.2018

Dear readers, many of you do not represent your life without sugar. Surely you know that it can be not only classic white, but also brown. Such sugar is called reed, and get it from sugar cane, which grows in India and in Cuba. It has a beautiful golden color and caramel taste. With cane sugar gourmets love to drink coffee and tea, many add it to homemade pastry To give a special fragrance.

Today it is fashionable to buy natural products, and manufacturers actively support the idea healthy nutritionwhom the population caught fire. That's just about the risk to buy a fake is not taken to talk. In supermarkets and the Internet, you can order all kinds of reed sugar, but how to distinguish high-quality goods from poor quality to the inexperienced consumer? And how is the cane sugar useful and is it useful at all? Is it worth abandoning beet sugar? Let's deal with this difficult question. Let's talk about the benefits and danger of reed sugar, about their differences.

A bit of history

Russian consumers learned about the reed sugar in the 90s, when he was actively tied with Cuba, and he was even a little cheaper than our ordinary beet sugar. His homeland is India. Alexander Macedonsky brought to Europe. In the Middle Ages, sugar sold in pharmacies. Peter the first opened the sugar chamber in Russia in the 18th century. The world produces 60% of cane sugar and 40% of ordinary sugar.

The main types of cane sugar:

  • Demrar - the most common variety of cane sugar small grinding, has a thin delicate taste, suitable for coffee and cooking meat with appetizing icing;
  • Musalogy - elite variety of cane sugar, which is subjected to minimal processing, has a saturated characteristic acid caramel-vanilla fragrance;
  • Turbobelo. - reed sugar raw bury-gold-colored color, which is subjected to partial cleaning from the molasses with water and steam;
  • Barbadossky - It has a dark shade and a strong aroma, contains a large number of molasses.

Let's see what looks like a brown cane sugar. It can be made in the form of raffinad or in the crumbly form.

Cane sugar and beetroot- what difference

What is the distinguished reed sugar from the usual? This question particularly worries those people who adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. What is the difference? The main difference is, of course, in the composition.

Brown cane sugar is unrefined, crude sugar, in which most of the nutrients persists:

  • cellulose;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • group vitamins in;
  • sodium.

In conventional sugar, less calcium and other nutrients. But you need to know that cane sugar can be not only brown, but also white (refined). The benefits of such a product is small. If we use reed sugar for health, then choose the dark varieties better (unrefined and crude). Then harm from the product under the condition of its moderate use will not be.

Classic brown cane sugar gives a unique taste to our favorite drinks - coffee and tea. Make it from it and baking with a crispy crust, which is obtained due to the presence of molasses.


The caloric content of reed sugar does not differ from the usual: per 100 g of about 400 kcal. But still sugar is a simple carbohydrate that needs to be used in small quantities, and with age it is recommended to refuse it at all or dramatically limit.

How many cane sugar can be eaten a day

Daily rate of sugar per day (not only in the form fluent productBut also in the form of baking) - no more than 5 teaspoons. Excess glucose can harm the body, in particular, according to experts, he makes our vessels fragile and contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, after receipt of sugar in our body, calcium is spent on its processing - the main element to maintain the health of the teeth and bones.

What sugar is sweeter - cane or beet

By the degree of sweetness saturated beet sugar, it is really sweeter. It is more economical to spend in everyday life. Reed sugar is not so sweet, its taste is more tender, and it is well open into coffee and baking. Especially tasty with its addition is home cupcakes and cookies. If you need to choose sugar according to the degree of sweet, then it is better to buy beet. Reeds love precisely for the combination of a special aroma and taste.

The main beneficial components of the cane sugar are calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins of groups of these substances are quite a lot in this product. Per 100 g in it approximately 62 mg, 332 mg, 117 g, 2 mg. But there is in such a quantity of sugar only for the sake of obtaining beneficial substances, it is not worthwhile - it is useful and safer to get them from other products.

Maintenance beneficial features cane sugar:

  • strengthens the bone, prevents the development of caries and the loss of teeth, inhibits the amount of age osteoporosis;
  • gives useful energy, improves performance, restores the forces after severe physical work and psycho-emotional voltage;
  • increases immunity, makes it possible to actively reflect viral attacks, slows down the aging process due to the presence in the composition of antioxidants and vitamins of the group B;
  • ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain;
  • regulates metabolic processes in the body, supports a hematopoietual function;
  • normalizes the operation of the digestive tract due to the content of the natural fiber, purifies the intestine from mucus and harmful metabolic products;
  • due to potassium, cane sugar supports the active work of the heart muscle, warns the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Especially useful reed sugar for mental workers who need regular enclosure. What is candies and calorie baking, it is better to add a piece of raffinad into tea. This will benefit the brain. I myself love not add it to tea, but drinking it.

You know, it is impossible to live completely without sweet, but you need to be able to find an alternative to harmful carbohydrates. Since in the composition of reed sugar a lot of calcium, with the absorption of glucose, its own calcium reserves will be spent at a lower rate. This is a big advantage as I think.

This video describes the benefits of brown cane sugar, its types and possible harm for good health.

What sugar is better - cane or beet?

This is a traditional question that worries many consumers. Refined sugars are all equally harmful. But unrefined cane - many times more useful. It is 23 times more calcium than in refined sugar. At least because of this, it is worth the preference to the sugar produced based on the cane juice.

How to choose a cane sugar

Today, the demand for this product has grown significantly, but not all consumers know how to choose a quality product. Be sure to study the packaging: Verified Country Sahara Countries - Mauritius, Latin America and Cuba.

How to distinguish fake from the original

There are many myths concerning the definition of the quality of reed sugar. In the network, many even carry out different experiences at home, but, alas, they are not always reliable. An inexperienced consumer who has never bought a similar product before, it is difficult to distinguish the reed sugar fake from the original.

There is an opinion that the best way Checking reed sugar on quality is an attempt to dissolve it in water, which, according to many, should remain transparent. In fact, such experiments can not be perceived seriously. Reed sugar contains a molasses that stains the liquid. This is an absolutely natural reaction.

It is skeptical to treat experience with iodine, which should be painted starch contained in the composition of reed sugar. But this starch is so small there that the blue color of the water is unlikely to see.

What to pay attention to when buying reed sugar? I would advise to look at the price. The main differences between the cane sugar from the usual is its quality composition. But a good product It can not cost cheaply. Therefore, if the cost of reed sugar is suspiciously low (less than 250-300 rubles per kg), it means that you are most likely the usual painted sugar.

It is important to feel and see the line between benefits and harm to the health of cane sugar. Only moderate use of the product can be safe for health.

Cane sugar is such a kind of exotic, gourmet delicacy and those who want to minimize harm from the carbohydrates. But these are not fruits and not vegetables that can be used with almost no limit. I know that some people eat cane sugar with slices, and this is understandable: he has a unique caramel taste and they want to be destroyed. But always remember the feeling of a measure that will help and the figure to maintain, and the vessels, and not earn an insulin resistance, from which many begin to crawlly quickly.

Is it possible can reed sugar in diabetes

In diabetes, they limit any sugar, including cane. You can use alone carbohydrates with the permission of the endocrinologist. Damage diabetes increased the risk of developing obesity, cardiovascular diseases, so sugar is better replaced by honey, in which more fructose than sucrose, or use sugar substitutes. The severity of restrictions directly depends on the severity of the disease. Therefore, in any case, it is better to advise with your doctor.

Sugar is not only sweetness. Sugar - the life of our joy

Use reed sugar can be different. The most common option is to add a product in tea and coffee. For giving culinary dishes The taste of caramel and fine fragrance can also be used reed sugar.

Recipe home cookie

You will need the following products:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1/2 cup of sugar powder;
  • 100 g of sifted flour;
  • 1/2 cup of cane sugar;
  • 120 g of soft butter;
  • a glass of raisum;
  • pinching vanilline;
  • 1/2 cup of oat flakes;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix soft oil with sugar powder and brown sugar. Add a whipped egg in a mixture, Vanillin, oat flakes and flour. Then pumped raisins and salt to taste. Carefully stir the mixture, form neat cakes from it, lay out on the baking sheet and place the preheated oven to 200 ° C. Bake cookies need to be a golden crust (10-20 minutes).

Today it is difficult to submit our life without sugar. This crystalline sweet powder is used everywhere and produced all over the world in huge quantities. Raw materials for its manufacture are a sugar cane, and the share of the latter in industrial production is even more. Above the brown cane sugar, which benefits the taste of hot drinks and gives the exquisite aroma to desserts and baking. In Europe, brown sugar is often called "tea" and served with a cup or tea in expensive restaurants.

From the cane produce brown and white sugar.

Speaking of reed sugar, many have brown sugar in the form of inhomogeneous large crystals, small pieces of irregular shape or brown pressed cubes. However, this is only one of two types of sugar produced from cane raw materials. It is also done and more familiar white small-crystalline sugar for us. In 100 g of cane sugar, regardless of the degree of cleaning, contains about 390 kcal.

White sugar, which practically does not smell - this product is refined, and in appearance, the smell and taste to distinguish from what raw material it is made (reed or beet), it is impossible. Such purified sugar contains carbohydrates represented by sucrose (disaccharide, consisting of glucose and fructose), and different amounts of some vitamins and minerals.

Greater value is an unrefined reed sugar, which has brown and saturated pleasant aroma. In addition to carbohydrates, it contains a sugar pattern called "Melassa", which is removed upon receipt of refined white sugar. It is in it there are useful substances that increase nutritive value Brown sugar. But it should be remembered that its calorie remains the same.

There are several varieties of brown sugar, differing depending on the degree of cleaning with color, taste and aroma.

The benefits of cane sugar

Cane sugar is primarily the source of easily durable carbohydrates for the body. Without carbohydrates, the synthesis of ATP substance is impossible, which is a source of energy for absolutely all biochemical processes occurring in the body. They are necessary for the work of the brain, metabolism in nerve cells is provided only with glucose, the source of which can serve sugar. By the way, it is for the activation of brain activity before exams advise to eat a piece in which in addition to other useful sugar substances abuse.

In refined cane sugar, there are practically no vitamins and minerals, its benefits, in fact, is only in providing the body with carbohydrates. But in brown sugar, which is not subjected to such a cleaning, useful substances contain quite a lot. It has vitamins of group B, sodium, phosphorus, iron and. Of course, with moderate use of brown sugar, the body will not receive the tenth share of the recommended daily normNevertheless, the presence of vitamins and minerals in it makes it much more useful than white refined sugar.

How much sugar can you eat per day?

An adult should consume no more than 60 g of sugar per day.

Until now, there is no unambiguous answer, how much sugar can be used daily without harm to health. On the recommendation of the experts of the World Health Organization, the number of simple carbohydrates entering the body, the source of which is sugar, should not exceed 10% of the caloric content of the daily diet. Many researchers in the field of cardiology advise to limit this amount of 5%.

In Russia, there are more accurate recommendations for which the consumption of sugar for an adult must be limited to 50-60 grams. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, this amount should be reduced. There are a number of diseases in which the use of sugar in pure form is prohibited at all.

It should be borne in mind that these permissible 50-60 grams include all sugar, which enters the human body with food, that is, the one that is added to various dishes and drinks.

Harm of cane sugar

Perhaps you can say about the dangers of sugar much more than about its benefits. However, the negative consequences of using this sweet product in the overwhelming majority of cases are due exclusively by the abuse of them. Excessive amounts of reed sugar, even brown, inevitably lead to a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. As a result, the development of many diseases, the most common diabetes, and obesity are possible. Excess sugar in the diet of children is one of the most frequent causes of allergic reactions.

Choosing reed sugar, you need to pay attention to its composition and appearance. Under the guise of brown can be sold tinted flavored refined reed or even beet sugar. Of course, such a product will not bring more harm than the purified white sugar, but you also do not get the expected benefit. So choosing beneficial cane sugar, be sure to look for the inscription "unrefined" on the package.

Chief Myth of Brown Sugar

In our stores, brown cane sugar began to be sold relatively recently. And immediately a lot of information appeared that it is absolutely harmless, it can safely replace the refined product and use in diets that limit the amount of carbohydrates. Indeed, brown sugar from the cane is more useful for us to be familiar to us, but only if it does not exceed permissible norm consumption. The abuse of brown sugar Despite the fact that it contains nutrients, will also lead to a violation of metabolism and the development of hazardous diseases, because the content of carbohydrates and its caloric content is the same as the purified product. It is also excluded from the diet with diabetes and other diseases with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

Channel One, the program "Examination of things. OTV ", the plot on the topic" Sugar. Cane anti-beet ":

Answer, the program "Still", the plot on the topic "Tips to consumers: how to choose cane sugar":

Fashionable products: unrefined and adverse cane sugar, caramelized crystals, etc. As a result, sugar in stores are offered at a price of 40 to 300 rubles. for packaging. Is it worth paying such money for him?

Gemini brothers

The order of 30% of sugar in the world, according to the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia, is made of sugar coarse. It is grown in Russia and in Ukraine, as well as in Europe. The remaining 70% - sugar from the cane, which grows only in the tropics and subtropics (production leaders - Brazil, India, Cuba, Mauritius, Thailand). And the other sugar can be refined and. "If the sugar is white, peeled, still, from which plant - coarse or cane - it was obtained, it contains 99.9% of pure sucrose," said "AIF" Marina Moyyzeyak, Associate Professor of the Department of Sakharist, Subtropical and Emipchass Products MGUP. Today, many assure that white sugar is dangerous due to severe chemical cleaning. According to the expert, during the manufacture of sugar, the surfactants are really applied - active detergents, but so that they are not left in the finished product, the sugar is twisted in the centrifuge and washed with clean artesian water.

Brown ... poison

People leading a healthy lifestyle are moving to brown unrefined sugar. It is believed that there are fewer calories (377 kcal - against 387 kcal of ordinary sugar), as well as less likely that it was "washed" with chemistry. In addition, it is longer digested by the body. "In fact, the fact that cane crude sugar is better than white, the myth, invented by manufacturers and marketers, - sure Alexey Kovalkov, a nutritionist, specialist in proper nutrition . - Moreover, such sugar can be more dangerous Rafinada. It is driven by ships from Latin America and Asia countries and so that rodents do not spoil it, the poison is paved between bags. Sugar, possessing an excellent ability to absorb moisture, together with moisture from the air absorbs part of poisons. Often in unrefined cane sugar rake dangerous trace elements! "

According to him, the benefits of molasses are a dark-brown molasses, which is a condensed cane juice, is greatly exaggerated. Yes, it has phosphorus, calcium, iron, provitamins and amino acids, but ... no more than in a glass of water! To get a daily rate of useful substances, it is necessary to eat 1-2 kg of sugar. Harm will be much more than good. It is better to drink vitamins in a tablet.

Expensive and fashionable

There is one more reason to think before buying expensive brown sugar. A year ago, "AIF" together with the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Public Control". All the samples without exception turned out to be cheap refined painted in brown! "Refined sugar was covered with fine film molasses, it is not illegally, although dishonestly, - explained Marina Tsirenina, an expert who conducted tests. - Less conscientious producers can paint raffin and artificial sugar kel. " Almost all manufacturers of pseudo-sensitive sugar were called to the editor, crushing them. But nobody decided to prove the opposite to the court.

By the way, in the production of unrefined reed sugar cheaper refined. So marketers who have forced the whole world to buy His shitryoga, get a solid five for their work! Recall the yellowish beet sugar sold in Soviet times. He was cheaper than snow-white raffinad and was considered a second-consant product. But this is, in fact, the same is sugar per allotted from the molasses.

Like caramel

Another sweet novelty is caramelized sugar, which is sold in the form of attractive crystals. Often - on a wand. It is convenient to dissolve in a cup or use as candy. But they make these crystals from molten at high temperatures ... of the same rafinada.

And often, such sugar has an unpleasant bonus: with long heating, oxyomethylphurfurol, toxic mutagen can be formed in it.

"Any sugar, regardless of raw materials, from which is produced, in large quantities - a poison, causing addiction, raises A. Kovalkov. - Today, we, without noticing, eat on the shepherd sugar per day - with fruits, baking, ketchup, soups and porridge, because the sugar is put almost everywhere. In the entire history of mankind, people never consumed so much sugar! 5-6 years of such sweet life - and sugar diabetes is provided. "

If without sugar without sugar, you can buy simple sand sugar (how to choose it - see infographics) - He is the cheapest, but far from the worst.

What to replace?

Topinambur syrup. Sweet squeezing from root growing in all. In Russia, suitable for adding to any dishes. Instead of sucrose in it fructose. Allowed diabetics. From 200 rubles. for 500 g

■ Maple syrup. Famous Canadian sweetness. They can sweeten everything that cook. From 350 rubles. for 500 g

■ National Agava. In Russia, this cactus does not grow, so nectar is expensive - from 500 rubles. for 500 g

■ Stevia leaves. Natural sugar substitute is a special Astra from South America. Grinding in powder leaves 10 times sweeter than sugar, but have a taste. From 1 thousand rubles. For 1 kg

How to choose sugar?

Unrefined cane sugar

On the package, look for the word "unrefined", and not "dark", "golden" or "brown" that do not speak about anything.

A type of cane sugar should be specified on the pack. For example: Demrar (golden-brown large crystals), Musalogue (large crystals, dark brown color), turbobelo (partially refined in the turbine, golden-yellow), "Black Barbados" (sticky, almost black).

In unsophisticated sugar, a strong specific aroma of exotic juice.

It has crystals of different sizes, the same crystals say that it has been processed.

It can not be the same bulk like raffin. His crystals are sticky due to molasses, sugar wet, sticks out with lumps that are mowed in the air.

Lower a spoon with unrefined sugar in a glass, but do not stir. If the sugar is painted, water will become brownish or yellow. Good sugar will save color, and water will remain transparent.

White sugar sand

Preferred to be packaged at the enterprise, not in the store. The name of the major producer gives hope that the cleaning technology has been carried out correctly and household chemicals in the Sahara did not remain.

According to GOST R 53396-2009, there are two categories: extra and first. There is no difference in the difference in them, but the manufacturers must indicate the category.

In addition, data should be specified on the pack:

Raw materials (beet or cane sugar-raw);

The nutritional value,

Year of manufacture and Date Packing.

If the package states that there are sulfur dioxide in sugar (maybe needed for refining sugar) or used Hm products (sugar beds are often modified), it is unlikely worth buying it.

White piece

It is instant (dissolving time - up to 10 minutes) and strong (more than 10 minutes). It does not characterize the quality of sugar, but indicates how much the crystals in pieces are pronounced.

The packaging of slicing sugars should be the same data as on the pack of sugar sand.

Powdered sugar

Do not buy it, but better do it yourself. The fact is that the powder is always anti-cylinder agents: corn starch, tricalcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate, silica dioxide, calcium silicate, magnesium trisilicate, sodium aluminosilicate or calcium aluminosilicate. Without them, powder when stored will somehow in the lumps.

Yana Like infographics

Brown sugar is widely promoted as a useful replacement for the usual. However, the benefits of cane sugar causes doubt among some people, because it differs little from energy value Cheaper beet sugar.

What is cane sugar?

Caloriciness of reed unrefined sugar is 377 kcal per 100 g. This is not much less than the calorie content of the usual sugar from beets, in which 398 kcal. Therefore, it is worth the disappear of those who dream of losing weight, using brown sugar - it is also postponed in the form of fat on the stomach and hips. And this is perhaps the only harm that is capable of causing reed sugar, but its benefit is undoubted.

Since brown sugar is less processed than white, it retains much more valuable substances - vitamins and trace elements. The dark color of the cane sugar gives a pathcat that covers sugar crystals. And it is in the molasses mainly and contains useful substances.

The unrefined reed sugar contains potassium (100 mg per 100 g, while in the raffinade it is 5 mg), magnesium (in white sugar it is not at all) and (10 times more than in Rafinade). Rich reed sugar is also calcium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, copper and vitamins of group V.

Undoubted advantage of reed sugar will bring people suffering from violation of the liver and spleen, which doctors often recommend the "sweet" diet. Helps brown sugar and regulation of pressure, normalization of fat and protein exchanges, improving the excretion of slags from the body. Due to the high content of copper, reed sugar is useful for the nervous system. And if you still doubt whether the reed sugar is useful, and consider the fact that he, unlike Rafinad, does not distort the taste of dishes, but shaves and improves it.

How to distinguish real cane sugar from fake?

The dishonest producers have learned to fake brown sugar, issuing a plain refined for him with caramel. The benefits of such reed sugar are very doubtful.

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