How to drink juices from the juicer. How to drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices

The benefit of fragrant and delicious drinks from fruits and vegetables does not make sense to prove, as the fact that the juice for greater use should be fresh. Many have already developed their preferences in choosing juices with an argued evidence base. In the upper line of the rating there is orange, grapefruit and pineapple juice. In them, most are trying to find the quintessence of what, in general, freshly squeezed juices: a complex of vitamins, enzymes and minerals, protection for the immune system, structured water. Juices can be drunk for pleasure, and you can take them in the system as a juice therapy.

Can the juices replace the use of fruits and vegetables?
Of course not. First, because any juice is a concentration of a complete set of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids. And it is always useful only what is presented in moderation. Secondly, the fruits give our digestive tract component, which ensures its full functionality - fiber. Therefore, juices cannot replace the use of the full fruits of the earth.

Can it be thickened with juice?
If you painted such a thought, leave it as unpromising. Although fruits and consist of 80% of water, glucose and sucrose, contained in them are perceived by the body, rather as food, and not drinking. Therefore, it will not be able to quench the juice. In addition, freshly squeezed juice is allowed to drink no more than 300 ml per day, and the daily rate of water is 2 liters. Juices need to drink 30-40 minutes before meals, as they provoke the selection of gastric juice. And after it is worth rolling the mouth to neutralize the destructive work of the acid contained in the juice.

Therapeutic properties of juice
If we consider juices from the point of view of their therapeutic effect, it is definitely not to do without consulting a doctor. Sociation can be at least ineffective, but as a maximum of health. To begin with, you need to determine which effect from juice therapy you expect.

  • Raise the tone, strengthen the immune system, fill the body with energy and cheerfulness - orange, carrot, beet, lemon juice.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system - Kiwi, grapefruit, orange, beet, pumpkin, grape juice.
  • Support kidney and liver performance - grape, pumpkin, beet, pear juice.
  • Reduce weight - pineapple, apple, pear, pumpkin, tomato, grapefruit juice.
  • With anemia - apple, pomegranate, carrot juice.
  • With a sore stomach - juice from white cabbage.
How to drink fresh juices
Fresh does not lose its value for the first 15 minutes after the manufacture. The most effective time for its reception is morning and between dinner and dinner. Juice must be drinking, not filtering, together with the pulp. Cooking and spill of juice must pass without contact with the metal, which ruins their vitamin value. Not all juices can drink on an empty stomach, but everything can be drunk before starting food. Juice can not drink medicine.

Most juices, due to their concentration, are recommended to dilute with water, preferably mineral or filtered, or mix with other juices to obtain a harmonious taste and soft action. Lemon juice is diluted with warm water with the addition of honey. Some juices exhibit themselves more efficiently in conjunction with defined additives. So, for carrot juice is cream, for tomato - vegetable oil in small quantities.

The principle of mixing juices: bone fruit juices with bone, seed fruits with seeds. Another approach to mix juices: Juices from yellow-colored fruits mix with the fruits of the same color palette, green with green, orange with orange. By the way, for allergies the most risky are juices from yellow-red fruits.

The most balanced compositions from the juice:

  • apple lemon-beet (activate digestion);
  • grapefruit Mandarin Lime-Lod (Bodrit in the morning);
  • pear-Banana-Orange Cream (Vitamin complex);
  • apple-melon-honey (for weight loss);
  • apple-beet-celery (acceleration of metabolism);
  • cucumber lemon (out of excess fluid);
  • carrots-Aloe juice Wheat seedlings (rejuvenation).
Juices are not subject to storage. Only beeture is recommended to withstand in the refrigerator 2-3 hours. If you have an extreme need to preserve already cooked juice, it is poured on top of a layer of lemon and close in glass bank A dense cover, so it will flash in the refrigerator to 8 hours.

What can damage juices
The large content of carbohydrates in fruit juices with unlimited use leads to an imminent completeness. Acid in some types of juices destroys the enamel of teeth. The intestinal microflora is not in any people able to cope with the concentration of its composition. The laxative effect of most juices, with an increased intestinal excitability, can cause diarrhea. Hobbating carrot juice can lead to liver disease. The reception of the grape juice is accompanied by a powerful emission of insulin, which is dangerous for the pancreas. This juice is contraindicated for diabetics and people suffering from obesity. Beetroot juice may cause nausea and weakness, dizziness. Tomato juice It will aggravate the patient's condition in poisoning any kind.

Rules that are easy to remember
Use only mature and high-quality fruits for the preparation of fresh juices. Drink fresh juice round year, focusing on the season of vegetables and fruits. Fruit juices Drink through the tube. Do not replace juice eating raw vegetables and fruit.

Let the forces of the Earth and the Sun, enclosed in the fruits, will give you the energy of life and youth.

Beneficial features natural drink Known since ancient times, people were confident that the juice nourishes the body of vital energy. The cooked juice helps to extend the youth and beauty, lead to the tone of the work of the joints and run the processes of self-regulation.

Fresh juices (Fresh): benefit and harm

A nutrient drink has a positive effect on human metabolism and normalizes cholesterol levels in the body. Add Freshly squeezed juices to your diet must be sequentially, starting with 50 ml twice a day before meals. The amount of drink over time can be increased when the body can perceive freshly squeezed juices normally. Harm and benefits from Fresh depend on the number of sugar in it.

Freshly squeezed juices are very useful for the prevention of different diseases, the result of their use can be seen in a couple of weeks. The dose for an adult is from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of juice per day. Much depends on weight. So, a person who weighs 45-55 kg is sufficiently 0.7 liters of juice per day, with a weight category up to 80 kg - from 1 to 2 l, and when weighing up to 120 kg, it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of juice throughout day.

To improve your health, it will take only once a week to arrange yourself a juicy day. On the first and second breakfast you need to drink a bottle of a natural drink. For lunch, afternooner and dinner in a small sip, a glass of vegetable juice drinks or diluted with fruit. Before bedtime, you need to use a glass of mineral water.

The maximum benefit for the body is brought only by freshly squeezed juices, the harm and the benefits of which depend on the time when they drink. 10 minutes after cooking decreases beneficial featuresThe reproduction of pathogenic bacteria begins. It is recommended to drink juice in small sips. This is beneficial effect on the blood supply of the brain and the work of the digestive system. People with low acidity of the stomach drink juice must be minimal half an hour before meals.

How to cook and take juice

The benefits and harm from freshly squeezed juices depend on many factors. Cooked Fresh need to drink immediately, otherwise the biologically active substances of the beverage will not fall into the body. For several minutes, useful components are destroyed, exception is only beetrequiring settles in a cold place a couple of hours.

The optimal time for juice use is 40 minutes before meals. This will allow him to quickly absorb in an empty stomach and join biochemical processes. If the fruit drink has a drink after eating, it mixes with food and causes the formation of gases in the intestine.

The composition of highly concentrated juices in large quantities are organic acids that destroy solid tissue tissues. To protect the dental enamel, you need to drink juice through the tube. Do not forget about rinse the oral cavity after drinking fruit or vegetable drink.

Drinking in unlimited quantities are resolved tomato fresh juices. The harm and benefits of other beverages depend on their concentration. Consumption of such juices is better limited or diluted with fruit in a 1: 3 ratio. Beetal juice should be introduced into the diet gradually, diluting with water, because many people have intolerance to this product.

Fruits with bones (peach or cherry) It is not recommended to mix with others to produce juice, but berries and fruits with seeds (currant or apple) are best suited for this.

Apple juices

The drink from the apple contains a lot of useful elements: calcium, manganese, nickel, zinc, copper, iron, vitamins C, R, etc. It helps to fight the kidneys, liver, urogenital system and atherosclerosis.

One of the components of the apple juice - pectin - leads to the work of the intestine and restores the body after physical exertion. Drink can be drunk up to 1 l per day. Contraindications for receiving include an exacerbated form of ulcerative disease, gastritis and pancreatitis.

Tomato juices

Tomatoes help reduce the risk of cancer and establish work gastrointestinal tract. Tomato juice is popular due to its low calorie content. He also suppresses the process of rotting and fermentation in the intestine.

He prepares the stomach to digest food, so it should be drinking half an hour before meals. This miraculous drink loses its healing properties if you use it with salt. Salt can be replaced with greens or garlic. It is contraindicated in the aggravated form of stomach ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Sweet juices

Normalize the nervous system in stress, stimulate blood formation and improving the intestines will help beetted freshly squeezed juices. The benefits and harm to health depend on the method of cooking beet beet. Juice is allowed to use only after settling for 2 hours in the refrigerator in an open container. It is necessary to drink it with extreme caution, because the beet can cause a rapid heartbeat, nausea, general ailment and vomiting. At first, the juice is divorced with boiled water until the body gets used to. Contraindications to the use of beet juice: gastric ulcer, duodenal and kidney disease.

Grape juices

Due to the high content of potassium and sugar, people with cardiovascular diseases and mental overwriting grape fresh juices are perfect. The benefits or harm of beverages for the body depend on the large amount of sugar. Regular use of their use normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol level in the body. Fresh is used as a diuretic, bactericidal and expectorant. It is divorced with water in proportion 1: 1, it is recommended to drink it for 3 weeks to half a cup of three times a day. Contraindications to the use of the juice from grape is the bloating, sugar diabetes, obesity, stomach ulcer, inflammation of the duodenum.

Carrot - the most useful fresh juices. Benefit and harm

The ship from carrots rightfully occupies a leading position in the list of the most healthy for health due to its composition. In addition to the vitamins of the group B, cobalt and calcium, it contains more potassium, beta carotene and other elements.

Fresh has a beneficial effect on the immune system, it is often prescribed to children and elderly people. Beta-carotene, improving vision, is absorbed only when used with fatty food. But one should not be takenlated with carrot juice, a large amount of it does not affect the work of the liver, the skin becomes yellow. Maximum day norm It is 0.5 liters of juice, and for the prevention of avitaminosis - 0.5 st. Drink. Carrot juice is contraindicated in diarrhea and acute form of peptic ulcer of the stomach.

Citrus juices

Freesha from citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, p, folic acid and potassium.

These components have a positive effect on human vital activity, strengthening blood vessels. This is especially important in hypertension, atherosclerosis and risk of cancer. The contraindications include chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenal ulcer disease.

Pumpkin juices

Pumpkin is often underestimated, although it contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, iron, cobalt, magnesium and copper. Adjust the gastrointestinal tract are capable of pumpkin fresh juices. Harm and benefits are dependent on the number of drunk drinks. To maintain the immunity to drink it, it is recommended by half a cup per day, especially this concerns people with heart disease, liver and kidney. To get rid of insomnia, it is worth drinking a little juice mixed with honey before bedtime. With kidney stones, it takes to drink three times a day for ten days to drink three times a day. The intolerance to the organism of the pumpkin is the only contraindication.

In a modern store on the shelves, you can find a large range of packaged juice with the inscription "Natural". In fact, natural there is very small, the shelf life of such drinks is at least a year, which means that in the box a huge bunch of various additives, dyes and preservatives. It is better to spend money on the juicer and cook drinks yourself from any vegetables or fruits. For benefits, harm and how to correctly consume fresh juices, you will learn from this article.

The benefits of fresh fruit juices

The fact that fresh juices are useful - everyone also has long been proven fact. Since such drinks do not pass any processing, then there are a huge set of useful trace elements and vitamins that are quickly and easily absorbed by the human body. They also have pectins and fiber, which stabilize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Different juices are useful in their own way, some have a cleansing property, relieve inflammation, others increase immunity, mood, eliminate, and, and others can get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

In the freshly squeezed pineapple juice, a large content of potassium, phosphorus and vitamins. This drink is an assistant in the assimilation of food, the severity in the stomach disappears and the feeling of hunger is dulled. The juice contains a diuretic effect, so perfectly affects the kidneys and eliminates the edema under the eyes. Pineapple juice Productivity for people with oncological diseases, tumors, sinusitis, colds, infectious diseases. Izananas drink destroys microbes, cleans the vessels and intestines, facilitates diseases of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and at the same time it is useful for future moms (facilitates). If you use pineapple juice with flesh, you can quickly get rid of excess weight. Consuming Kiwi Juice, it is possible to reduce the level of fatty acids in the body, due to this, the risk of thrombosis is reduced. Perfectly affects digestion, reduces rheumatism pain, prevents the formation of kidney stones. Kiwi juice increases physical and mental activity, immunity, has antitumor and antioxidant Effect. Also, the juice reduces the excess weight, at the same time beneficially contributes to improved skin cover, due to the useful substances contained in it, it helps in the development of collagen in the body.

Juice from apricots is quite good for people suffering from myopia, perfectly affects the liver, at the same time improves the condition of the skin.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is rich in vitamin C. Therefore, therefore positively affects neurosis, stressful situations and depressions. In infectious diseases, avitaminosis, as well as poisoning juice of orange, simply indispensable.

The juice of grapes is quite useful for those who have anemia, the decline of strength, tuberculosis. Also, experts advise juice from grapes killem, adults with nervous exhaustion, and. In the juice of dark grape varieties there are substances that reduce the risk of heart disease, cholesterol level and pressure. Grape juice It has laxative, diuretic, expectorant properties.

Cherry juice can be consumed on diets, or when hunger, drinking only one glass, a feeling of satiety appears.

Pomegrante drink improves immunity, indispensable for anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, colds, bronchitis. If you got, just just dilute some pomegranate juice with liquid and lubricate the affected area. In this drink, many vitamins, microelements, minerals. For spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs and thyroid glands, it also increases the condition of the skin and hairpool.

The drink from grapefruit is quite good for those who dream of losing weight. In addition, it stabilizes blood pressure and metabolism.

The lemon drink contains many minerals, vitamins and substances. Strengthens small vessels, restores a variety of processes in the human body. The drink improves human performance, supports mental state. Due to vitamin C increases immunity, therefore viral and infectious diseases are not threatened.

Peach juice advise to consume people with cardiovascular diseases. It has potassium salts that drink the heart muscle.

Faja juice contains a lot of iodine and amino acids, perfectly assimilated by the human body. It is recommended to consume people with diseases of the thyroid gland and women with. Such juice can be diluted with water (mineralka) to obtain nectar, you can put a little honey, or to connect with banana or apple juice.

Black currant juice is good when burning fat deposits, increases immunity.

In apple juice, many potassium, iron and boron, thanks to these elements, bones are strengthened. It is useful to take it in case of kidney disease, bladder, liver, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis. Apple juice With the pulp perfectly contributes to the work of the intestine.

Diabetics most often advise to consume juice from. Such a drink improves digestion, it helps with an excess weight, anesthetics and strengthens. It is useful for urolithiasis, cystitis, jade.

Fresh vegetable juices

Cabbage juice is rich in various vitamins and minerals, chlorine, gray, iodine. It cleans the intestinal mucosa and stomach. Perfectly affects skin and hair, as well as on the marigold. Good for ulcerative diseases, stomatitis and gum inflammation.

A carrot juice carries a lot of carotene, from which useful vitamin A. It is improved from it the condition of the skin, the vision, the condition of the mucous membranes of some organs of the digestive tract. This drink is very useful for women during pregnancy, because it is plenty of folic acid and potassium, for kids, and people with a problem.

Beetal juice advise to be taken with varicose problems, hardened veins. Perfectly affects the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, improves the condition of lymph nodes. Beetacular juice under hypertension, insomnia, stress and depressions have proven itself. It is best to use it in a tandem with other juice (from carrots, pumpkins, zucchini).
Drink from tomatoes carries vitamin C, glucose, fructose. It is well affected by the memory, the nervous system, also normalizes metabolic processes, is used in the prevention of heart disease and the occurrence of cancer. Contains antioxidant Properties and produces serotonin (hormone of happiness).

Juices themselves are quite useful. The pumpkin contains many diverse vitamins. For example, pectin reduces cholesterol, increases blood circulation, normalizes intestinal performance. Also, the pumpkin juice cleans the body from harmful toxins, pesticides. It is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases, men (to preserve male forces and potency), as well as people with diseases. Due to vitamins A and E, the youth of the epidermis is maintained, Vitamin B relieves stresses, heals and hair. Perfectly affects the liver and eliminates insomnia.

Juice from zucchini is good for the disease of the stomach, duodenum, hypertension, anemia, heart and nervous diseases. In such a juice, the less calories, so that it can be consumed to people with obesity without fears.

Potato juice is a wonderful assistant in problems with stomach, constipation, ulceal diseases of the stomach and duodenum. It is accepted with hypertension, it reduces blood pressure. Also useful for gastritis, and if it is mixed with a drink from carrots and celery, you can quickly clean your body.

Harm of fresh juice

Be that as it may, but it is still not necessary to abuse freshly squeezed juices. Yes, they are much useful in them, but they can apply a rather big one. Many juices have a bad effect on dental enamel, with a large consumption of fresh beverage, it gradually collapses.

Some nectars are contraindicated and lactating women due to the large level of acidity. With gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic diseases, diabetes, do not need to consume beverages from cranberries, apples, oranges, grapes, lemon. With diarrhea, fresh juices need to be breeding, or drinking them in small doses, as many of them have a relaxing effect.

It is impossible to consume fresh juices with liters, it is capable of irreparable harm to the human body. It is best to drink no more than one or two glasses per day (some juices better drink several spoons). Many people take various medicines, and some juices have the ability to lower, or increase the effect of drugs.
Even if the juice you squeeze yourself, it is not known how vegetable or fruit is grown. If they were grown using various chemicals, then all this chemistry will certainly fall into juice (most will remain in the fiber, but there will be a lot of juice). It is not known how this will perceive your body, so it should be strictly monitored by the amount of drunk drink. It is also worth remembering about allergic reactions, and it is best to start consultation with specialists.

How to drink fresh juices

It is impossible to just squeeze the juice and drink it. In fact, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are a number of rules that need to be observed in order to not cause any harm to organize.

  • Per day advise to consume up to three glasses of fresh beverage (approximately 0.3 liters). The idea that if there is more juice to drink, then the effect will be more and longer, completely incorrect. After all, nectars are not treated, but they have a strengthening, prophylactic effect on the body.
  • In the perfect version, the fresh drink is best used no later than a quarter of an hour after the manufacture. From contact with air, he is confusing most of all benefits. The only exception to the rules is the beet juice, it must begin, at least a pair of hours.
  • Take such drinks separately from food. You can drink it in alternating meals, or half an hour before or after meals.
  • After using such a juice, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water (especially after acidic juices). Some drinks are able to destroy the enamel of the teeth, especially the kids.
  • If you decide that you want to eat your child with fresh juices, then first you need to pass and consult your pediatrician. To learn since what kind of vegetables, fruits can be given juices.
  • Various juices better consume in tandem with other drinks, or the same juices. For example, you can pour cream, milk or vitamin E. And in tomato, instead of it is better to pour sunflower to tomato.
  • Fruit drinksin which there are bones (apricots, peaches, cherries), in no case should you add other juices.

Is it necessary to dilute juice with water

Many people are interested in the question "whether to dilute the juices with water." Opinions of specialists are divided into this account. Some argue that there is no need to dilute, as useful substances will disappear. Others, on the contrary, say that some juices must be diluted with liquid.

What is the truth? In fact, some freshly squeezed juices must be diluted with water. As already written above, due to the increased acidity of some fruits and vegetables, the enamel of the teeth is destroyed. So that this does not happen, it is better not to risk, but to dilute juice with water. Some juices also have a relaxing effect, and adversely affect the intestinal tract.

For the kids, many juices are too concentrated, so before you give them a drink, it must be dissolved with water. Best dilute juices mineral waterAnd if the water is simple, it should be clean and boiled.

It is believed that freshly squeezed juices are the shortest way to health, the perfect face and a thin waist. Is it really? Or are we misleading again?

Myth # 1. Pineapple juice - Fat Support

Successful lie marketers. A few years ago, a boom of a new method of slimming on pineapple extract was passed around the country. In addition to these tablets, women actively eaten pineapples (including sweet canned!) And drank juice from them. The pill for weight loss was included bromelain. (vegetable enzyme), which was mined from pineapples.

Sellers promised trouble-free fat burning. At the same time, it was disadvantaged that bromeline was produced by industrially not from the pulp of pineapple, but from its intolerable core and from the very stem of the pineapple tree. And most importantly - Bromeline is able to split only proteins (which improves digestion), but not fat. Take bromelain for weight loss is useless. Drinking pineapple juice with the purpose of burning fat is not justified.

However, freshly squeezed pineapple juice improves memory, removes swelling, cleans the vessels. Drink him on health!

Myth number 2. Glass of juice is better than kilograms of vegetables or fruits

The statement is true only on the one hand: for rapid "recharge" with vitamins and minerals, indeed, much easier to drink juice than to eat carrots kilograms. Freshly squeezed juices deliver valuable nutrients in our body in such a form in which they are absorbed best.

However, vegetables and fruits consist of a large amount of fiber that cleans the body and sets it up. The organism spends a lot of energy, effort and time on their digestion. But the juices are absorbed very quickly, and the digestive system practically does not attach any effort to this. Valuable alimentary fiber After cooking, the juice remains in the juicer. In parallel with juices, there is a sufficient number of vegetables and fruits.Due to the rapidly needed, fresh juices are not recommended to mix with heavier food so that there is no difficulty in digestion.

Myth # 3. Juice from the package replaces Fresh

Fresh juices are a source enzymes and pure organic waterwhich is contained only in fresh vegetable food and gives the body invaluable benefit.

Canned juices (both home and shop) are exposed to thermal processing and adding preservatives, thanks to which invaluable enzymes and many nutrients are mercilessly destroyed, and the organic water becomes inorganic, that is, inanimate and akin to plumbing.

Myth number 4. Fresh juices contribute to weight loss

No, it's not entirely so if only we are talking about a hungry diet. In addition to the benefit that you can extract from fresh juice, you need to remember that in fruit juices Many fruit sahara. Uncontrolled their use can lead you to an imperceptible extra weight set. It is necessary to refer to fruit juices as well as dessert: take into account its calorieness, the reception time and the number of carbohydrates contained in it. If you want to lose weight, do not get too keen on fruit juices, especially grape (100 ml contains 29 grams of sugar).

Vegetable juices are better not to replace the portion of vegetables on its plate. However, a glass of juice between meals will not be superfluous.

Myth number 5. Nectar and juice - this is the same

Not at all. Nectar is prepared on the basis of juice with the addition of water or sugar Syrope. Typically, nectar is made from peaches, bananas, mango and other not very juicy fruits.

Myth number 6. Juice quenches thirst

Very common opinion. Unfortunately, this is not so. For our body, drink is only clean water. The juices of the stomach perceives as food: it contains nutrients, vitamins, sugar and calories. Rule simple: drink water, and eat juices.

Myth number 7. Fresh can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator

In the fresh juices of vitamins, just as much as is contained in vegetables and fruits. However, many vitamins are destroyed under the influence of air, sunlight or as a result long storage (Vitamins A, C, E, B 2, B 4, B 12). Fresh juices need drink immediately after cooking and not to store- it's useless. In addition, juices, long stored in the refrigerator, are able to change their color and lose taste.

Maximum storage time of fresh juice - 1-2 hours.

Myth number 8. The best beginning of the day is a glass of fresh juice

Drinking on an empty stomach Fresh juices do not recommend doctors nutritionists and gastroenterologists. The aggressive effect of the acid of some fruits (especially citrus) can over time to deliver you a lot of problems with the stomach. Moreover, it is dangerous to start your day with fresh juices to people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Only some kind of juices doctors allow you to drink an empty stomach, mostly vegetable: carrot juice, white cabbage juice or potato juice.

How to cook and use Fresh to extract maximum benefits?

. You will get the most useful juice from seasonal Vegetables and fruits. Therefore, winter is a good reason to try vegetable juices, but in summer and autumn - enjoy both vegetables and fruit, and berry freasses are the best time for fresh juices. In the spring, pay attention to vegetables and fruits with dense or thick peel: vitamins are stored under the skin. At this time of year, the maximum concentration of substances beneficial for the body is in carrots, grapefruit, kiwi and white cabbage.

. Vegetables and fruits for cooking juice should be fresh, without spots, wormwort and islets of rot or mold. Mold is dangerous in that it is capable of penetrating deep into the product. Even if you remove the part from the surface of the apple, it will not help you get rid of mold throughout the apple.

Vegetables and Fruts for juices

. Before cooking juice, thoroughly wash the vegetables and fruits with a brush under running water. Green leaves beat and remove the courageous or sluggish twigs. Vegetables such as cauliflower, Broccoli, Celery Disassemble on inflorescences, separate the stems and rinse each separately.

. Freshly squeezed juices need to drink or 30-40 minutes before meals, or 1 hour after meals. The wonderful beginning of the day is a plate useful Kashi., Better oatmeal, which is gently enveloping the stomach, and an hour after breakfast - a glass of fruit juice. So you do not harm your stomach!

. In carrot juice you need to add a few drops of oil or cream: vitamin A is assimilated only in the presence of vegetable or animal fats.

. Sour juices Citrus or berries are best drinking through the tube to avoid the harmful effects of the acid on the dental enamel.

Useful recipes based on natural juices

. For better growth of hair Drink a mixture of juice of sweet pepper and carrots prepared in the ratio of 1: 1.

Carrots and pepper

Separate juice rub in hair roots - it not only improves growth, but also gives a luxurious cabin shine.

. Lemon juice in the form of a mask well refreshes skin face: 1 tablespoon of honey Mix with 1 tablespoon of oat pokol and add 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Apply a mask for 20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Making such masks need regularly 1-2 times a week.

Do not forget that everything is useful good in moderation! Be healthy and blind by your beauty! With respect for you, Natalie Liss

Understanding the undeniable benefits of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices led to the development of a separate direction in therapy various diseases - Sokotorate. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous studies, many books are written on juice treatment.

There are certain rules for receiving fresh juices that must be followed to achieve a positive result.

  • The main rule - the juice should be freshIn this case, it has maximum efficiency. If it is not possible to get fresh juice (there is no raw material, no season for any fruit), the use of packaged beverages is allowed. It is only necessary to pay attention to the naturalness of such a juice when buying.
  • Juices best drink in pure formBut sometimes their mixing with other juices is allowed. It is necessary to comply with dosage: fresh juice - concentrated medicine, so unventive effects may occur with unlimited consumption.
  • It is impossible when cooking juices use metal dishesSince under the action of metal, the active substances of the drink are destroyed.
  • Usually fresh juices drink on an empty shop: So the maximum benefit is achieved.

Conditionally, all juices can be divided into drinking and therapeutic. Drinking (pomegranate, carrot, tomato, orange, apple, grape, pineapple, birch) are used most often as delicious drinks, and with regular admission they have a healing effect. Therapeutic juices are not sold in stores, they are obtained independently; These include potato, cabbage, beet, celery, onion, cucumber juices.

  • Apple juice - Effective in obesity, constipation, avitaminosis, kidney stones. Drink juice before meals, per day you can use up to one liter beverage ().
  • Orange juice - At the avitaminosis, constipation, stones in the kidneys, gastritis with reduced acidity, take 50-100 ml for half an hour before eating three times a day. You can drink once a day (in the morning) on \u200b\u200ban empty stomach of a glass of juice ().
  • Tomato juice - Drink with hypertension, constipation, gastritis with reduced acidity 20 minutes before the daily rate is up to 600 ml ().
  • Carrot juice - 100 ml 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day with disorders of digestion, reducing vision, skin problems. A little bit add to the best assimilation vegetable oil or cream ().
  • Grape juice - It is useful in diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines, respiratory tract, anemia, avitaminosis, constipation, body exhaustion. The daily dose is 1.2 liters, divided into several techniques ().
  • Pineapple juice - Effective remedy for overweight problems, reduce potency, avitaminosis, digestive disorders. You can drink juice before and after eating, the consumption rate is from 200 ml to 1 l ().
  • Pomegranate juice - 30 minutes before meals for 1/2 cup 3 times a day with anemia, to remove toxins ().
  • Pumpkin juice - 100-200 ml 3 times before meals with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, toxicosis of pregnant women, prostatitis, reducing immunity, anemia, nervous disorders, obesity, cosmetic issues ().
  • Cabbageunique tool For the treatment of gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, ulcerative diseases of the stomach, obesity, diseases of the liver, diabetes, insomnia. They drink at 100-200 ml 30 minutes before meals three times a day, with stomach diseases are diluted with water ().
  • Birch juice - an indispensable agent for removing toxins from the body, with colds, urolithiasis, diseases of the stomach and intestines. Birch juice Drive for a long time, up to two months, 200-250 ml three times a day before meals ().
  • Onion - a specific means for the treatment of runny nose, colds, hypertension, diabetes, bronchitis, prostate hypertrophy, boils. Juice is mixed with honey, take 15 ml to 5 times in time ().
  • Potato juice - from 50 to 200 ml before meals with a stomach ulcer, heartbud, gastritis, constipation, problems with pancreas (
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